Yesterday, I had a productive meeting at the Independence Inn with Michael Rectenwald, who is running for president on the LP ticket. Thanks to Dennis Pratt for putting it together.

I first discovered Michael years ago during his brouhaha with NYU for being the “un-PC professor”. This was round the time I was leaving NYC for the Free State of NH, graduating from City College with an MFA, where I too had had to suffer through the academic macroaggressions of circular commie “logic”, and his story resonated deeply with me.
My goal yesterday was to make sure Michael got an overview of what we are accomplishing in the Free State: our history, the reality, the vision–our bright, bright future!
Being a libertarian outside of NH can be demoralizing, so I wanted to make sure that as he proceeds on the campaign trail, he has a story of hope–the undeniable success of the Free State movement–to share with Libertarians and the liberty-curious.
Michael understands he’s not going to win the presidency, rather, he wants to help best spread the message of liberty.
This story MUST now include what we have, and will accomplish, in the Free State.
Based on our conversation, both Michael and his campaign manager, Lori Price, expressed a “take-my-business-card” desire to move!
Look, we are now in the Next Gen Phase of building THE base of the world’s best and brightest libertarians (except Milei, granted).
New Hampshire IS the beacon of liberty.
NH is the place where taxes are actually being cut, and liberty is actually still expanding. This is thanks, in great part, to Free Staters willing to stand up and say, Enough is enough.
We are the future.
We are the beacon of liberty to show the world that individual liberty, property rights and personal responsibility lead to economic prosperity, progress, and human flourishing.
We are the LIVE FREE OR DIE state, where you can choose to come LIVE FREE AND THRIVE!