Carla Gericke
Last night, a bunch of Free Staters who are in Vegas for Freedom Fest decided to go on a side quest to Area 15, where the amazing Omega Mart interactive art installation is. While you don’t have to be on ‘schrooms to appreciate this awe inspiring experience, it doesn’t hurt! (It doesn’t, according to the two young gentlemen I encountered who claimed they’d been there for 4 hours. I did eventually see them leave right after me.)
You enter into a Wonka-wonky supermarket. Instinctively, I headed straight to the vegetable section. Hardwired good habits FTW! The first thing that caught my eye was the large pile of avocados… I headed over and picked one up. It crumbled in my hand. Empty. A coin purse! From there, I knew I was in for a fun, mind-bending, delightful and surprising adventure!

From there, of course, you’ll need to make sure you’re stocked on laundry detergent and other household goods.

And snacks! (And emergency clams! Because EVERYONE needs emergency clams!)

In the meat section, you start to get a sense things may soon start to go awry soon… As you slide past the plastic guards into a portal, a portal into another world…

To be continued…
Newsweek: “We Demand Better!” NH Independence Group Launches with Carla Gericke as President
Today, Newsweek covered the launch of NHExit Now, the new independence site which aims to create a true grassroots independence movement in New Hampshire.
On my own journey of self-discovery, I have come to once again recognize my inner child, a healthy, creative, energetic, funny being.
Health, ultimately, is a feeling inside. Perhaps the humming of your mitochondria?
It occurred to me recently that today’s chronically ill children will never have a feeling of health to return to. Think about that: they don’t even know how being healthy feels. They have no sense of wellness to seek, as I did, only the knowledge of discomfort and pain from near birth.
Obese, sugar-addicted children will never know how it feels to be well.
Inflammation is hell on a cellular level.
This is what cronyism, Big Gov, Big Ag, Big Harma, and bad science accepted as gospel, has wrought on an entire generation: hell on a cellular level, a generation that now has a shorter lifespan than their parents.
During this time of abundance, we have created Generation Rx. Sick, sad children.
No one seems sure what is making children sick. That, frankly, seems sus.
Only RFK has a track record of asking the right questions. If you want to get to the bottom of the biggest crime in the history of mankind, then he’s your man.
This is the OP that inspired mine:
I just finished re-reading Mastery by Robert Greene.
— Kieran Drew (@ItsKieranDrew) July 5, 2024
It’s one of the best books I’ve read.
There’re so many excellent ideas it’s almost impossible to summarise. But here are 10 of my favourite:
And here’s mine:
On my own journey of self-discovery, I have come to once again recognize my inner child, a healthy, creative, energetic, funny being.
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) July 6, 2024
Health, ultimately, is a feeling inside. Perhaps the humming of your mitochondria?
Today's chronically ill children will never have a feeling of…
For me, the following was the most astounding and troubling part of the early days: Your government immediately divided Americans into “essential” and “non-essential” categories.
Before we proceed, please stop and consider this with the proper gravitas it deserves: Your government called you “non-essential” to your face, and you took it on the chin like a champ, Kiddo. Did you, until that moment, understand your government considers YOU “less-than” or “not as important as them” or… “dispensable”?
That bureaucrats sat in a room somewhere and came up with a policy that called YOU, the literal person paying their salary, “non-essential”?
And that they thought this was… okay? That no one said, “Erhem, maybe we shouldn’t call our own citizens ‘unnecessary,’ ‘redundant,’ or ‘superfluous,’ especially during a global “pandemic”?
Now, add the following wrinkle… These folks, the ones who feel comfortable espousing publicly over and over that they are “more essential” than YOU (repetition is key to successful propaganda), also believed there was a new, surging, deadly virus on the loose (which, turns out, they made, “oops”)…
And these bureaucrats then, as a next step, TOOK ALL THE PROTECTIVE GEAR IN THE WORLD for themselves.
