This episode is pretty great! I was being trailed by NBC Boston, who had their cameras set up in my studio too, and they asked if I could do a quick wrap up of recent developments in the Free State, and this is what they got. They were pretty impressed that I was able to do this entire episode on the fly. I explained it’s my super-power… if you’re never as prepared as you should be, you learn to be good on your feet! Enjoy!
Carla Gericke
I have a theory about life… we are all just trying to manage what we have grown addicted to…
We’ve trained ourselves to tamp down the gift of higher consciousness and instead insatiably feed our addictions.
Some are obvious & understood, like this lady depicted here (well done!!!), but no one wants to talk about America’s addiction to alcohol, sugar, attention-deficiency, or statism.
All life boils down to, is, how are you spending your time? Where is your attention focused? If you are honest with yourself, is your attention on that next “fix,” whether it be meth or a candy bar or that third glass of wine?
Newsflash: bad habits reduce happiness and good habits enhance happiness, and the only difference between the two IS WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO FEED.
Know this, your choices today will result in who you become and what your long term health becomes. You should be asking yourself questions like, where does dementia come from? How does chronic sugar “use” impact my health?
The “cleaner” I live, the more obvious it is to me, and the easier healthier choices become. Just like making poor choices have bad outcomes, making better choices lead to happier outcomes.
In my life, primarily over the past 5 years, I have:
* Quit alcohol
* Switched to a low-carb lifestyle and significantly reduced my sugar consumption
* Lost 50+ lbs and kept it off
* Eliminated ruminating anxiety
* Improved my sleep
* Become “whole” by which I mean my idea of me and the me I present in the world are the same… AKA I live my life with personal integrity because that’s what keeping promises to yourself is (what you tell yourself and what you do are aligned)
I’m not a superhero. I’m not exceptional in this regard. I simply took a hard look at my life, decided there were things I didn’t like (or liked too much), and then, like this woman did to quit her addictions, I made changes and–this is the key–STUCK TO THEM.
The first step is making yourself one simple promise, maybe it’s no candy during the week, or a promise to cook all meals at home, or getting 7+ hours of sleep… Find one thing you can do and then DO IT!
Write down your promise TO YOURSELF and then just do that one thing. This is how good habits are developed, the same way bad ones are: through repetition.
I believe the world would be a better place if we expended vastly more efforts on making ourselves better rather than trying to “fix” or “help” others. I believe you shouldn’t work on anything beyond yourself until you are “whole”.
Not “complete,” because we are forever evolving, growing, changing and striving, but when you feel that sense of self, an awareness of your relationship with YOURSELF, a deep sense of consciousness, and self-ownership, i.e. that YOU are responsible for YOU, you’ll know. THEN, you can start to focus externally.
Wishing you success and joy on this journey. Remember, it’s a CHOICE to Live Free and Thrive!
Last night, there was a second meeting about the Stebbins Center being proposed on the site of our community garden & green space here in West Manchester.
I gave an impassioned speech (video to come) but here’s coverage by Manchester Ink Link so long.
I would like to point out something, my *feelings* aren’t really in question, I am rightfully responding to ACTIONS taken. i.e. We don’t FEEL overlooked, we WERE OVERLOOKED.
We all know that when someone apologizes by saying, “I’m sorry you feel x,” that’s not really an apology. Saying, “I’m sorry I did x,” is.
Republican candidate for State House in Ward 10, Tammy Simmons did a great job crystallizing the real issue, which is the City of Manchester and Mayor Joyce Craig failed us all by simply unethically shoving this through.
This land was never “surplus” to start with, and that should have been communicated to the parties involved. Ward 11’s alderman is entirely missing from all of this. Doesn’t show up, doesn’t respond, doesn’t seem to care. That’s likely why they thought they could get away with this… NO ONE was advocating for the people living in the neighborhood to be impacted. Now, we are.
From Ink Link:
“Carla Gericke, a local resident, felt that if the project went forward as it is now, it should not be a ‘community’ center due to the group’s interactions with the community up to this point. ‘No one wants to go to war here, right? But it’s important for people to understand where our frustration is coming from and we do not trust you,’ Gericke said to the organizers. ‘You cannot build a community center when you literally ignore the community that lives here.'”
Ink Link
Reminder! There is a meeting scheduled tonight 5-7PM at Parkside Middle to express your concerns.
There was an article in today’s Union Leader about it. See below.

According to the article, you will be able to speak for 3 minutes or write your concerns on cards provided and they will be read out.
I’ve asked Manchester Public Television to attend and record the session.
For me, the types of questions I have, are:
Why was the standard City procedure of requesting an RFP not followed? Under what basis of law was this exception made to sell public parkland to a private entity?
The letters submitted in support of selling the public land were solely submitted by state actors or people involved in the project (conflict of interest?) and simply state the park is “surplus” and “not in use” without any substantiating evidence. We all know the opposite is true and the park is, in fact, a robust community garden. How can you use these letters in support of your actions when all of us can see with our very own eyes it is a lie?
What other sites were considered? Where, in relation to these sites, do the sitting aldermen and people involved with the project live?
How many children on the West Side currently attend the Boys & Girls Club on the East Side? How many neighbors and gardeners will be affected by changing this park into a giant building?
What is the distance between the proposed site and the current Boys & Girls Club? How long does it take to drive or walk there?
