You can sign up at NHExit Now!
Catch the shortened version here on YouTube, which has now been watched by almost half a million viewers!
Did you catch my debut on Dr Phil?
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 1, 2024
You can sign up at NHExit Now!
Catch the shortened version here on YouTube, which has now been watched by almost half a million viewers!
Fans are asking where they can watch the Dr. Phil episode. You can catch a shortened version on YouTube HERE. Or click the last embedded X-post below to watch the full episode on Odysee. Please like, comment, and share. This is a BIG deal for the Free State independence movement. Thanks!
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) July 30, 2024
Catch me on Dr. Phil talking about NHExit Now! What an incredible opportunity to shape the discussion about states’ rights and secession! While, unsurprisingly, Dr. Phil thinks D.C. can still be saved, the smart peoples’ money is on that not being the case.
I have 36 trillion reasons (and counting) for Granite Staters to vote to secede and forge our own, better futures!
Fans always warn me about how badly the MSM will treat me, but my mantra has become, The only thing you can control is yourself. I knew I’d done a good job even right after the interview–and the producer meeting me backstage and saying I slayed, helped–but I was curious to see how they would edit the show.
During the taping, I had a spontaneous applause line and a few laugh lines, including one when I said, “No one is going to get Social Security.” The other laugh line about the INS likely regretting issuing me a lottery Green Card, and I don’t recall exactly what the applause line was about, but I know I dominated the conversation (that same producer told me to BRING IT beforehand) and had made an excellent point. The laugh line made it in; the applause line did not.
I was aware that I had flubbed a few words here and there… it’s partly being bilingual and sometimes actively translating in my mind as I am speaking and/or it’s when I’m talking super-fast because I’m seizing airspace. All three “flubs” made it in. And yet, they still couldn’t nail me because: All you can control is your own behavior.
After the taping, we were asked to do short one-on-ones with the social media guy. I noticed in this Merit Street Media promo below that they’re using that footage to promote the one guy on the show who had all the Statist D.C. talking points. Once someone calls you a Russian asset, you know they are compromised. How do I know, you say? Because I am not a Russian asset? LOL
Secession movements have sprung up in multiple states due to the urban-rural political divide and much more. Tap to download the Merit+ app and watch this episode of @drphil Primetime: #meritstreet #news #meritstreetmedia #drphil #secession
— Merit Street | Providing Clarity & Solutions (@MeritStreet) July 30, 2024
While the episode premiered live last night on Merit Street Media, it will also re-air at 4 pm today, 5 pm and 11 pm on Saturday and 2 pm on Sunday. Additionally, it will be available on demand to watch any time on the Merit+ app.
Catch the full episode on censor-proof Odysee HERE.
I will be writing a more comprehensive essay that outlines the arguments in our discussion, including some of the parts that were edited out. I am also now working on a nonfiction book, NHEXIT NOW: AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN which will drop before the end of the year. In the meantime, stay tuned and stay free!
Check out this comprehensive article about my upcoming appearance on the Dr. Phil Primetime show.
“Carla Gericke, who is running for the New Hampshire House of Representatives as a Republican while promoting the “NHExit Now” push for secession, will be featured on “Dr. Phil Primetime” alongside a Texas secessionist and other guests.
Gericke, who has also been a leader with the Free State Project — a group that aims to attract libertarian-minded movers to transform New Hampshire’s political identity — said she is working to promote the principles of liberty, self-determination, and the state’s unique heritage and values as the national debt skyrockets and the federal government keeps expanding.
“Being given the opportunity to discuss an amicable national divorce on a platform like Dr. Phil’s is a gift,” Gericke said in a statement. “As this movement reaches the mainstream, it is crucial for people to understand that while New Hampshire’s motto is ‘Live Free or Die,’ our movement is a peaceful one.”
Gericke emigrated to the United States from South Africa in 1996, moved from New York to New Hampshire in 2008, and became known by the Free State Project as “Queen Quill” for her subsequent leadership roles in a movement that has adopted the porcupine as its mascot. She won a federal court case on appeal in 2014 affirming a right to record police during a traffic stop, and she was named that year among New Hampshire Magazine’s “Remarkable Women.””