Yes, Kiddo, your Big Bro looked at you, the person who pays them “protective money” (taxes), and told you in no uncertain terms YOU DON’T MATTER AS MUCH AS *I* DO (you’re “non-essential”) and to prove it, WE are taking all the masks, medicines, and mitigating equipment to PROTECT OURSELVES because WE ARE ESSENTIAL and YOU are not!
Sorry to have to break it to you, but your government doesn’t ACTUALLY care about YOU.
Sure, there’s a lot of fluff trying to convince you otherwise, but Covid exposed the sham for what it is.
I know this is a hard truth for folks to swallow, but until you understand and internalize that your government doesn’t care about YOU AT ALL based directly on their own words and actions (when someone tells you who they are, believe them, eh?)–YOU!!!! AN INDIVIDUAL–but rather, the “Public Health System” runs itself and thinks of you only as a nonessential, modeled widget, you will not protect yourself properly. In order to fix a problem, you must understand the root cause.
Some of us were brave.
I was.
I’d learned my lessons with the government years ago, the hard way, and I KNEW protecting myself was up to me, just as many other Free Staters knew it was up to them!
If you stood strong against the onslaught, please consider the Free State Project and moving to New Hampshire, where, for the past 20 years we have been building a free society, based on consent, one individual at a time! Join us!
Guess this is as good a way as any to announce I am running for office again!
Per the Manchester Republican Committee’s direct orders from Brian Cole, working in cahoots with the NHGOP and Chris Ager, instead of running for Senate in District 20, where Lou d’Allensandro has finally retired after more than 50 years in office, and where I have spent countless hours of time and treasure since 2016 building my name recognition and vote tally, reaching within 5 points in 2020, I am running in District 40 (Manchester Wards 1, 3, 10, 11, 12).
Yeah, I know. You tell me.
You tell me why the Establishment would be so threatened by an independent-minded candidate who promises this one thing: To always put New Hampshire first.
I am excited about this race. I will talk about the issues you most care about: crime, the economy, education, inflation, endless wars, and chronic disease. Most of these issues are exacerbated by the federal government, and I believe the solutions for Granite Staters lie in more localism, more helping our own neighbors–not people in foreign countries before our own veterans, say–more independence from the corrupt and bankrupt federal government.
But, to be candid, I’m not interested in running a typical political campaign. I want to have fun, and life is short, so I am going to approach this race more as an art project, or I suppose, I am simply going to reflect my life, and leave it up to you to decide whether I am a decent human being who should have a shot at writing laws to govern over you.
Lemme be clear: I don’t really want that responsibility. I believe we are writing way too many laws, and by doing so, we are making the world worse, not better. Why? Because every time you codify something, you are encouraging loopholes. Meaning every time you try to plug a hole, you create a whole new host of problems. I believe whatever government comes up with as a solution is usually worse than what we would get it we allowed a true free market to flourish.
I lead a high-energy, holistic life, so at all times, I am trying to put my best foot forward. Politics is pretty much the opposite of that. So, in order for me to participate in a System I so fundamentally disapprove of (and really want no part of, but I acknowledge it is one helluva cudgel in the fight for liberty), I need to do it on my own terms.
So… politics as an art project is where I have landed.
Hence, the launching of the “I LOVE NH” series, which I’ll be sharing frequently on my social media platforms (see my Insta scroll at the bottom of this site). I am using photos I have taken across the great Granite State over the 16+ years I have lived here (plus a few taken of me doing Important Stuff as An Important Person). Here are a few examples:

On Monday night, in what I will now call a PorcFest Miracle, I was thrilled to see a post by Stella Assange about Julian’s release. Unbelievable!
I have held Assange as hero from the start. A journalist exposing war crimes. A honest, idealistic man doing the right thing against War Pigs. Why did we think it would end differently? That they would force a humiliating plea deal from him as the cost of exposing the truth. Over many years, they wore him down. They tortured him. They kept him in solitary confinement. They destroyed his health. They put him in Belmarsh, the worst prison in the U.K.
For telling the truth.
That’s it. No one disputes the truth of the revelations.
