Video thread:
— Libertarian Party NH (@LPNH) January 21, 2022
Free Stater and libertarian activist @CarlaGericke was on ? in her testimony on New Hampshire Independence (CACR32)
“I am testifying today in support of CACR32 because it should always be in the hands of the people, how they are governed.”
Carla Gericke
Honorable Committee Members,
Thank you for your time today. My name is Carla Gericke, but my friends call me Queen Quill. I am an immigrant to America and became a US citizen in 2000, having to take a citizen’s test, where, you know, New Americans learn about the Constitution and the enumerated things the federal government is supposed to be limited to doing, which isn’t supposed to be much.
I am an author, activist, and attorney. I am a political refugee to New Hampshire, moving here in 2008 as part of the Free State Project. I was the Republican nominee for NH Senate in District 20, and received 45% of the vote in the last election. I’ll be running again. [DONATE!]
I am a proud Free Stater, and, like many, but not all Free Staters, I support NH Independence.
I am testifying today in SUPPORT of CACR 32 because it should always be in the hands of the people how they are governed.
CACR 32 simply states: “Are you in favor of amending the first part of the constitution by inserting after article 7 a new article to read as follows:
The federal government has failed us. It no longer follows the Constitution. The federal government ushers in unconstitutional wars. The federal government hurts our fellow Granite Staters with its War on Drugs, which just makes bad personal choices, worse. The federal government, colluding with the Federal Reserve, makes us all poorer due to inflation caused by money printing. Face it, Granite Staters are being abused by DC.
What do we advise victims to do when they are being abused?
Which means, we have the right to ask for a DIVORCE. This is all today’s proposed amendment is: an opportunity–a DEMOCRATIC OPPORTUNITY–for Granite Staters to decide whether our relationship with the federal government is worth salvaging.
I say it is NOT, and everyone should know, we would ALL be better off if we went our separate ways.
What are we taught about abusers?
They will tell you, you can never leave.
They will tell you they will change.
They will tell you it’s your fault.
Abusers, and the federal government, are gaslighting liars who cannot be trusted. We all know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and it is YOUR duty to at least create an OPPORTUNITY for Granite Staters to DECIDE our own destinies.
As an independent nation state, NH will be prosperous and peaceful, along the lines of small, successful countries like Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, or Switzerland. We would have four times the size of Iceland’s population. We would easily be able to work with our neighbors to trade, much like the countries do in the Schengen Area in Europe. Many American retirees already receive their social security pensions in foreign countries like Mexico.
No future challenge related to independence is insurmountable: Where there is a will, there is a way.
Let’s see if there is a WILL.
There are many compelling reasons to support a #NATIONALDIVORCE and I encourage folks who are curious to visit the Foundation for NH Independence’s website. I serve on this federally recognized 501c3 educational nonprofit’s board and at you will find for hundreds of reasons why YOU should support a free and independent New Hampshire, not least of which we would all be SIGNIFICANTLY wealthier, probably on average about $25,000, if we could keep our hard earned federal income taxes.
Today, your ONLY duty is to democracy, which every single one of you claims to support. YOU need to vote in favor of this OPPORTUNITY because it is NOT up to you. It is up to individual Granite Staters.
We are called the live free or die state. When we become independent, we will also be the Live Free and THRIVE state. Afford us the opportunity to TRY.
Thank you for your time, I’d be happy to answer questions.
Tammy and I don’t miss a beat and cover a lot of ground this week, including discussing the Honorable JR Hoell’s DCYF case, street crime in Manchester, and the book “San Fransicko: How Progressives Ruin Cities”. We also discuss this week’s upcoming Right-to-Know bills to foster open and transparent government, and CACR 32, the independence bill being heard on Thursday.
This was today’s lunch, with brown butter sage mushrooms, Bardo Farm pork chops, sweet potato, and roasted broccoli with red onions.I only have one #freedomnomnom meal to present because I was traveling.
While in Miami, I enjoyed ceviche, a raw bar with oysters and shrimp, Argentinian rare steak, halibut, and more! The “more” includes GOOSEBERRIES, something I have never encountered at a breakfast buffet before. #fancy
I was confronted with so many (MANY!!!) tempting delights, and am proud of myself for sticking to healthy choices. Other than a bite of a handmade empanada and a slice of bread under my breakfast avo toast with poached eggs & Hollandaise, I did good.