Whether you want to call it “The Patriarchy” or the “Old Boys Club,” historically, incompetent men have been protected by The System at the expense of better alternatives. Instead of feeding the false narrative of DEI propagated by both sides–white men will never work again! airplanes will fall from the skies!–how about you start to believe your own eyes and make up your own mind about the world? Stop yelling nonsense about whatever manufactured hysteria is du jour. Know thyself: This is where true freedom lies.
Last night’s New Hampshire Liberty Alliance dinner, fondly called “Liberty Prom,” was a blast!
Congratulations to Legislator of the Year and soon to be NH Senator Emily Phillips and Activist of the Year, Jeremy Olson, who currently runs the Merrimack Valley Porcupines meeting, held on the first Saturday of the month at the Quill.
Huge shout out to Melissa and Jeffrey Creem for their continued and stalwart support and efforts with the NHLA!
To everyone who made last night a smashing success, THANK YOU. It is because of the relentless efforts of freedom fighters like you that NH will forever remain the Free State!
Live free or die, live free and thrive!
Check out these photos and feel free to tag yourself!
Criticize Kamala Harris as though you were a judge building a case against her as president of USChatGPT
Criticizing Kamala Harris as if building a case against her presidency involves examining her record, policy positions, and public perception. Here’s a structured argument:
While Kamala Harris has a commendable career with significant achievements, these points highlight areas of concern that critics might use to argue against her potential presidency. The case against her is built on perceived inconsistencies, policy shifts, leadership challenges, and questions about her ability to effectively unite and lead the country.
Who are Kamala Harris’s top 10 funders?ChatGPT
Searched 2 sites
Kamala Harris’s top funders include a mix of political action committees, large individual donors, and industry groups. Here are some notable contributors:
These donors reflect Harris’s broad support base from key sectors like technology, healthcare, and media (Politico).
Is Kamala Harris a US citizen? ChatGPT
Yes, Kamala Harris is a U.S. citizen. She was born on October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California, which makes her a natural-born citizen of the United States. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was an Indian cancer researcher, and her father, Donald Harris, is a Jamaican-American economist. Her birth in the United States automatically grants her citizenship under the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
QUEEN QUILL DISCLAIMER: I don’t believe everything ChatGPT says, I simply record these exchanges for posterity.
make the case, based on publicly available information, that Hillary Clinton is a Russian asset
The claim that Hillary Clinton is a Russian asset is widely regarded as a baseless conspiracy theory. However, if one were to attempt to make such a case based on publicly available information, it would likely involve a misinterpretation or selective use of certain events and statements. Here is how such an argument might be constructed:
It is crucial to note that these points have been widely debunked and lack substantive evidence. Multiple investigations, including by the U.S. intelligence community and bipartisan congressional committees, have found no credible evidence to support the notion that Hillary Clinton is a Russian asset. This argument is typically used in partisan political rhetoric rather than based on factual analysis.
You state ” frequently suggested without evidence that Clinton had improper ties to Russia” while also admitting the Uranium One deal occurred. Why is that?
The Uranium One deal is often cited in discussions about Hillary Clinton and alleged ties to Russia, but the context and evidence surrounding the deal do not support the claim that Clinton had improper ties to Russia. Here’s a detailed explanation:
In summary, while the Uranium One deal did occur and has been used to suggest improper ties, the available evidence and investigations do not support the claim that Hillary Clinton is a Russian asset. The deal and the related donations to the Clinton Foundation have been scrutinized extensively, and no wrongdoing has been found.
What about Hillary Clinton’s servers?
The controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State has been a significant issue, but it is not directly related to allegations of being a Russian asset. Here’s a detailed explanation of the email server issue:
In summary, the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private email server involved questions about compliance with State Department policies and potential security risks, but it did not provide evidence of her being a Russian asset. The investigations into her email practices concluded that there was no intentional misconduct or evidence of classified information being compromised by foreign adversaries.
QUEEN QUILL DISCLAIMER: I don’t believe everything ChatGPT says, I simply record these exchanges for posterity.
Back after a short break, this week we cover a lot of philosophical ground. What does the Golden Rule mean to you? Treat others as you want to be treated or… treat people the way they treat you? Also, Trump’s assassination attempt, weight loss medicines, and more!
Greetings from Littleton, New Hampshire! In this episode, Carla talks with Calvin about why his North Country town, Littleton, NH (aka Glad Town and Little Switzerland), is a great place to live.
You can reach me for your property needs at: carla (at) porcupinerealestate (dot) com