Guess what came in the mail? Deeply honored to appear in this anthology with some of my favorite writers and thinkers, and some of the most influential libertarians from across the world. Buy YOURS today!
Carla Gericke
Is the Term “Vagrant” Offensive Now? Who Gets to Decide What Words Are OK? (Manch Talk 09/20/23)
This week we discuss the importance of calling things by their proper names. We cover yesterday’s City elections, with our pick, Jay Ruias, coming in first for mayor, followed by Kevin Cavanaugh, the union pick, who, as a sitting alderman is responsible for the past 8 years of decline in Manchester. Only fools would put Cavanaugh in the Mayor’s office.
I bet y’all didn’t know I was once a red-headed “supermodel” for a day in Brazil, huh? Lol (This came up in my TBT memories from years ago.)
I’m sharing it because… why the hell not? I look hot and I’ll never be that young or that fit or have a red perm ever again.
I love that Carla, who was 21 or 22, just graduated from law school & I *think* this was the trip when Louis came with to visit my parents when Dad was Consul in Rio/Brazilia.
That Carla was brazen, excited, with her whole life ahead of her. Now, almost 30 years later, life hasn’t disappointed.
Yes, there have been challenges and dreams that haven’t come to fruition, most notably a devastating miscarriage in my second trimester a few months before we moved to NH in 2008.
Life ends up being highs and lows, some through the choices we make, and sometimes, through just plain, uncontrollable bad luck.
While you cannot control the shitty curveballs, you CAN control how you respond.
You can let crap knock you down and keep you there in a world of hurt and excuses and sadness, or you can pick yourself up, and plant your feet firmly back on your proverbial river rock.
I was taught to stand up every time, no matter what, and to accept the things I cannot change and focus on where *I CAN* make a difference.
Just as I stood on that rock all those years ago, bold and beautiful, I stand for liberty and freedom in the Free State of New Hampshire, the place I chose as my forever home.
Here I stand now, wider, greyer, wiser, but still bold and brazen and brave, because fighting for freedom these days takes balls.
Here I stand, ready for whatever life throws my way next! (I hope it’s a House seat! Lol)
Unscientific Poll from 2021 Tells It Like It Is When the “It” is “Independence”
This 79.6% “YES” to independence is from an online poll hosted by New Hampshire’s largest newspaper, the Union Leader on 9/15/21. Although entirely unscientific, it shows that Granite Staters appear to be fed up with the feds!
If the idea of independence is shocking or upsetting to you, remember, ideas need to be explored and then discarded or embraced. Nothing about NH independence is written in stone, and Granite Staters will have plenty of opportunities to weigh in on the process, starting with a bill that has been introduced this session to amend the NH Constitution to allow NH to peacefully leave.
The way I think about the issue is as follows: The federal government is no longer constrained by the US Constitution. They steal our money and break their promises. Right now, the Biden administration is trying to force unconstitutional health mandates on us, thereby denying us our most basic inalienable rights to self-ownership, body autonomy, and following our own consciences.
The federal government routinely oversteps its Constitutional bounds, regardless of which party is in power, and nothing we the people try to do to reform it, helps. The debt is unsustainable. The promised benefits are entirely unfunded and run into trillions upon trillions of dollars. The country is broke. The value of the dollar has been reduced almost 100% since 1913. Inflation is running rampant, and is likely to get worse.
Face it, New Hampshire: we are in an abusive relationship with the federal government. What do we recommend people do when they are in an abusive relationship?
Think about it as a divorce. It can be amicable. If not, or if the feds say, as people sometimes do, that “the issue has been decided and you can’t leave,” ask yourself, do abusers get to tell the abused they are not allowed to get divorced? Of course not!
So, follow along on this journey with me! Nothing will happen without the consent of the majority, but instead of a knee-jerk “NO WAY,” consider…
YOU and your family will be richer
YOU and your family will be healthier
YOU and your family will have better schools
YOU and your family will have a greater say in your nation’s future… And much, much more!
Yes, you have questions! So do I. That’s why I’m starting this conversation!