Over the years, I have learned it is better to stick to my bright lines than to have regrets. This is when you know it’s a lifestyle, not a diet.
Since I didn’t realize how much I missed avo toast until I had it again, I’m going to start making my own bread-free version called “Avo Most.”
If YOU want to change your life and become metabolically healthy, follow me on social and check out #freedomnomnom for years of meals to help inspire YOU! Change is possible, you just have to choose YOU.
#ketokitchen #ketolife #keto #paleo #ancestral #ancestralliving
Lawsuits are pending regarding past abuses against children at the Youth Development in Manchester (notice the nifty re-branding to remove “Sununu” from the institution’s name).
The Dems bill HB 1677 wants to allocate $100 MILLION dollars, and wants settlements to be exempt from our Right-to-Know laws. This sounds suspiciously like a sludge fund to me…
If you are spending PUBLIC money, the PUBLIC has a Right-to-Know. Period.
Hearing is on Thursday, same day as several other RTK bills, as well as NH’s first independence bill, CACR 32.
Hope to see many Free Staters coming out to speak about these issues. We are fortunate to live in a state where the legislature listens. Victory often goes to those who show up… Be there. Thanks!
The FDA’s recommended Standard American Diet (SAD) is based on super shady “science.” You should eat very little carbs or sugar, and invert the Food Pyramid if you want to be healthy (high good fats, medium protein, and low carbs). The law of economics says, the more you subsidize something, the more of it you will get. The government subsidizes corn and sugar. Americans suffer from *self-inflicted chronic* metabolic disease at an alarming rate, almost 50% of Americans are obese, and THIS is the advice that is being given? Here’s the reality: The Big Biz/Big Gov cronyism is so corrupt now, it is safe to say, if you want to live a long and healthy life, do the opposite of what these clowns recommend. Whatever you do: Stop the denial; it serves no one, least of all you. Get yourself weighed, get on a decent diet (I recommend paleo/keto), and get yourself well. Please.
QUICK NOTES: They’re experimenting on me at Hereticon! Check out these two images that, apparently, my thoughts made. The instructions were to pick a high or low line and then try to steer your line on the graph. I picked HIGH first, obviously (or rather, obvious to me, as it’s easier to think aspirationally/rising frequency for me). See pictures below.
After that result, I was intrigued enough to do the low too (blue line above). For both, I closed my eyes and steered my mind. Interestingly, where the lines blipped over the control line in the middle-ish is where I thought of a rocket ship launching (high) and a submarine diving (low). I have no idea what this means, but I do believe I can now categorically prove I HAVE A BRAIN!
They’re experimenting on me at #hereticon! Check out these two images that, apparently, my thoughts made. The…
Posted by Carla Gericke on Wednesday, January 12, 2022
I’m not really sure what I am allowed to say about this conference. Can I brag, and say I sat eight feet away from Peter Thiel in a roped VIP bar inside a bar while listening to a talk on ESP, and wondered why Peter wasn’t picking up on the vibes I was laying down right then and there to become besties?
Can I say I was surprised at the level of “woo”–alien summonings (they didn’t show up, boo!), Tarot card readings (I’d never done one before, was totally unprepared, and ended up bawling like a teenager over childhood crap), brainwave stuff (see above), ESP, black holes, spy-craft, mRNA tech, neural links, etc.–all of which, on some level, struck me as nerds trying to measure or prove the existence of God.
Funny story: After the talk by the brilliant Tim Urban on neural links, I was crossing the 4-lane street back to the hotel, walking with a gentleman who had also attended the talk. We were walking side-by-side, making small talk.
Me: “You know, it’s probably super-weird, but I’m not vaccinated, but I might get a neural link one day, who knows?!?”
