We discuss Mayor Joyce’s failures with homelessness in Manchester, today’s primaries, and more.
Carla Gericke
I am growing! Even though I don’t have any real measurable skills as an artist, I have a burning desire to share what is in my head with people. While forest bathing the other day–fancy for ‘walking in the woods’–it occurred to me that at its very core, all being an artist is, is simply having the confidence to let your unique freak flag fly and share whatever YOU create with the world.
Simply. Yet we know, things worth achieving are hardly ever simple.
Making art is creative (selfish). Sharing art is confidence (selfless).
Somewhere in my journey to adulthood, I was told I was the “smart one,” and so, in law school, I started to suppress my artsy side, with occasional relapses into beehives, hot pants and fishnets, and drugs, lots and lots of booze and drugs, on the weekends.
Even though I’m grateful I developed my logical, rational, legal-minded side, I do regret not continuing to do personally fulfilling “fun stuff” like singing, dancing, and painting, at least as hobbies. You don’t have to be great at something to take pleasure from doing it… and who knows, with enough practice, you might even become good!
I was doing an interview with NBC Boston recently. In response to a “what’s next” type question, I said I’d like to “retire and become an artist,” mostly in jest (I will never really retire), but the interviewer glommed onto it, asking, “What kind of artist would you like to be?”
The question stumped me for a second–Wait! Isn’t being a writer being an artist? Remember how it took you more than a decade to call yourself ‘an author’ without having a full-on impostor-panic-attack!?!–then I said something like, “Well, I’m an author, and I dabble in painting (e.g. I painted the dogs you saw in my office), I take a lot of nature and food photographs, I cook, and, who knows, maybe in the future, I will have my own One Woman Show!”
(I will and it shall be called, “Disturbia.” :P)
But as I was answering, I was aware of that voice in my head, you know the one, Cunty McCunt, telling me how pretentious I sounded, and how dare I lay claim to such idyllic dreams! Who do you think you are, she started, but when I heard that second-person voice, that “you” voice, the one you have to teach yourself to hear so that you can snap her back in place–which is NOWHERE NEAR YOUR DREAMS–I re-framed my negative thoughts to this: I am who I am and I will do the things that feed my spirit and make me happy.
I am who I am and I will do the things that feed my spirit and make me happy. Like a well-rounded, authentic, balanced human-being. One who has, through hard lifestyle choices, including changing to a keto diet and quitting alcohol, developed the confidence to show you her crazy… as ‘An Artist’… one Post-It at a time!
This Episode of Rock, Paper, Hand Grenades Disappeared From Youtube: Catch It While You Can!
This episode of Rock, Paper, Hand Grenades was recorded a year ago, and disappeared off Youtube. Catch it now to see why! (And it’s not because I can’t say “amygdala” right!)
This episode got banned off YT, and not just because I don’t know how to say “amygdala” properly
Posted by Carla Gericke on Thursday, September 8, 2022
Tom Woods and Carla Gericke catch up on goings-on in the Free State. They discuss the recent attempt by a real-life Karen to disqualify from election candidates running for office because she didn’t like the bill they introduced (CACR 32), states’ rights and National Divorce, Carla’s race for House of Representatives [DONATE NOW!], and more!
Redacted: Pentagon Denies Exemptions to Unlawful mRNA Order, Censors Entire Explanation
If you follow my work, you know I am a big fan of open and transparent government (I serve on the board of Right-to-Know NH, a nonpartisan group of concerned NH citizens), because if we don’t know what the government is up to, we cannot keep them accountable.
Transparency in government is vital to a functioning society, because you cannot both purport to work for us, the people, and keep secrets from us “for our own good.”
This is how abusers operate.
Over the past 2 decades, primarily after 9/11 when America really lost its way, the media, with every “unnamed source” and “intelligence sources say,” that started cropping up, became derelict. We no longer have a functioning 4th Estate.
No one in government is held responsible for anything anymore… starting with the WMD lies and ending with whatever this Covidmania shit-show is.
You may recall the Laurie’s List printed by the Union Leader in March 2021 for Sunshine Week showed several columns of blacked-out information about bad deeds done by unnamed cops. At the time, I thought if ordinary Granite Staters could SEE how even our local AG’s office obscures and hides the truth, you might wake up.