They hate him for embarrassing them with the truth of WHO THEY ARE for the whole world to see.
The plea deal finds him guilty of one count of violating the Espionage Act. This sets a dangerous precedent, potentially criminalizing any journalism the government decides they don’t like in the future.
The press should fight back about this precedent now to vociferously undermine it, and call it what it is: the price (blackmail, one might argue) to get a stubborn, principled, truth-telling man home. Said Assange’s wife, Stella:
“I hope journalists and editors and publishers everywhere realise the danger of the US case against Julian that criminalises, that has secured a conviction for, newsgathering and publishing information that was true, that the public deserved to know.
That precedent now can and will be used in the future against the rest of the press. So it is in the interest of all of the press to seek for this current state of affairs to change through reform of the Espionage Act.
Through increased press protections, and yes, eventually when the time comes – not today – a pardon.”
Stella Assange
The plea deal is also a possible political gambit by the Democrats, since Biden will claim this as a win during this election cycle, and yet, also, the 2016 leaked DNC documents have allegedly disappeared from Wikileaks. (Huh.)
I did a spicy radio interview this morning about Julian’s release. LISTEN NOW. (My part starts around minute 22 through the end.)
Here’s ChatGPT’s summary of the disclosures that landed Assange in confinement for more than a decade:
Why they persecuted Julian Assange, a short summary…
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) June 26, 2024
1/Diplomatic Cables (Cablegate, 2010): Over 250,000 classified US State Department cables were released, revealing candid and often unflattering assessments of world leaders, as well as details of behind-the-scenes…
Here’s my questions to ChatGPT on Monday (after Assange’s release but before the AI had been informed, apparently)
Summarize what happened to Julian Assange since he started Wikileaks using the frame of an honest journalist being persecuted by an immoral government hiding war crimes
ChatGPT: Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has faced significant persecution from various governments, particularly the United States, since he began his whistleblowing activities. Assange started WikiLeaks in 2006 with the aim of providing a secure platform for whistleblowers to leak classified information. The organization’s most notable release came in 2010 when it published a trove of U.S. military documents and diplomatic cables, exposing war crimes and human rights violations.
Following these disclosures, Assange became a target of intense scrutiny and legal pressure. The U.S. government, angered by the exposure of its secret activities, initiated a rigorous campaign against him. In 2010, amid these pressures, Assange faced allegations of sexual misconduct in Sweden, which many viewed as a pretext to detain him and facilitate his extradition to the U.S. Fearing extradition, Assange sought asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012, where he remained for nearly seven years under increasingly restrictive conditions.
During his time in the embassy, Assange’s health deteriorated, and he continued to face psychological stress. Despite these hardships, he continued to advocate for transparency and the protection of whistleblowers. In 2019, Ecuador revoked his asylum, and British authorities arrested him. Assange was subsequently held in Belmarsh Prison, a high-security facility, under harsh conditions often described as punitive and detrimental to his health.
The U.S. government formally requested Assange’s extradition, charging him with multiple counts under the Espionage Act for publishing classified materials that revealed war crimes and government misconduct. Many journalists, human rights organizations, and advocates for press freedom condemned the charges, arguing that they posed a grave threat to journalistic practices and the public’s right to know.
Throughout this ordeal, Assange has been portrayed by supporters as a courageous journalist persecuted for revealing the truth about governmental abuses and war crimes. His treatment is seen as a stark warning to others who might seek to hold powerful entities accountable, highlighting the ongoing struggle between transparency advocates and governments seeking to conceal their wrongdoings.
Now write a version the government would approve of
ChatGPT: Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has faced legal and judicial scrutiny due to his involvement in the unauthorized release of classified information. WikiLeaks, established in 2006, became widely known in 2010 for publishing a large number of U.S. military documents and diplomatic cables, which the U.S. government contends compromised national security and endangered lives.