Man: “YOU ARE NOT VACCINATED???” Jumps away from me in the middle of the road and, I kid you not, SCURRIES, as in at an alarmed and quick pace, away from me like I am dangerous, dirty vermin. I was so shocked, because here in the Free State of New Hampshire, we understand that, surely, if you chose to get vaccinated, you should not fear the unvaxxed, because… you’re vaccinated… no? 😛
Very booze-y, which was harder for me than I thought it would be. After all, it’s been more than 4 years since I quit alcohol, but it was just prevalent–open bars across the exclusive hotel, great selection of top-shelf full bottles in my room–and I was out of pot and didn’t fly with any, and didn’t feel like the hassle of organizing a hotel delivery, but, luckily, I had packed some micro-doses of ‘shrooms, and that helped take the edge off. Good reminder to make sure I am adequately stocked with the medicines I need when I travel.
Ran The Gauntlet at #hereticon to tell these amazing folks more about the Free State Project and to invite them to…
Posted by Carla Gericke on Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Highlights: Meeting Michael Shellenberger, author of San Fransicko: How Progressives Ruin Cities. Longevity stuff. Young Boss Women ruling the roost. A thoughtful interview with Peter Thiel. The Grimes set–BPHAB! Watching people get hypnotized, like smart, accomplished Silicon Valley types just dropping into deep, deep orgasmic hypnosis… I couldn’t believe my eyes! Stand-up. Show girls! Burlesque Variety Show. Really, an amazing experience. Thank you!
See what others were saying…
Daily Beast says “Peter Thiel’s VC Firm to Host a Meetup Where Tech Outcasts Can Do ‘Thoughtcrimes’”
Ivy Astrix says, “A Bunch of Heretics Walk Into Miami”
Hereticon creator, Michael Solana, in his own words… “The future we want to build is impossible if important ideas are deemed too heretical”
I have been traveling and dealing with family issues, so have not written my annual summation of 2021, but we were all there, and we all know it sucked balls. ‘Nuff said.
Followers know I like to pick a “word of the year” to guide my mindfulness and meditations, a sentiment or notion to circle back to on those days when I’ve lost my “oomph” or need a little brain-trick to stay on the path of health and wellness I have chosen for myself. Past words have included “change,” “vibrance,” and last year, “sthira and sukha” (effort and ease).
This year got off to a rough start, with a difficult Christmas holiday spent with my parents. We all got the Vid, and on top of that, Pa was hospitalized due to a sodium imbalance caused by alcoholism; and my mother’s dementia, in addition to the damage she suffered after her stroke decades ago, is now undeniable.
Their medical challenges are at least partially because of habitual daily drinking, and the negative effects I started to notice a few years ago on their minds and moods, was one of the reasons I quit drinking in 2017.
I haven’t really picked a “word of the year” yet, other than having NETWORKING very forward on my mind, but I’m going to write a book about my decision to quit using alcohol, one that will hopefully persuade you to do so too.
I feel grateful that I have grown enough as a writer over the past few years that, instead of having to work on motivating myself to write, I have created sustainable habits–daily journaling, meditation, regular blogging and fresh content–to support the following achievable commitments:
- Three months to write an outline and submit book proposal;
- Network with my fellow author friends and publishing contacts to do a formal book deal;
- Finish the book by the end of year.
I have been practicing behavioral modification for the last couple of years. One of the reframing techniques I use is identifying when I am suffering from cognitive dissonance, which is just a fancy way of saying, “moments when my behavior and my thoughts are not aligned.”
Because I’ve had other careers, including working as in-house counsel at Fortune 500s through the dotcom era, I have always treated my writing as a “hobby” instead of a job. This is the year this changes.
In my quest for clean living, I’m actively seeking natural ways to get more dopamine hits, and the feeling I got when my first book, The Ecstatic Pessimist: Stories of Hope (Mostly) was published, rates right up there on my internal satisfaction scale. It’s a feeling worth chasing! Every time I see my book, I get a little thrill. As I was journaling this morning, I realized I can replicate that feeling more often if I churn out more books. Go me!
Years ago, before I got cancelled for my views on gun control, I worked with locally-known New Hampshire journalist and historian, John Clayton. He said something in a workshop that’s always stuck with me. He sold his first story for a nominal amount when he was still in high school. Fine. But the important part was he told himself he would never publish anything for which he was not remunerated. As I shift more seriously into writing career path, I am going to apply this to my own life going forward.
Of course, I will still blog and write for the sake of communicating important ideas, but I will also seek to monetize my efforts… Which is just my way of saying: writing is no longer a hobby, it is a calling for which I want and deserve to get paid.