Usually at Starbucks, my order of two coconut lattes and two sous vide egg bites costs $19.84, which I remember because it always tickles my anti-authoritarian fancy. Today, that same order was $20.93. That’s a 5% increase.
I was returning home from my hairdresser, let’s call her “J,” who, as a mom supporting 2 young kids, has been struggling during the government-induced lockdown, because, like most hairdressers, she makes the bulk of her income from events like proms and weddings. I noticed her prices had, understandably, also increased.
While J was cutting my hair, we chatted, muffled and repeating ourselves through government-mandated face coverings (mine might have been a loosely draped silk scarf).
J: “You should hear what clients have been saying in that chair.”
Me: “Folks finally over it, or they still think this crap is good?”
“So over it! People just want their lives back! Seems like more and more clients are questioning the whole narrative. How dangerous they claimed it was. Whether any of this was even necessary. I just got back from Florida, no one is wearing a mask!”
We chat on, she mentions “money printing” and “inflation” and “a wheelbarrow of money” to pay for stuff. Now, mind you, J is an ordinary working mom, not some monetary supply guru. I mention a true crime series about the Hotel Cecil in downtown LA., because I was struck when the narrator said, “It cost a million dollars in 1924 to build. That was a lot of money in those days.”
Me: “Why does no one stop and question WHY money was ‘worth more’ in the past? Or wonder, when magazine articles say things like ‘in 1980 dollars,’ what that actually means? Why don’t more people wonder, ‘What happened? Why is my money worth less now? Where did the value go?'”
J: “What do you think happens next?”
Me: “I hope it’s not a dollar collapse, but it’s hard to imagine what else is coming with this extra $4+ TRILLION in debt and counting. This past year, the feds have put close to the amount of all previous money in circulation, in circulation. It’s not sustainable. My best guess is it’s not going to end well for us, the little guy.”
Inflation is an invisible tax on us all courtesy of the US Federal Reserve colluding with a corrupt, immoral federal government driving us deeper and deeper into unimaginable debt and decline. Over this year, you will notice prices eking up, then possibly even skyrocketing. Know this: your government is ACTIVELY MAKING YOU POORER WHILE PURPORTING TO “CARE.”
America is bankrupt. Withdraw your consent.
Stop believing in the myth. Stop believing their criminal bullshit. Start thinking for yourself. Turn off your TV, especially the “news”! Start putting your extra cash into crypto, and hard metals like gold, silver, and lead. If you can, buy a gun and learn to shoot. Start cooking your meals from scratch. Get healthy. Like real health: where you have clarity of mind, energy, and the stamina to help others. Learn new things. Curiosity is the antidote to statism. Tell a friend what you know. I helped turn on J to some of these ideas through years of chit-chat in that chair.
As more people grasp the truth through their own experiences (after all, the sky didn’t fall), we can build better lives free from government overreach. I am building a community based on my values, that includes looking people in the eye and making your word count. So… If you are a free stater not living in New Hampshire, get your butt home! It’s time to #MakeYourMove in order to #LiveFreeAndThrive! We’re waiting to welcome YOU soon with your very own “Passport to Freedom!”*
*Want to know more? Move!