I try and roll with the punches… so I haven’t complained much about getting banned from X after PorcFest…
But now that I’m trying to finalize a project before the end of the year, and have come to discover THEY’VE LITERALLY ERASED MY ENTIRE PRESENCE FROM TWITTER, I’m fucking pissed.
For a while, even though I couldn’t post anymore, you were still able to find my content, and you could still search my 20,000+ posts.
ONE HUNDRED sequenced “My Life in Balance” post-its, sorted and ready to be compiled into a book, ERASED.
The history of erasing history is a “tyranny tell” that those of us who study history understand the historical significance of. By which I mean, as a self-respecting dissident: FUCK THIS SHIT.
Yes, I know I shouldn’t place trust in Big Tech and Big Bro. Together, they’re the worst bullies on the playground. But when you get pushed out of the playground entirely, things start to take a different bent.
This year, as you can see, my Halloween costume was Street Fighter CHUN-LI, the strongest woman in the world. This wasn’t an accidental choice. This was me manifesting the notion, if I can’t spread my ideas online, I will take them to the streets.
To the enemies of liberty: Be careful what you wish for.
What is the status of my X “case”–shall we call it my “X-File”?
* Every appeal has been dismissed without a reason being cited, and after my last complaint, they erased me down the memory-hole.
* X is still charging me for my Blue Check and Elon Musk subscription. Big mistake: I am literally a paying customer being denied service. This gives me strong standing and is going to be part of my First Amendment case to get reinstated.
* I am also going to approach FIRE and the Institute of Justice to see whether these organizations will help me. (If you’re reading this and have other suggestions, please DM me, thanks!)
* Many of you know I have been trying to get Elon’s attention about the Free State Project for years now. Guess the cosmos is telling me to sue his ass?
My frustration is heartfelt. I am sitting here writing in bed, fuming so hard, Louis can see smoke: “THIS ISN’T FAIR”!!! lol
But then I remind myself, Rome was not dismantled in a day, and I find gratitude in the fact that I have orchestrated a life where I know thousands of people in meatspace too, and that I can make a difference on the ground in New Hampshire because, ultimately, THIS is THE value proposition of the Free State: concentrating freedom fighters in one geographic area… IRL.
Finally, I am reminded, as you know, my secret middle name is PERSEVERANCE: I am unstoppable, and I’m coming for you, Big Bro.