Is it true that one of the reasons the destruction of the park is being proposed is because there is a bus driver shortage?
Do the nonprofits being proposed for this site have any data on how much crime increases and property prices drop when they open up in a neighborhood? If not, why not? This seems important to assessing all aspects of impact to an area, not simply measuring the criteria you want and ignoring the data you don’t want to consider.
Please provide substantiating data for claims of “extreme poverty” on the West Side.
Will this property be tax-free? If so, the costs will eventually be downshifted to the neighbors living there. So you are asking neighbors to lose green space in return for higher crime and higher property taxes, is this correct?
Can you explain all the funding sources for this project? Initially, it was claimed that all the funding was private. Since then, it has been exposed that there is both private and public funds being used, including federal grants. Can you shed light on this public/private funding. Can you shed light on the ARP grants (and where we can get copies). Can you breakdown where the “$17 million” is coming from?
Who was the “generous donor” for the under-market, unaudited sales price of $600,000 for the “property sale”?
According to its website, Amoskeag Health provides transgender affirmation services and chemical abortions. What will parental rights be like at this clinic next to a school that is being included in something called “wrap around services”? What is “wrap around services” and what grants relate to this?
What does “consent of the governed” mean to you?
I understand these questions make me seem like a curmudgeon, but they are important in order for us all to make an informed decision, taking into account ALL NECESSARY DATA, not just the cherry-picked data from one side of the equation.
In the end, the City has NOT acted ethically, and while I don’t want to bad mouth the private interests promoting this, they are now willfully associating with what can only be described as a “shady deal.”
The Stebbins family now has a choice to act with integrity and return to the drawing board. They can choose to follow standard procedures like informing the people who live in the neighborhood and the gardeners who use the community garden beforehand, and follow a standard RFP procedure, or they can choose to side with the City and railroad the community that lives here, and then let the chips fall where they may.
We are entering a new phase on this road to totalitarianism. A massive red flag is when people who deserve untold amounts of JUSTIFIED CRITICISM for illegal, unconstitutional, and immoral behavior, start saying you’re not allowed to criticize them.
Add to this trend, the lopsided censorship being instituted by Big Tech obo Big Gov working in cahoots with Big Pharma, and you have a recipe for disaster for liberty, freedom, and global human rights. Your duty now is to SPEAK UP DOUBLY HARD.
Yesterday, Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum globalist who wears a cape with massive shoulder pads and is only missing a hairless cat to stroke, called for AI to start censoring online “misinformation.” What could possibly go wrong?
NEW – Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum proposes to automate censorship of “hate speech” and “disinformation” with AI fed by “subject matter experts.”
— (@disclosetv) August 11, 2022
Then Twitter got in on the action.
This means we’ll take action against misleading claims about the voting process, misleading content intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in the election, or misleading claims that may undermine public confidence in elections outcomes.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) August 11, 2022
They want to stop this type of propaganda from being too obvious (search on Youtube, there are many examples of this rote repetition of talking points the Regime wants you to support):
The reason they crave censorship is the narrative is hard to control otherwise & the manipulation is blatantly obvi…
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 12, 2022
It’s genuinely interesting to me to try to figure out what posts/topics are being shadow-banned/censored on what platforms.
I can tell you, tagging the FBI in snotty Tweets like below, will level you up on the “no one can see you” scale. How can I tell? For certain posts, a double screen opens on my end for a moment, and then usually the post doesn’t get a single additional reaction after that.
Dear @FBI
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 11, 2022
Violent rhetoric > Actual violence.
The children of Waco
In other news, this Tweet is gold, and I’m both spelling it out below and embedding it, because it definitely was immediately shadow-banned, only getting one reaction and then nada. Weird what they find threatening. Words, definitions, which form the basis of arguments to persuade people. Without the ability to agree on what words mean, they know, the battle is much harder for the good guys. (How do I know I’m a good guy, you ask? Because in the history of the world the bad guys have always been the ones censoring, name-calling, controlling and lying. And I’m not doing any of that. I am telling the truth and trying to warn you before it is too late.)
Let’s play Dictionary!
Opposite of “radical” =
Yes-Men, sorry, Yes-Human
Any questions?
Let’s play Dictionary!
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 12, 2022
Opposite of “radical” =
Yes-Men, sorry, Yes-Human
Any questions?
Ep. 29 The Carla Gericke Show Deep Dives on the Mark Stebbin Center Controversy
Controversial backroom deal to declare a public park with a robust community garden “surplus” in order to sell this green space to a private developer without telling the people living in the neighborhood? Say it isn’t so! This week, I discuss my recent op-ed in the Union Leader regarding the unethical mess happening at Parkside Park. Get involved!
Sign up for alerts:
Next meeting: 8/16 5-7PM at Parkside Middle. YOUR voice counts if YOU show up!
These photos from one year apart came up in my memories & I wanted to post them because they serve as a good, motivating reminder of the changes I’ve CHOSEN… If you are anything like me, seeing people succeed when they put their minds to it, is motivating!
From quitting alcohol to prioritizing my health through mindful lifestyle choices like #keto#meditation#sleep, I am grateful that I’ve chosen to #LiveFreeAndThrive!
If YOU want to make changes, know YOU can! I’m here to help! Check out my website for lots of content about my journey.
Know this: the more you choose healthy stuff, the easier it becomes!
I’ve lost and kept off more than 50+ lbs and I’m super proud!