Right-to-Know activist and stellar human Laurie Ortolano joins Carla for this week’s edition of TCGS. We delve into some history of her cases, and what the open government landscape currently looks like.
Carla Gericke
Were We “Lucky,” or Were We Analyzing the Situation Better? Reasons Why I Didn’t Buy the Covidmania Narrative
Here is a list of reasons I never believed the Covidmania narrative [ONGOING]:
1. I’m skeptical of the government. They lie. A lot. About just about everything, so I knew to proceed with caution. Add regulatory capture/revolving door btw oversight agencies/pharma = recipe for disaster.
- “No natural immunity”: This claim threw everything anyone knows about viruses on its head. Implausible from start, so why? If you accept lab leak theory, then one could posit “ethicists” like Fauci’s wife might have said, we can’t tell ppl to get sick or “let” people get sick because then we’re in even more trouble if the truth comes out.
- Censorship: This was so ludicrously off the charts that it was a massive tell. No debate allowed? That’s not “science.”
- Fauci’s reputation and previous “Mad Scientism,” including AIDS & Beagle torture. His financial conflicts of interests & the fact that his wife is the NIH’s ethicist. His hypocrisy & maniacal ego on display, incl. “I AM THE SCIENCE!”
- Early data from non-lockdown countries like Sweden showed no marginal benefits to draconian approaches.
- Early death rate modeling = x30 wrong (that’s soothsaying, not science) but never corrected in media. Saying “hospitals will be overrun,” but never materialized.
- Checked paper obits from start as anecdotal evidence. If “pandemic,” could expect extra pages of death announcements, yet no discernable increase in pages/announcements.
- Banning certain medicines. Banning fucking medicine. ‘Nuff said.
- How dissenters like Great Barrington Declaration were treated.
- Misinformation labels & “fact-check” articles that you could drive a dump truck through. FB lawsuit later states “fact-checkers” only “expressing opinions.”
- Pharma’s track record: has paid largest fines for fraud in ? history. Pharma wanted to keep docs secret for 75 years. Pharma profits from your illness thus incentives not aligned for human health.
- Legal: cross referenced filings/redactions btw countries which gave clues to malfeasance. Emergency Authorization/liability exclusions.
- Past personal experience with forced jab in NYC to get MFA degree issued in 2008 that negatively impacted my health & took a decade to reverse.
- Censorship of discussions around bodily autonomy (first for masks then vax), informed consent & Nuremberg Code.
- Clinical data in support of vaccines JUNK, incl eliminating own control group by jabbing them.
- Changing definitions of words real-time (Newspeak) incl.: gain of function; antivax; pandemic (to remove requirement that disease causes “severe illness”)
- The government calling everyone but themselves NONESSENTIAL, and, while believing a deathly pandemic was spreading, TOOK ALL THE PROTECTIVE GEAR FOR THEMSELVES. (Pls. stop & really THINK on this one.)
- The dancing Tiktok videos of healthcare workers.
- Censored posts about links between mRNA tech and cancer.
- If you search my website under Covid-1984, Coviddissonance & Covidmania, you will find pages of blog posts with lots of embedded data/sources for my opinions. This partial list is provided for @ScottAdamsSays, who claims we “lucked out.”
- 24/7 Media fear mongering: You don’t need advertise a real pandemic. Never putting the actual risk in perspective. Never telling the public the survival rate is 99.7% and that almost all who succumbed had several co-morbidities, incl. old age, Vitamin D deficiency, and obesity. From very early on it was clear a narrative was being manufactured, e.g. death counters, etc. Most media channels funded by Big Pharma.
- Never advising any homeopathic or generally acceptable non-allopathic solutions (cheaply available): Sunlight, Vit D supplements, sleep, improved diet, not increasing stress (i.e. don’t follow our death counts), exercise. In fact, the opposite was recommended: Stay inside; restrict your breathing; wear germ cloths on your face; avoid social contact; don’t hug your loved ones, etc.
- Event 201 that pre-dated “pandemic” and trained nonprofits for immediate blanket global response. Having seen what they did on 9/11 with a “simulation” happening at the exact same time as a real hijacking, thus delaying response times, this one made me super-skeptical, and also explains the unified, lockstep response.
- Long track record of pharma colluding with government to try to usher in “pandemics.” See H1N1, AIDS, Swine Flu, MERS and SARS. Discerning thinkers might wonder why? Perhaps for population reduction/movement control?
This week, Carla updates us on the latest of the Manchester-based crypto company LBRY, being taken down by the SEC. We talk the latest Chicken Conspiracies and why eggs are so expensive, and how to stay warm coming up this weekend, when it is set to be BRR!!!
