Just saying, based on this Facebook memory from 8 years ago, I was Mari Kondo-ing before she was sparking joy… Perhaps I should call this ‘The Quickening Method’?
In pregnancy, “the quickening” is the moment you start to feel fetal movement, sometimes described as butterflies or bubbles.
In love, it’s that indescribable excitement that makes your heart beat faster in anticipation.
In life, it’s the moments you feel most alive, which are the moments when your thoughts and actions are aligned.
In order for that alignment to occur, you must know yourself. To know yourself, you must know what excites YOU.
This starts with identifying and writing down those moments.
What makes your heart quicken?
It can be the smallest moment, from spotting an unexpected dandelion pushing through concrete, to stage fright before a big speech, to seeing that person who makes your eyes light up every time.
What makes your heart quicken?
It can be from love, fear, excitement, jealousy, trepidation, anger, joy, any and all emotions… when you experience that quickening, notice it, write it down.
Because this is where the work lies.
Figure out what *literally* moves your heart, and then decide if this serves you (positive emotions) or robs you (negative emotions).
Yes, I am saying: Mind over matter starts with your heart’s pitter patter.
Need help identifying your feelings? Use this wheel as a general guide.