The holiday festivities marked one of the highest concentrations of contenders yet seen in one place and time in the ’24 campaign.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Vivek Ramaswamy—respectively Donald Trump’s best and most likely pick for vice president—had been in the state just a few days earlier as featured speakers at PorcFest (the Porcupine Freedom Festival), an annual convention of the Free State Project that bills itself as among the largest libertarian gatherings in the world.
The American Conservative
Carla Gericke
LISTEN NOW to NPR coverage of “2024 presidential candidates ramp up campaigns for New Hampshire’s primary…”
“ROGERS: That’s Democratic candidate Robert Kennedy, environmental lawyer and vaccine skeptic, campaigning at PorcFest, a libertarian camp out high in the White Mountains. At this event, where freedom can mean public nudity, carrying an assault rifle or both at once, Kennedy’s conspiracy-tinged speech went over big. Carla Gericke, a prominent New Hampshire libertarian, was quick to judge it a winning approach.
CARLA GERICKE: If you can speak across the aisle like Kennedy chose to do today, those are the people who are successful in New Hampshire. I think his message is going to resonate. In fact, I think he might smoke Biden.
ROGERS: The idea of a Democrat like Kennedy beating, let alone smoking the incumbent president feels far-fetched. But Kennedy isn’t the only candidate aiming to convince voters anything is possible…” LISTEN NOW…
Whoa–That time CNN came to PorcFest (back in 2015 long before the current NBC BOSTON docu-series). Sharing this makes me… uncomfortable?!?
1. This is close to Peak Sick for me. Not only am I overweight but that rasp in my voice was from allergies that I now have under control through lifestyle changes. Did YOU know antihistamines suppress serotonin uptake? Neither did I…
2. Of course CNN found the one guy with a Confederate flag to include. I remember that dude bc the PF producers that year had to ask him not to park his ATV & flag in the middle of our group photo. Never saw him again.
3. Seems I have a long record of calling us “weirdos.” Perhaps, like me, y’all can adopt this into your lexicon to help explain away things you don’t personally agree with but understand other ppl might choose to partake in.
As individualist, you don’t have to agree with everything other ppl are doing. It’s a permanent built-in TEACHABLE MOMENT to explain INDIVIDUALISM.
4. The current dramas have all happened before in some way, shape, or form, and the degeneracy at PF has always been WILDLY overstated.
Always has, always will be.
If you’re a complainer, ask yourself about the tradeoff between looking away or going somewhere else on a massive campground when something is not to your liking vs. complaining publicly online and creating a permanent, searchable record to be trotted out to besmirch us.
Also, may I suggest if you complain:
A. Did you volunteer yourself?
B. Did you first THANK THE ORGANIZERS & VOLUNTEERS for the 99% that WAS amazing or just hone in and complain & make demands about the one small part that wasn’t to your liking?
5. Every time you ask for a new rule at PF, you are creating a strain on the organizers and on-site staff.
It’s called an APPEAL TO AUTHORITY and we prefer YOU sort your own shit out. We DO expect ppl to stick to their words & agreements too, tho, so if you make representations to PF staff STICK TO THEM.
6. I’m struck by how in this clip, even “friendly” politicians didn’t want to attend PF, and yet, now, eight years later, we had A SLATE OF REAL PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES bending the knee bc they KNOW they NEED Free Staters to do well in NH’s First in the Nation. We have *just* enough sway to be a spoiler or tipper. This is actual evidence of our actual success on the ground in NH. Embrace it. We are going to win in the long run!
7. Life will never be perfect. There are not enough rules to be written at PF to satisfy each of the thousands of attendees personal preferences.
The ethos of “live & let live” and “don’t hurt ppl & don’t take their stuff” should be able to carry a high-trust event…
In the end, the goal of PF is to showcase all the weird & wonderful things we ARE accomplishing, showcase the growing community, attract new attendees we can persuade to move, and to leverage legacy media coverage to help more ppl learn about the Free State Project and the better future we are building in NH.
Ultimately, we want more great people like YOU to join us!
