This headline for a video extolling the Deep State dropped on the NYT website yesterday… the same day the New York Attorney General called for the seizing of Trump’s assets.
I doubt you get more Banana Republic than that!
Never have I been happier with my DECISION to move to the Free State fifteen years ago (hey, I’m an early adopter!) and build the future I want, which does not involve these Permanent DC clowns.
Even in little old NH, there is plenty of “Deep State” activity on a local level, with entrenched political power groups, e.g. Unions and administrators, Municipal Association, etc.
BUT, NH is small enough in population size, and the legislature is large enough (400 House members representing about 3,300 constituents each) to allow an engaged citizenry to counteract the inertia that inevitably sets in when bureaucrats get and stay involved.
What’s life like where YOU live? Are YOU involved on a local level? Do YOU feel like you are able to make a difference? Is that locale trending towards more liberty?
Even in NH, with a large activist community, reversing statism can sometimes feel like a slog, so I can only imagine how hard it must be in the “Authoritarian 49,” as Dennis Pratt likes to call it.
But, here’s the reality: The Free State *is* trending towards more liberty. We ARE becoming freer. Our ideas are being debated and legislated. We ARE winning. The future looks bright. The only thing missing is YOU!
If you want a good quality of life.
If you want to live a solid libertarian community.
If you think you can run your life best and you don’t make bad decisions other people’s problems.
If you understand that YOU are responsible for YOUR life, and it’s up to YOU to be healthy, wealthy, and sane.
Then the Free State is for you.
Live free and thrive.
Live long and prosper.
Live in the Free State and do it all. All YOU CHOOSE to do!
Sign up for the FSP newsletter and let us know when you plan to visit so we can make it super-special!