Following these disclosures, Assange faced legal charges unrelated to his publishing activities. In 2010, Swedish authorities issued a warrant for his arrest on allegations of sexual misconduct. Assange denied the allegations but avoided extradition to Sweden by seeking asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012. While in the embassy, Assange was accused of using his position to avoid facing justice in Sweden and disregarding legal processes.
In 2019, Ecuador revoked Assange’s asylum, and he was arrested by British authorities for breaching bail conditions. Subsequently, the U.S. government requested his extradition, charging him with multiple counts under the Espionage Act for his role in obtaining and disseminating classified information. The charges reflect the U.S. government’s stance that Assange’s actions went beyond journalistic activity and constituted a severe breach of national security protocols.
Assange is currently held in Belmarsh Prison while his extradition case is being considered by the British legal system. The U.S. government has consistently emphasized that its actions against Assange are based on legal principles and the need to protect national security, not an attempt to stifle press freedom. The legal proceedings are ongoing, with the U.S. maintaining that Assange should face justice for his alleged crimes under due process of law.
Welcome to Porcupine Real Estate’s newest series, Greetings from New Hampshire! In this episode, Carla talks with her colleague, Dominic about why his Seacoast town, Epping, NH (aka The Center of the Universe), is a great place to live.
Contact Carla for your real estate needs at: carla (at) porcupinerealestate (dot) com
Squee! PorcFest is coming up! This, the Year of Our Porcupine 2024, is the first time since 2009 that I have not helped load the PorcFest truck.
I have mixed feelings about this. The “people pleaser” in me (that I’m slowly murdering) is panicking that I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE. The “I’m growing into new and different things” part of me is sighing a deep sigh of relief.
I am deeply grateful to everyone who showed up. Thank you!
I am grateful the Free State Project has grown to where I don’t feel personally responsible for every single thing that happens (or doesn’t happen).
I am grateful to all the leaders who have stepped up over the years to make PorcFest the amazing success it has become. To each and every one of you who have come before, THANK YOU.
A special thank you to Constance Spencer, Olga Sorens and Chris Lopez for being the Dream Team this year to bring us such a laudable PorcFest XXI lineup, with liberty luminaries like Ron Paul (virtual), Naomi Wolf, Jeffrey Tucker, and a host of other incredible speakers and thinkers. I can’t wait to learn new things!
Please come visit me at the Team Porcupine Real Estate OWN Hub at RV-74, where we will be doing talks starting on Wednesday about NH real estate, investing, short term rentals, buying land, etc.
As my focus shifts from day-to-day FSP management (hallelujah, Eric Brakey!) I am eager to help new movers find their home. Check out Porcupine Real Estate’s LIBERTARIANS UNITE newspaper on the campground for fascinating articles, and our full weekly schedule. Free coffee onsite every morning!
This is going to be the best PorcFest… YET!
How do I know? That YET is important. That YET is doing a lot of work. That YET is the key to a growth mindset and is a very important key to excellent interpersonal relationships when dealing with voluntary teams.
Because that “yet” allows you to include everyone who has come before while anticipating the improvements and innovations that will be revealed this year. That “yet” honors all the people who have contributed to making TWENTY ONE YEARS of PorcFests happen.
So many egos.
So much drama.
But here’s the reality, guys… THIS IS JUST LIFE.
There is NO PERFECT MOMENT. There is NO UTOPIA. There is NO VALHALLA. There is no ONE DAY I’LL…
There is only NOW, and what YOU are doing in every moment.
Yes, PorcFest is a fun time to let your hair down, but it is also YOUR chance to practice mindful personal responsibility.
The flip-side of freedom is HOW ARE YOU SHOWING UP IRL?
Please be considerate of your fellow campers. Please respect the campgrounds 11PM silence (yes, you need to switch off your music). If you want to hang and chat, there is only one spot: down on the field at the bonfire.
Live free, but also, don’t be an asshole.
Let’s get rocking for a weeklong celebration of our beautiful project. Let’s put our best feet forward to embrace and welcome potential Porcupines to our libertarian homeland. Let’s show up with beauty and love. Let’s shine like the beacon of liberty we are. It starts and ends, with YOU!