I am sharing this FOIA response from the Pentagon for the same reason. A serviceman who refused to get a medical treatment against his will was told:
“We found no indication of misconduct by [Air Force] Secretary [Frank] Kendall,” the document reads, before redacting the entirety of the explanation.”
This is your government. Do YOU approve?
Read more from the Ron Paul Institute about the legal bind the military finds itself in on this issue. (They may, by law, only mandate approved vaccines, but not emergency approved ones, and now everyone is scrambling.)
Sadly, these stats on the pic look quaint, post-Covidmania.
Perhaps a question that needs to be answered for the world to heal is: where do many of these allergies and auto-immune diseases originate, and could, in the US, the government-sanctioned vaccine schedule with its ridiculous amount of recommended vaccines have something to do with it?
Given what I have learned since having to restore my own health after getting a forced MMR vaccination in 2008 in NYC in order to get my MFA bestowed, and given what we are seeing now with these boosters and all-cause mortality amongst groups not statistically at risk of death from c19, I’m going to say, YES.
You can call me any name you want (I prefer, “Right!” )… But the reality is… something is going on and the people who don’t want us to analyze what, all work in the industries being protected. Call it sus.
Boston Globe: “Free Staters Seek to… ” [Run for Office and Get Elected (Sometimes)]
MANCHESTER, N.H. — The doormat outside Carla Gericke’s house carries the warning “Come back with a warrant.” It’s a stark reflection of her broad distrust of government bureaucracy, an attitude that is the driving force behind the Free State movement, which has led thousands of like-minded people to move to New Hampshire on a quixotic quest — to build a libertarian utopia.
Gericke helps lead that movement, and her agenda is broad and unapologetically radical. More than 6,000 people have relocated to New Hampshire since the effort was launched 21 years ago, according to its organizers. And while some dispute that claim, legislators on both sides of the aisle in Concord agree that Free Staters have come to wield outsize political influence.
Inside her home, Gericke explained why an independent New Hampshire is a good idea, why its public schools are hopelessly broken, why Washington, D.C., is pervasively corrupt, and why Free Staters who believe big government is the enemy of personal freedom are determined to turn society upside down.
“I’m a problem-solver, I’m a solutionist, I am an innovator, I’m a visionary,” said Gericke, a former corporate attorney who moved to New Hampshire from New York in 2008 as part of the Free State movement. “I want to take a swing at making one place better, and this is the place I picked.”
But where Gericke and other “porcupines” — a nickname Free Staters have adopted— see a blueprint for shrinking government and protecting the rights to privacy and private property, critics see a back-door assault on democracy itself.
Their end game, detractors say, is to infiltrate New Hampshire government at all levels — from select boards to the State House — with the aim of dismantling it. State support for public schools is a priority target. Read more…
Look at these MONSTERS, trying to build a “libertarian utopia” per this Boston Globe article today. We are actually in the very serious business of building a prosperous and peaceful libertarian homeland to serve as an example for the rest of America. To remind folks Big Government, trying to control every aspect of your lives, is the problem, and neighbors interacting on a voluntary basis, is the solution.
Here’s a quick synopsis of three events I attended in the Free State yesterday, Saturday, September 3, 2022.
Morning kicked off with MVP, the Merrimack Valley Porcupine meetup, which has been running consecutively on the first Saturday of every month for almost 20 years!
Speakers included General Don Bolduc and Tim Baxter<—Tim is Rand Paul and Thomas Massie endorsed and needs your support in the primary! As does Michael Yakubovich, who is being subjected to a disgusting attacks by corrupt politicians (what else do you call people who change parties, gerrymander, and BLATANTLY LIE in order to seize–I mean, SLEAZE–power?). I will be door-knocking for Michael next week and I would deeply appreciate it if every Manchester, Hooksett & Goffstown Free Stater gives 2-4 hours, PLEASE.
We also learned about libertyballot.com, your one stop resource for vetted liberty candidates. I know I always pull up this helpful website on my phone in the voting booth. (Remember, they only have candidates with primaries on the current list, it gets updated for the general.)
