Tune in to hear about the free rides you can get to go hike. The “Dpt of Housing Stability” gets put on hold, yay. And more local NH news.
Carla Gericke
Have y’all heard about Earthing?
Watched a documentary last night that claims you can heal inflammation by putting your bare feet on the ground for 15 minutes daily (or use grounding techniques in your home).
The idea is that as electro-conducting beings, wearing rubber-soled shoes all the time makes our bodies sick.
This morning I thought, I reckon, why not give it a whirl? Besides dirty feet, I can’t think of one good reason.
My morning routine will now incorporate barefoot gardening and animal care and… cartwheels!
I’m either getting healthier by the day or reverting to my childhood, or, best option: why not both!?! Either way, I feel GREAT and want to share what works!
For me, that includes:
Selfishly guarding my time
Eating whole foods: low carb, medium protein, high good fats
Avoiding sugar & seed oils
Alcohol-free living
Watching sunrise & set
Daily exercise (45 min dog walks in forest/yoga/stretches & weekly weights)
Quality sleep to allow my brain to detox
Fasting (daily IF & monthly 5 days)
Interacting with people who make me happy!
May you find what YOU need to feel optimally grounded in YOUR life!
Experiment, identify, incorporate and make routines! Good habits are developed, one CHOICE at a time! The more you CHOOSE wisely, the easier it becomes!
The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (full documentary)
A new tool that tells you exactly the zoning requirements at any address in NH? Wut??? Cool beans.
Check it out: NH ZONING ATLAS.
Ag, Ma sent this photo of us in Stockholm, Sweden, where they were stationed at the South African Embassy (1983-1986), and my sister, Lizette posted the group photo below from Pretoria Girl’s High’s boarding school, where she and I had residence during the school term.

That smile!
When I was 9/10-ish, there was a “beauty contest” at our primary school, and the Grand Prize was a travel-sized hairdryer.
I really, really wanted that hairdryer, a modern marvel back in 1981 in Africa.
So I decided I would perfect my smile like a “real beauty queen”. I don’t recall how many hours I practiced, but it was enough that even to this day, more than 40 years later, if I catch my own eyes in a mirror, I automatically smile.
Why does this matter? Because YOU can perfect your own smile, and should!
Smiling is proven to improve your health. It helps you stay positive, elevates your mood, may lower blood pressure, reduces stress, improves your immune system, and helps you live longer!
But the best bennie? IT’S CONTAGIOUS: Smile and the world smiles with you!
Wishing you the smile-y-est of weeks. Take the time somewhere in your busy life to catch your own eyes and smile at yourself. Make it a habit. You deserve it!
[PS: Fwiw, I won that hairdryer but my sister didn’t speak to me for weeks. lol]“Public health” is an oxymoron. What is “the public” if not made up of individuals? What is “health” if not the state of one’s own body? How can the most personal of things be collectivized in a way that makes YOU deny YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL PHYSICAL NEEDS for a GROUP?
If ever, you thought, “Ugh, why am I wearing this mask?” but continued to obey, you have some soul searching to do.
If ever you thought, “Wait, these rules in restaurants make no sense,” but continued to obey, you have some soul searching to do.
If you ever thought, “I can’t believe the kids’ schools are still closed,” but continued to obey, you have some soul searching to do.
While searching your soul, perhaps consider the following:
1. Who controls the fear factor in your brain?
2. How were you manipulated into acting against your own physical interests in the name of “care for others”?
3. If you were suckered into such behavior, what can you do to not repeat your failures in the future?
4. What steps are you taking to optimize your health?
5. If your body is a temple but “the public’s” body is a dumpster fire, is it your obligation to risk your health for theirs? (No.)
6. What does it mean if we live in a system where the healthy, responsible, contributing people are being sacrificed on the altar of bad policies protecting those making the poorest choices?
7. Why are only the poorest choices encouraged? Keep in mind, your “public health” officials closed public parks, gyms & green space, told ppl to stay inside, told you not to get sunlight, outlawed safe & cheap medicines that worked, told you to cover your life force with a dirty rag for hours on end, and tried to scare you to death.
I hope YOU will pledge to always mindfully put yourself first. If anyone tells you to do something that “doesn’t feel right,” TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS and DISOBEY. Welcome to the resistance! Live free and thrive!
This week, we delve into Manchester’s homelessness numbers provided to the Aldermen yesterday and condemn Joyce Craig’s reign of error and bad policies that exacerbate the problem, because, as we like to say… incentives matter: what’s the carrot and what is the stick?
What if government is filled with a combination of narcissists, liars, paranoids, and voyeurs? What if government is designed to attract the worst kind of people, people whose deepest desire is to control other people’s behavior–YOURS.
They think they know better and they’re going to make you do what they want.
Under normal circumstances, we recognize this as bullying and know it shouldn’t be encouraged… We know that is a bad personality trait and bullies should be avoided…
And yet…
You accept that government officials and bureaucrats think they can tell you what to do in almost every aspect of your life now… They think they’re the boss of you… Like an… owner? Like they own you?
I was recently interviewed by NBC10Boston and was genuinely surprised when the host claimed (paraphrasing) that trans people have superior rights to libertarians because it was an innate trait/”they were born that way”. [See starting around minute 23:10 to end for that discussion.]
This has been bothering me for weeks…
I was born free.
Weren’t you?
If you don’t think humans are born free, who do you think owns you/a part of you?
How much of you?
What percent?
Does that change over your lifetime?
How may your owners divest of you?
Does consent matter?
Does it have to be informed consent or can they experiment on you because they own a part (or all) of you?
These are questions worth grappling with. Don’t accept your government has the authority it is claiming over you. They will take everything you concede and more.
Either you fight for your freedom now, or you are, or will, be a slave, and be warned: Government is a fickle master.