Original post appeared publicly on Facebook on 09/16/21. SOURCE:
My friend Whitney Rossman died on Wednesday after a formidable battle with cancer. Why formidable? Because I have never seen anyone just drive, drive, drive with an interminable energy to simply keep going no matter what the Universe was throwing at her.
I met Whitney for the first time on a Freecoast cruise years ago. She and Jacob M Rossman and Louis Calitz and I shared a table on the boat, and something just “clicked.” It felt a bit to me like we were meeting younger, perhaps slightly cooler, “American” versions of ourselves.
Whitney was a force of nature. A wild woman. But also, she listened, and helped. Years ago, she connected me with a friend of hers who found herself with an unwanted pregnancy. We tried to figure out a private adoption, but in the end, the woman chose to terminate. Even though that happened, I was grateful to Whitney for trying to create a better outcome.
We attended the kids’ birthday parties when we could, and if I saw Whitney somewhere, at a party or PorcFest, I would try to be around her because she was always simply an awesome, laugh-out-loud hang. I loved soaking up her shine.
From her fierce way of no-bullshit talking to the way she owned her hair loss and her treatments, I admired her. I admired how I never heard her complain. I admired how she showed up at the health freedom rallies, advocating for the right to remain un-vaccinated and still receive medical treatments. (How sad is that sentence?)
In looking back through our DMs, I admire how she would follow up on small and big things. I loved that she read my book and found value in it (see Memory below).

Some people burn too bright on this plane, and that is how Whitney struck me. Like her fire was simply too much for this time and place.
I am so sad she is gone, my thoughts are with Jake and the children, but I am also relieved she is no longer in pain, no longer has to put on a brave face, no longer has to push, push, push through.
R.I.P. Whitney Rossman. You were so-super baller, every moment I spent with you was time spent wisely (even when we were perhaps doing unwise things ), and I will miss you. Dude! Peace out.
UPDATE: We attended Whitney’s memorial on Saturday, and it is testament to her amazing spirit to see more than a hundred people, from the nurse from her ward to her best friend from Kindergarten, attend.

I read “AMUSING OURSELVES TO DEATH” way back, and might have to take another look at it, but, while everyone has been wondering whether our future dystopia will be Orwell or Huxley (I actually suggested these to Facebook as buttons once ), I have come to the conclusion it is actually all KAFKA, all the time!
Our injustice system is the best example of this, with its never-ending bureaucratic loops, circle upon circle of hell. So yeah, okay, maybe Kafka plus Dante.
Instead of getting frustrated about this on a global scale, here in the Free State, I carefully choose where I can make an actual, on the ground (not “Big Mouth on the Internet”) difference, and then exert my efforts to those issues.
Successful Free Staters all do this, whether it is running for office and introducing bills to expand liberty in NH, or starting a Ladies-Only shoot, or a homeschooling co-op, or a cool little Youtube channel… We find what we’re passionate about and lean into it.
I do Right-to-Know work because I believe open and transparent government is the only way for us to hold our officials accountable. I do independence work because I believe the US federal government is immoral, corrupt, bankrupt, and cannot be reformed, although I would like to be proven wrong. I submit op-eds and letters to the editor because we should be talking to our neighbors in ways they can relate to and meet them where they are so we can persuade them there is a better way, and we have it: Freedom!
If YOU moved to NH as part of the Free State Project, how are YOU exerting your “fullest practical effort”?
Have you found the issues you are passionate about and have you been able to connect with people working in that area already?
Perhaps you’re interested in something so niche that YOU need to be the spearhead?
The Free State is always looking for more doers, volunteers, and folks who want to help make a difference. Please reach out!
Turns Out Free Staters Were Right About Gunstock, and More! (Manch Talk 09/13/23)
This week we cover the AG’s cease-and-desist letter pertaining to illegal electioneering done by Gunstock’s management team. We also discuss our picks for next week’s Manchester Primary elections, and more!
Carla from Porcupine Real Estate and Brittany of @ledgeviewcommercial take a closer look at one of the properties in our investment newsletter this week. This week’s pick is in Manchester and provides a unique opportunity you’ll want to hear about!. Sign up for our weekly investment picks HERE.