Tammy is back after a vacation in FL. Carla gets to tell her about the NHGOP Annual Meeting where several Republicans had their cars keyed by The Unhinged. We discuss the silly and sublime proposals and resolutions, and why geoengineering is now, at least symbolically, banned in the Free State.
Carla Gericke
This is not an April Fool’s joke, this IS a delicious orange and feta lamb heart salad with radishes, shallots, and pumpkin seeds.
The trick is to cook the heart in a hot pan for ONLY a minute on each side.
I trimmed the white bits off (Obi said NOM) and then cut the heart into 3 pieces per internet instructions.
The three pieces vary in thickness so be sure to cook the thinnest piece the shortest (30 secs per side) and let everything rest for 5 minutes before salting and slicing.

Organ meats are incredibly good for your health!
Once you learn how to prepare them correctly, you’ll wonder why you haven’t been indulging for years.
If you’ve been avoiding getting into the organ meat consumption business because you hate the taste of liver, know this, I prefer heart to liver by orders of magnitude, so try it!
What’s the worst that can happen?
I NH! One of the best things about living in the Free State is being able to immerse yourself in pristine Nature at a moment’s notice.
“Forest bathing,” a term coined in Japan in the 80s, has many benefits:
* boosts your immune system
* lowers blood pressure
* helps with depression
* reduces cortisol & adrenaline (stress hormones)
* turns down fight-or-flight responses.
For me, it is a time to be alone with my thoughts (no earphones) while also trying to be present in the now, and sometimes, to practice patience (see photo).
I recently rediscovered the meaning of the word “saunter,” which stems from “a la sainte terre” referring to pilgrims who walked to the Holy Land. Synonyms include “rove” and “wander”.
I like these more than “hike,” which sounds so assertive and purpose-driven, which, of course, has its place, but not on a misty, drizzly morning of woe.
Yes, I get mopey too.
Everyone does.
But I have learned to arrest that feeling before it takes significant hold.
The moment I recognize The Blues setting in, I know it behooves me to Get Outside!
We don’t want to admit that improving our physical and emotional state isn’t nearly as complicated as we’d like to make it.
In fact, it’s so simple, we often refuse to do it, but Ouma was right: “Go play outside!”
Breathe the pure air. Listen to the pine-dampened forest sounds, the birds’ calls, the squirrels’ chatter, the babbling brook. Notice the hawk soaring overhead. Spot the most miniature of mushrooms fighting to rise to meet the sky. Raise your face to the sun, and say, I am here to learn about life, to learn about love, to discover how to love it all, which starts with learning to love myself, flaws and all.
Are YOU taking care of YOU?
Yeah, I know it looks like the mug shot of a meth-headed hooker who got caught with a dime bag by her regular cop who needed to make quota, but it was the best I could muster at the gym this morning.
Face pull: 20×13; 30x12x2
Cable scapula dumbell raise: 5x12x2; 5x6x1
Low row: 70x12x3
Lat pull down: 70x12x2; 70×5
Cable chin up: 55x12x3
Fractional Ownership with Real Estate Tokenization: Make Money with the Way of the DAO
Join Free State Project O.G.s to learn more about how you can become part of the next wave of investors in businesses and properties in the Free State. You don’t have to be rich, you just have to understand the risks and rewards, and be willing to invest with…idk, 20,000 of your closest allies (nudge nudge, wink wink). In this talk with Matthew Ping of Ledgeview Commercial, Carla Gericke and Mark Warden of Porcupine Real Estate, and Kumar Bukka of Standard Management, you will discover that, thanks to recent legislative proposals, property ownership in NH using Blockchain technology is possible and closer than you think.
Broke my 3-day fast last night with meatballs (Bardo Farm lamb, pork, beef w/parmesan), daikon, and homemade broth.
Since I was in it to win it, meaning in that high-energy, “can-do” phase you often encounter when fasting, I batch-cooked 3 additional meals, ensuring that Yesterday Carla has Tomorrow Carla’s back.
In my quest to rewire negative self-talk (cognitive behavioral therapy), I’ve made it a habit to acknowledge this “Time Travel Gratitude Loop” when I grab a pre-planned meal from the freezer, especially on nights when I don’t feel like cooking, because I know my food is a healthier choice for me than takeout.
Why do I fast?
* Health benefits including autophagy;
* Extra energy directed at extra tasks (e.g. great time to clean the fridge);
* Ritual for contemplation/meditation;
* It’s a mental test.
Before jumping into fasting, I suggest you:
1. Do your own research;
2. Consider becoming fat-adapted first (i.e. low-carb/glucose managed)–it’s x100 easier when you don’t have carb-withdrawal cravings too, so start there for long-term success;
3. Build up incrementally by doing intermittent fasts (e.g. skip breakfast);
4. If/when you fail, roll with it, learn something, then try again!
The Number One thing I love about fasting is the relationship it reestablishes between my mind, body, and spirit.
There is a deep sense of awe you feel when you realize:
1. You can do hard things;
2. You are in control and it truly is mind over matter;
3. Hunger comes in waves and quickly recedes thus reminding you to treat the experience more like you are a surfer, and not a drowning man;
4. Fasting isn’t as hard as you thought it would be… leading you to wonder what else may be conquered next.
Tell me down below what you’re hoping to conquer next, whether it’s intermittent fasting until lunchtime a few times a week to, say, literally learning to surf.
Big or small, we are all hopefully striving to improve at least one thing in our lives! Let that one thing be… YOU!