With information warfare accelerating at an alarming pace, how will we know what is “real” or “true” anymore?
What is stopping the minds behind AIs from seeding fake but strategic information into the mix?
Case in point: During Covidmania, the definition of “vaccine” and “antivaxxer” were changed real-time for political reasons. For example: “Anitvaxxer” was broadened to include parents who question the childhood vaccine schedule, and anyone who opposes mandates.
Unpack that: Advocating for INFORMED CONSENT got lumped into a vilified group–“antivaxxers”–through simply changing some words online.

But let’s take this “changing the world by changing the meanings of words online” a step further. Couldn’t you start making up old case law and passing it off as “The Law”? Who would be able to “catch” you?
A handful of critical thinkers yelling blue murder on X?
We did that during Covidmania, and many of us got censored, suspended, and shadowbanned. (I was.)
Idk what the future holds for TRUTH anymore. But perhaps this is an opportunity as well?
Start with locking in DEFINITIONS OF WORDS on a TRUTH Blockchain.
This protects us from propagandists waging information warfare…
Then mix this “TRUTH blockchain” with a Polymarket-type platform? Then, since we agree on the common usage of the words, people can put up their theories and the public can bet on how accurate they think something is…