This week is a freewheeling episode about tech, AI, and what the future might hold.
Carla Gericke
Rather than scholarly works, the book contains eighty personal essays written by libertarians of varying degrees of prominence worldwide, from the legendary to those deserving wider recognition. The purpose was to convey their mindset before embracing libertarianism and how it has impacted their personal and professional lives. Block and Cavallo assert libertarianism is the ‘last best hope for humankind with regard to economics, liberty, justice, prosperity, peace, and thus even survival’… Block and Cavallo have edited a magnificent collection of autobiographies that convey what it means to be a libertarian regardless of where you live, and everyone should read it.
Tony Senatore
Read the full “Review of Libertarian Autobiographies: Moving Toward Freedom in Today’s World”…
I finally got off the waitlist for the zooshy AI and now have access to the enhanced ChatGPT.
Naturally, I immediately tried to make a Queen Quill avatar.
Work with me here.
We are self-absorbed creatures. As we should be. The world would be a much better place if we focused our attention on ourselves and spent our time improving our own lives instead of having our attention distracted and dragged into other people’s dramas that DON’T MATTER to YOUR LIFE. (If it does, that’s fine, that’s not what I am talking about… much like I don’t expect you to lament the farm murders in South Africa, you shouldn’t expect me to care about a war where I have zero stakes.)
Think about it… why do you give a rat’s ass about what is happening on the other side of the world? If every individual simply focused on themselves, and how to improve their lives, and left all other people to do the same, wouldn’t we have a healthier society?
When I hear about say, the Israel vs. Palestine conflict, I ask myself, why should I care? It’s like a long-time beef between the Quill Manchkins and Free Keene, that we somehow expect my neighbor across the street to care about… why?
We were not designed to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. Technology has shrunk the world, and now there is simply too much to care about. We cannot. It is unhealthy to care too much about too many things, especially at the cost of our own health and sanity.
Focus on what’s on your plate. If you have enough, invite more people to the table.
But I digress, back to my vanity… Based on other people’s posts, mostly images where someone instructed the AI to make something “more libertarian” or “more commie,” I was curious to see what I’d get when asking for Queen Quill.

And then “more Queen Quill.” LOL

Anyway, I may never do another day’s work, but hope y’all enjoy this art experiment in the spirit it was generated: porcupine power! 😛
PS: I find this reversal of roles fascinating… Now a robot is asking us to prove we’re human. Weird when you think about it. Don’t think too hard!

“Who is your master? Whoever has authority over anything that you’re anxious to gain or avoid.” ~ Epictetus
Read that again.
Your master is anything YOU ARE ANXIOUS to blah-blah…
In other words, if you want mastery of your life, true command of yourself, it is up to YOU.
It’s a mindset.
Break down that word: mind and set.
You have to understand what you want (mind) and then drive your intention there (set).
Knowing what you want to gain or avoid starts with knowing yourself.
To know your mind, develop a note-taking or journaling habit.
Mine? “Dear Diary…”
Learn to write down your stated goals and identify your known triggers… Or, perhaps you’re not there yet, maybe you’re still unpacking something… And that’s OK.
Remember: WHAT you are writing down is less important than THAT you are writing things down.
Over time, your journaling habit will enable you to better set your mind because the more you write, the more adept you become at knowing your mind.
Getting clarity on your thoughts will likely surprise you.
To master a good life, you need to do less time traveling in your noggin’ and more living in the now. Anxiety stems from not living in the present.
Writing things down is the bridge. You can take your time traveling past worry or future anxiety, and by putting pen to paper, you make it now, you are creating that thought in the present.
Now you can examine it in this timeline and decide how much true weight to give it, because IN THE NOW, whatever is on the page, is probably not happening or is not nearly as bad as you IMAGINED.
This should help you understand our thoughts are figments of our own imaginations, and we have control over this. Negative thoughts (ones that induce anxiety, stress, worry) should be relegated and released, and positive ones (your dreams, goals, aspirations) should be captured and created.
Journaling lets you see where you are time traveling to, and then helps you decide if these thoughts serve you or not.
The more you become adept at dispelling negative thoughts, the more you gain mastery of your timeline.
And this, your timeline, your time, how you spend your time and where your mind travels–whether to far away galaxies or the gutter–is your life, and the beauty of life is you are free to choose the landscape of your mind.