Live free or die!
Live free and thrive!
The NH Democrats made a stupid, unforced error today, just another disaster in a long line of choices with regard to the Free State movement. Chairman Chuckley told RFK he shouldn’t attend PorcFest… and RFK rightly told Ray-Ray to go pound sand. It’s almost like the Democrats main propagandists are so out of touch with reality (which does actually exist, no matter how much you scream PERCEPTION) they don’t realize that PEOPLE CAN ACTUALLY SEE THE TRUTH FOR THEMSELVES… Watch this to see the “dark dystopia” we are building…
Today, @ChairmanBuckley called on @RobertKennedyJr to cancel his upcoming appearance at a libertarian event run by Free State extremists.
— NH Democratic Party (@NHDems) June 16, 2023
Read the full letter here: #NHPolitics
“Praise does not make anything better or worse.” ~ Marcus Aurelius
Technically true, but wow, I had such a reaction to this from a “recovering-people-pleaser PAT ME ON THE HEAD” perspective. For years, I struggled with a super nasty, catastrophizing voice that I managed to murder in my late-forties with a robust overhaul of my whole life (diet, exercise, sleep, alcohol, sugar, etc.) and a new mindfulness practice (see here).
Now, I’m working on positive feedback, which is really just self-praise.
So while Aurelius is correct that praise doesn’t change the outcome, praise or, especially, “self-praise,” may indeed change one’s internal landscape which will result in a new blossoming… So… Seek not external validation but look inside, and work to improve yourself until you merit the best kind of praise… that which you give yourself.
This week, Tammy and Carla delve once again into a discussion about homelessness, and proffer some solutions. We also chat about PorcFest coming up next week. Get your tix NOW!
I was listening to a Twitter Spaces recently where the speakers were lamenting about how bad the online censorship has been, and how little the Common Man understands this. During that talk, a panelist claimed that the hashtag “TRUMP2024” was suppressed on Twitter in… 2019!
2019… The same year Adam Schiffty-Schiff banned antivax documentaries from streaming platforms, wut???
During the same talk, it was mentioned that the Wayback Machine, a nonprofit organization my husband and I have regularly donated to, now allows you to edit the past post, thereby rendering it useless! I haven’t been able to independently confirm this, so if you have the scoop, let me know.
A real danger is that online dictionaries are now susceptible to manipulation real-time as well, as we saw during Covidmania when the plain meaning of words were changed to support Regime propaganda. See e.g. “Vaccine” (removed references to “natural immunity”) or “Pandemic” (changed to remove “causing severe illness”) or “Antivaxxer” (added anyone who is against mandates).
This means that unless you have independent KNOWLEDGE of something, the Internet is no longer your friend. Proceed with caution.
Today, I am pleased to announce that I’ll be joining Team Porcupine Real Estate. I’m super excited to start my… fourth?… new career! Lawyer, writer, non-profit executive, and now, hopefully a combination of many of those skills… the lady who wants to put you in your next home!
Funnily enough, when I was little, I had “Become Property Magnate/Tycoon” on my list of things to accomplish (mostly because I thought these words sounded “grown up” and “American”). Please help me achieve my American Dream!
If YOU are planning to move soon, HMU in DMs
If YOU are coming to PorcFest, stop by Queen Quill’s Court, brought to you by Team Porcupine Real Estate (PRE) and Ledgeview Commercial Partners, LLC and say, “hi!”
Be sure to swing by PRE’s hub where you can learn more about the real estate market in the Free State from the folks who have been doing it the longest!
If YOU are a crypto investor and want to support efforts in the Free State, I want to talk to YOU!
We are excited to announce that Carla Gericke is now a real estate agent with the Porcupine Real Estate team! ?? Carla…
Posted by Team Porcupine Real Estate on Thursday, June 8, 2023
Watch this WMUR clip about RFK’s upcoming talk at PorcFest XX. Get YOUR tix today!
Very exciting to hear NH libertarians and liberty voters and people interested in self-ownership being given their due…
Posted by Carla Gericke on Monday, June 5, 2023