Louis and I then spent a playful afternoon in Lafayette Park to celebrate the 2nd Annual West Manchester Day put together by We HEART West, a group of concerned West Siders who organize trash pick-ups, and keep an eye out in the neighborhood. Kids (and grown-ups) enjoyed all kinds of fun games, including the limbo, egg-relay, tug-a-war, and more!
Watch everyone play with a parachute HERE. Additional West Manchester Day photos HERE and HERE. Hope more neighborhood families will join us next year!
We picked up a fellow Free Stater for a ride-share, then drove to Bardo Farm in Croydon for their 15th annual Farmiversary. FIFTEEN years serving the Croydon and greater New Hampshire freedom community. 100+ people, 10+ dogs, cows, ducks, turkeys, ,
, and more, celebrated with a pig roast and delicious peak season whole food side dishes (I enjoyed my own personal “tomato taste-off” between competing nommy dishes on my plate). Live music, a bonfire and an impressive fireworks display topped off our night.
I don’t have any pics from Bardo because my phone ran outta juice (UPDATED with some pics from friends) on the ride up and I ended up just enjoying the moment with people I love. Have a happy Sunday, y’all!
PS: There’s an event at the farm of Bruce Fenton this afternoon Noon-5pm. If you haven’t been (or if you have), it’s a wonderful spot to enjoy an afternoon overlooking Oyster Bay while meeting a great liberty candidate for US Senate.
Some more pictures from yesterday’s West Manchester Day. What a lotta fun! This was just one of three events I…
Posted by Carla Gericke on Sunday, September 4, 2022
To Preserve Individual Liberty, Know This: America is a Constitutional Republic Not a “Democracy”
Biden’s approval rating is 38%… by their own “logic,” doesn’t that make him the “extremist”?
Instead of name calling, let’s address IDEAS. Oh see, now THAT’S the problem… We are too deep in an unconstitutional hole to have an honest conversation.
The USA is supposed to be based on a restrained federal government, some states’ rights, and INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY.
We aren’t a “democracy,” we are a Constitutional Republic. We are free humans, not cogs in the Machine to be sacrificed at the behest of DC and its cadre of bureaucrats.
Where do we go from here?
Back in 2003, when I joined the Free State Project, I already thought the problems this country faced could not be solved on a federal level, because the Federal Government IS THE CULPRIT.
The War Machine, the military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about is too strong. You can kill a million people and nary a peep, but send a mean tweet about those murderers, THAT’S crossing a line?!?
THAT’S the mentality of the people you are trying to fight if you try to fix DC. You are also fighting trillions and trillions of inflationary dollars in vested interests, those special interest already bought and paid for. The people who are already unquestioning slaves to the system. Sadly, although you do not see it, that system thinks YOU ARE DISPENSABLE–dare I say, in their own words, NONESSENTIAL–and they will sacrifice you to further their goals.
Instead, I know the solutions will be found in our own back yards. As I coined in 2016, we should all be hard at work to “Make America States Again.” This is the way.
Localism, looking your school board on the eyes, knowing where your vegetables are grown, making sure you have your neighbor’s phone number, running for local office, knocking on doors, nullifying bad laws.
That’s why I am running for House of Representative in Ward 11, Manchester.
You can only control what you yourself do. Make your own human action count. I’m working to make sure every Granite Stater can Live Free and Thrive!
Facebook OP:
Biden’s approval rating is 38%… by their own “logic,” doesn’t that make him the “extremist”? Instead of name calling,…
Posted by Carla Gericke on Friday, September 2, 2022
I also shared my thoughts on Twitter as follows:
Fascism = the marrying of state & corporate interests.
The Fed Gov’s surveillance state has worked hand-in-glove with Big Tech to: silence, censor, deplatform, shadow ban, suppress & “fact check” anything contrary to the Official Narrative. Orwell is spinning in his grave.
The Fed Gov has worked lockstep with Big Pharma to: hide the origins of c19, lie about the safety & efficiency of the vaccines, shield companies from liability, destroy doctors w/different approaches & compromised millions of ppls immune systems. Huxley is spinning in his grave.
The Fed Gov has goose-stepped with the Military-Industrial Complex to: murder MILLIONS, drone strike Americans, not declare war making every war YOU CANNOT NAME unconstitutional, deploying the National Guard & neglecting veterans at home. Eisenhower is spinning in his grave.
Twitter OP:
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) September 2, 2022