Choose wisely. Choose the galaxies. Choose to shine.
I did something this morning I haven’t done in about 5 years…
And in doing so… I got a jump on one of my 2024 goals…
Which is…
Yep, that’s the face of a woman who just finished a session at Planet Fitness.
Now don’t get me wrong, I have a decent home gym where I do yoga/stretching/hanging (current time: 48 seconds!) and I have been lifting weights every week or so (maybe a little too “so”) but I have a shoulder that’s niggly and I want to keep trying different things as I build up to free hanging for 90 seconds (that’s another 2024 goal) so back to Planet Fitness “to Lunk” we go!
I’m grateful to Louis for pushing me, AND spoiling me with the upgrade so I can use the massage table and red light therapy station as a reward if I want.
For most of my adult life, I chose to “reward” myself with things that made me unwell–alcohol, hard drugs, no sleep–but now that I have come to my senses (literally), I choose to reward myself with things that make me feel good and enhance my wellbeing: exercise, quality time with people I love, nourishing food and sleep, and concentrating on how to be my best.
Are you thinking about your life? Do you have an inkling of where you want to be in 5 years? How can your goals for 2024 help you get there?
Meeting small incremental goals day by day eventually accumulate into a new version of you over time, as those who know me and have watched me change over the past 5 years can attest.
This week, write down whenever you hear yourself talking or thinking about the future. See if there’s a pattern that might serve as a guide to where you’re heading.
Where am I heading?
I’m identifying my word of 2024. I like to pick a word and center intentions around them as an integrated, holistic way to goal set.
Over the past few years, my words have been:
2019: Vibrance
2020: Evolve
2021: Effort & Ease
2022: I don’t remember rn & I find that hilarious
2023: Create
If this type of aspirational framing–finding one overarching word or “vibe”–resonates with you, let me know. I’d love to explore this more with you!
Coming up soon…
Stay tuned for more reflections on life, goal setting, and how to optimize your time for happiness.
New to me?
Learn more about my health journey right here on The Art of Independence: I lost 50+ lbs adopting a low carb lifestyle; I reversed my anxiety; I quit alcohol and learned to kinda-sorta love myself.
I try and roll with the punches… so I haven’t complained much about getting banned from X after PorcFest…
But now that I’m trying to finalize a project before the end of the year, and have come to discover THEY’VE LITERALLY ERASED MY ENTIRE PRESENCE FROM TWITTER, I’m fucking pissed.
For a while, even though I couldn’t post anymore, you were still able to find my content, and you could still search my 20,000+ posts.
ONE HUNDRED sequenced “My Life in Balance” post-its, sorted and ready to be compiled into a book, ERASED.
The history of erasing history is a “tyranny tell” that those of us who study history understand the historical significance of. By which I mean, as a self-respecting dissident: FUCK THIS SHIT.
Yes, I know I shouldn’t place trust in Big Tech and Big Bro. Together, they’re the worst bullies on the playground. But when you get pushed out of the playground entirely, things start to take a different bent.
This year, as you can see, my Halloween costume was Street Fighter CHUN-LI, the strongest woman in the world. This wasn’t an accidental choice. This was me manifesting the notion, if I can’t spread my ideas online, I will take them to the streets.
To the enemies of liberty: Be careful what you wish for.
What is the status of my X “case”–shall we call it my “X-File”?
* Every appeal has been dismissed without a reason being cited, and after my last complaint, they erased me down the memory-hole.
* X is still charging me for my Blue Check and Elon Musk subscription. Big mistake: I am literally a paying customer being denied service. This gives me strong standing and is going to be part of my First Amendment case to get reinstated.
* I am also going to approach FIRE and the Institute of Justice to see whether these organizations will help me. (If you’re reading this and have other suggestions, please DM me, thanks!)
* Many of you know I have been trying to get Elon’s attention about the Free State Project for years now. Guess the cosmos is telling me to sue his ass?
My frustration is heartfelt. I am sitting here writing in bed, fuming so hard, Louis can see smoke: “THIS ISN’T FAIR”!!! lol
But then I remind myself, Rome was not dismantled in a day, and I find gratitude in the fact that I have orchestrated a life where I know thousands of people in meatspace too, and that I can make a difference on the ground in New Hampshire because, ultimately, THIS is THE value proposition of the Free State: concentrating freedom fighters in one geographic area… IRL.
