Oof, the Fauci worship by the Munchausen-by-Proxy crowd is at Stockholm Syndrome levels again.
Brainwashing at its finest.
Don’t believe me?
What is the number one tactic for torture? Sleep deprivation.
What does almost every doctor in the world suffer from? Sleep deprivation. It is their literal business model.
Susceptibility. An inability to make independent decisions while operating in a massive peer group that is incentivized with rewards for keeping people sick.
Stated clearly: Profits in “health care” come from keeping patients sick/permanently on pharmaceuticals, not from healing them. Add sleep deprivation, and doctors are not “on the frontlines of science” or “gatekeeping to protect patients,” doctors are actually the most susceptible group in the world to control.
Especially since they are licensed by the government. This creates an exploitable master/slave relationship that makes it very difficult for the thinking doctors to speak out.
That’s what the licensing system buys you: Government control over doctors’ livelihoods is quite the cudgel.
As we have seen since 2020.
Covidmania was manufactured using doctors, who, while they think they’re so smart, are actually pawns in a greater battle. Wake up! Then get some rest–lol–we need you to stand up!