Yesterday after the SEC persecution of LBRY trial. Great to see so many come out in support–definitely felt like the olden days. The SEC was SEC-ing like the gang of federales they are, but I was impressed with the judge who seems to understand that he is unnecessarily destroying livelihoods and an important crypto market leader for no other reason than the SEC is unwilling to say WTF they want. Weak people and institutions, beholden to no one with unlimited taxpayer funds, play these kinds of very expensive and destructive games. Shameful, SEC, just plain shameful. Putting American entrepreneurs and family men out of business for spite. (I’m not pictured because I took the photo.)
Judge Barbadoro also said two very important things: THERE WAS NO FRAUD (i.e. no victim; no crime, this is simply the state aggressing against people they don’t like, in other words, this is a pure and simple case of POLITICAL PROSECUTION) and NATIVE TOKENS ARE NOT SECURITIES & secondary markets are exempt.
Here’s the Union Leader coverage. I hope to write my full report soon.
I’m of the opinion that the word CONSPIRACY THEORY has been so overused by the enemies of individual liberty that it is close to being meaningless.
Guess time will tell, but I’m batting very strong on being right so far.
Desperate people overplay their hands, and the Regime is desperate to stay in power. Words like “domestic terrorist,” “conspiracy theory,” “conspiracy theorist” will continue to be deployed while also losing more and more impact over time.
If everyone is a “conspiracy theorist,” is anyone?
Look at the Google Trends pic below, taken over a 5 year period. One must wonder what psyops was deployed in March 2020, eh? Be interesting to track the news against the peaks there. Maybe a project for another day…
Nature photos! (The pic above is from this morning across the river to Bow’s power plant from the Hooksett Dog Park). Batch cooking! Deep cleaning the garage fridge! Broth for healing nutrients! These are a few of my favorite things.
Know that feeling when you take care of something that’s been on a list for too long? Like maybe a year or so? Well, that was me and my spillover fridge in the garage. Early this morning, I decided to finally clean it, mostly because I had to take stock of my stock (hah!) in order to make room for more. The whole project ended up making me surprisingly happy. File under: Taking pleasure from accomplishing small things. Many small things add up… and look at this gleam!
Lots of fresh, delicious stock. Five meals worth of meatballs made with Bardo Farm pork and beef, and Goffstown Amy’s lamb. It would been 6 meals, but who could resist a whole lotta snacking? Not Louis and I!
What’s cooking in your kitchen this week? What choices are YOU making to set yourself up for success? Sometimes, investing the time now to buy some extra in the future is the best gift you can give yourself. When I realized I had a gap in my calendar, I decided to take advantage. I know already, in gratitude, tomorrow’s Carla thanks yesterday’s Carla!
When Covidmania was kicking off, I asked whether one should indulge people’s unhinged hysteria about a disease with a 99.7% survival rate where the proposed mitigations (e.g. masks, lockdowns, forced jabs) were not supported by objective data.
In other words, I was asking, do you indulge crazy people in their doom-and-gloom, catastrophizing fantasies, or do you tell people they’re acting nuts and need to stop?
The worldwide consensus, based on the censorship and silencing of only one side of the conversation (critical thinkers in what became the “antivax” and “unvaccinated” camp), resulted not only in the lunatics taking over the asylum (the “asylum” here is the literal world), but doing so with impunity.
As we grapple with the Great Lies, esp. vaccine injuries and escalating sudden deaths, please remember that these same Mad Scientists and their enablers now want to put their toxins in your food supply while also MANUFACTURING MORE VIRULENT STRAINS thru directed evolution and gain of function.
The first step to recovery is admitting you’ve been had, i.e. get over your denial. Then, as you know, comes ANGER <—use it, share everything you see that reduces their sway over the hivemind. ROAR YOUR ANGER and learn to never trust these murderous, mad maniacs again!
Here is a solid thread breaking down some of The Great Lies:
Knowing whether you've been lied to or not is very important for deciding whether you should be angry or not?
— Abir Ballan (@abirballan) January 26, 2023
Turning a blind eye to the lies, won't make them go away. They happened.
You need to find the courage to face them.@thinkx2
1/ pic.twitter.com/5SPfrwtWTN
Not everything is black and white, but some things are, often neatly summarized as “don’t hurt people and don’t take their stuff.” For me, it all boils down to bodily autonomy and self-ownership.
No one, not even the government during a “public health emergency,” has a superior claim to my body.
Years ago, I bought Louis this decorative owl. We can hardly ever see it, but today, because of the snow, we can.
Similarly, Covidmania allowed me to see many things clearly.
You are being ruled by a criminal class hellbent on furthering their own interests. You do not matter to them. You are in an abusive relationship.
What do we tell people to do when they’re being abused?
Withdraw consent and walk away.
I’m grateful to have “walked” to where I belong. In the Free State of New Hampshire, with thousands upon thousands of fellow pioneers building a better future based on consent.
Only YOU have the power to decide about YOU, about your mind, your body and your spirit.
Free yourself of fear and find yourself contrasted for everyone to see. Reflect your light.
PS: TIL that female Cardinals have red under-wings.