Finally, I am reminded, as you know, my secret middle name is PERSEVERANCE: I am unstoppable, and I’m coming for you, Big Bro.

Free State Project Names Maine Senator Eric Brakey as New Executive Director
[Manchester, November 30, 2023] – The Free State Project, a political migration movement dedicated to attracting liberty-minded individuals and libertarians to New Hampshire, is thrilled to announce the appointment of Maine Senator Eric Brakey (35) as its new Executive Director, effective December 1st.Senator Brakey, who will finish his third term in the Maine Senate next year and not seek re-election, brings a wealth of experience and a steadfast commitment to the principles of liberty, making him the ideal choice to lead the Free State Project into its next chapter.
“After twenty years, the positive impact of the Free State Project is undeniable. New Hampshire stands today as a granite fortress of freedom as other states succumb to the siren songs of socialism ,” said Senator Eric Brakey. “I am excited to join the Free State Project to help achieve liberty in our lifetimes with a homeland for all who wish to live free.”
In 2003, supporters of the Free State movement chose New Hampshire as their destination. Today, more than 7,000 live in the state. The Free State Project hosts two annual events to showcase the NH Advantage: Liberty Forum, an intimate, 300-person winter hotel conference, and the Porcupine Freedom Festival (aka “PorcFest”), a summer camping event with about 3,000 attendees.
Over the past two decades, Free Staters have been elected to office, served on school boards and civic committees, run independent media sites, and have started businesses, private clubs, and charities. Free Staters have been instrumental in expanding liberties in many different areas, from jury nullification and craft brewing, to cryptocurrencies and First Amendment activities. In 2023, NBC Boston broadcast an extensive, 11-part docuseries about the Free State Project called Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of New Hampshire.
“New Hampshire was just ranked Number One by the Cato Institute as the freest state in the nation overall,” said Free State Project founder and current board member, Jason Sorens, who worked on the report. “With our low tax burden, natural beauty, and policies like expanded school choice and Constitutional Carry, New Hampshire is becoming difficult to beat in terms of overall quality of living.”
As the new Executive Director, Senator Brakey will play a pivotal role in promoting these advantages to help attract more liberty-minded individuals and libertarians to the ‘Live Free or Die’ state.
Eric Brakey began in liberty politics as the Maine State Director for the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign. Elected shortly thereafter to the Maine Senate, Brakey became the youngest state senator in America at the age of 26. Across three terms, Senator Brakey authored Maine’s Constitutional Carry law, negotiated significant welfare reforms, enacted Right to Try legislation, legalized over-the-counter birth control, and oversaw market-based reforms to the state’s medical cannabis program. In 2018, Senator Brakey served as the Maine Republican nominee for U.S. Senate. Between terms of office, Eric Brakey also worked as a national spokesperson, growth strategist, and policy advisor at Young Americans for Liberty based in Austin, TX.
“Eric is a big ‘get’ for us,” said Carla Gericke, president emeritus and chairwoman of the Free State Project. “Getting a senator from another state to join the Free State Project represents, in very real terms, the value proposition of our mission, which is to concentrate the best and brightest, the smartest, solution-driven thinkers of our time, in one place: the Free State of New Hampshire. I left Silicon Valley and NYC to come build something new. I can’t wait to see what Eric does.”
In his role as Executive Director, Senator Brakey will oversee the day-to-day operations of the Free State Project, working closely with the Board of Directors, the organization’s staff, and its large, dedicated volunteer community. Brakey’s tenure promises to be a dynamic period of growth and outreach, as the Free State Project continues to attract individuals who share a commitment to individual freedom and limited government.
“Eric’s passion for liberty, coupled with his experience in public service and his time at Young Americans for Liberty, makes him an outstanding choice to lead the Free State Project,” said Gericke. “We are confident that under his guidance, the organization will continue to grow and that he will embolden a new wave of Free Staters to come help build the brightest beacon of liberty in the world, right here in New Hampshire.”
About the Free State Project:
The Free State Project is a 501c3 educational non-profit dedicated to promoting individual liberty, limited government, and free-market principles in New Hampshire. Founded in 2003, the organization encourages liberty-minded individuals and libertarians to move to New Hampshire, where they can live, work, and play while advocating for a freer society. Learn more at