Carla Gericke
If We Don’t Defend Our Neighbors from DC’s War Machine, Who Will Defend Us? (Manch Talk 10/18/23)
We discuss recent developments regarding Defend the Guard (HB 229), which came out of committee with 10:10 tie, and now on to a floor fight. We cover progress on Right-to-Know and open government issues, and laud Laurie Ortolano for her work on the issue. If you want to attend the upcoming Nackey Loeb First Amendment Award, where Laurie will be honored, get your annual fundraiser tix HERE. We also talk about the looming World War 3, war criminals, and government (but I repeat myself).
Facebook Memories sometimes blow my mind, reminding me of all the decentralized efforts Free Staters have made to improve and expand freedom in New Hampshire. Here is a summary of a few things I have been involved with On This Day in the past, from a Zombie Apocalypse in 2011 to flying to Tom Woods’ 2000th Episode in Florida in 2021 and meeting a governor in-between.
In these photos: In front of the NH Supreme Court for City of Keene vs. Robin Hooders, being interviewed by Victimless Crime Spree star Derrick J; at Area 23 in Concord after a hearing for the Church of the Sword where the NH Supreme Court in all its hubristic glory decided this church was not a religion… what amazing God-like powers exercised by a robed government man (read REASON’s take); supporters in 2016 when I first ran for NH Senate garnering 35% of the vote and increasing steadily every election to 45% in 2020, when the Establishment gerrymandered my district… to stop me?; and in 2018 when the enemies of liberty started defacing my signs (this one said BITCH) but before they started stabbing my car tires, leaving dead animals, sending threatening letters, and making disgusting phone calls, suggesting, amongst other things, that my mother should have aborted me.
I will say this, the enemies of liberty are a rude and disturbed bunch.
I will also say this: I don’t have a middle name, but if I did, it would be “Perseverance,” and my life mission is to make sure New Hampshire remains the LIVE FREE OR DIE state.
The final pic above–pict??? lol–is from the Bardo Zombie Apocalypse in 2011. Guts and grit, baby!
PS: I also met Kristi Noem On This Day in 2020.
I NH! I’ve been battling cooties this week, but made myself get some fresh air earlier. Glad I got to experience the splendor of my own amazing backyard. Even more grateful for Louis Calitz who is off to pick up Indian takeout. I’m spending the rest of the day watching movies like Practical Magic and practicing self-care. Live free and thrive… sometimes under the blankies!
I was honored to chat to Shaun Thompson on AM 560 Talk Radio last Friday about the Free State Project, and some upcoming NH independence bills being introduced by elected pro-liberty legislators this legislative session.
Listen now…
Carla from Porcupine Real Estate and Brittany of Ledgeview Commercial take a closer look at a few of the properties in our investment newsletter this week, including a multi-family property in Hanover that is perfect for renting to Dartmouth students and faculty and a potential short-term rental that was once a train depot for the Boston to Maine train line and provides lots of unique opportunities. Sign up for the list to see all our investment property picks here.
Last year, before I was banned from X, I got into a spat–shall we call it a “Bitch Fight”?–with Dilbert creator Scott Adams.
My original post that set off The Crazy was: “Dude. If you were independently following the data, this was 100% clear. But I am really glad you are coming around. Now help us get ‘Nuremberg2’ going. Heads must roll. (I am speaking metaphorically. Mostly.)”
Scott Adams blocked me, but sources tell me he did a whole show on whether the word “Dude” is sexist and, presumably, whether his counter “insults” were therefore “justified.”
The consensus appears to be that “Dude” is not sexist. I certainly use it interchangeably with all people and consider it a neutral term that I actually fell in love with for that reason when I immigrated to California.
Dude! A cool little neutral catch-all phrase which can be used to draw attention.
I’m also not sure in what world beyond Twitter anyone with any manners thinks that “dude” justifies “c*nt,” and, in fact, it is this kind of pathetic ratcheting of meaningless word feuds that is sucking the very meaning of communication and community from the Internet.
Imagine, if you will, that instead of acting like a berserk 5 year old, Scott Adams had taken up my cry, and worked with health freedom activists to make sense and find accountability for the crimes against humanity committed under Covidmania. He himself was vaccine-harmed and could have made a massive impact.
Instead, Scott Adams got cancelled. I got kicked off X later. And the Bad Guys continue to win while reactionaries play for likes while feeding the enemies of liberty’s “divide and conquer” strategy.
Be mindful of how you present and play online. Remember: Everyone can see you.
Exciting development! The DEFEND THE GUARD legislation made it out of committee with a tie (10:10) which means it goes to the floor with an OTP (OUGHT TO PASS) recommendation.
Huge KUDOS to all the people shepherding this IMPORTANT PEACE INITIATIVE through.
No more deployment of our friends and neighbors without a Congressional declaration of war. It’s the least they can do before sending you to die.
Read more about DEFEND THE GUARD.
Here is how the committee members voted:
Rollins Y
Lundgren N
Katsikores N
Leavitt Y
Harley Y
Gagne Y
Piemonte Y
Phinney Y
Mannion Y
Shurlett N
Shultz (fill in) N
Booras Y
Carey N
Telersky (fill in) N
Horrigan (fill in for Toll) N (I was told Toll was a Yes, so we need to learn what happened here)
Jeudy Y
Lloyd N
ONeil N
Seibert N
Moffett Y
Carla from Porcupine Real Estate and Brittany of Ledgeview Commercial take a closer look at a few of the properties in our investment newsletter this week, including a multi-family property for $90,000 and a potential short-term rental that used to house the state troopers. Sign up for our weekly investment picks HERE!