The second in a three-part series, author, activist, attorney, Carla Gericke sits down with Eric Cervone of the Honest Offense to chart her life “From the Apartheid State to the Free State”. In this episode, we chat about Carla’s “Coming to America” story and her life as in-house counsel for Fortune 500 companies, and what happened after the dotcom bubble burst…
Carla Gericke
The first in a three-part series, author, activist, attorney, Carla Gericke sits down with Eric Cervone of Honest Offense to discuss her fascinating backstory, charting her life “From the Apartheid State to the Free State”. In this episode, Carla covers her early years and how she came to immigrate to the US (hint: it involves winning the Green Card lottery!).
Oooooof. It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Now out, a book called, “The Cult of the Constitution: The Deadly Devotion to Guns and Free Speech”.
For realz.
Written by Mary Anne Franks, a professor at the University of Miami School of Law, who, last fall, penned a proposal for a “redo” of the First and Second Amendments in a Boston Globe op-ed:
“Speech and guns: two of the most contentious issues in America today, with controversies fueled not only by personal passions and identity politics but by competing interpretations of the Constitution. Perhaps more than any other parts of the Constitution, the First and Second Amendments inspire religious-like fervor in many Americans, with accordingly irrational results.As legal texts go, neither of the two amendments is a model of clarity or precision. More important, both are deeply flawed in their respective conceptualizations of some of the most important rights of a democratic society: the freedom of expression and religion and the right of self-defense. These two amendments are highly susceptible to being read in isolation from the Constitution as a whole and from its commitments to equality and the collective good. The First and Second Amendments tend to be interpreted in aggressively individualistic ways that ignore the reality of conflict among competing rights. This in turn allows the most powerful members of society to reap the benefits of these constitutional rights at the expense of vulnerable groups. Both amendments would be improved by explicitly situating individual rights within the framework of “domestic tranquility” and the “general welfare” set out in the Constitution’s preamble…”
If you can stand it, read more HERE…
Franks’ suggestions are designed to subvert the individualistic nature of America and its Constitution, and she poorly argues that we should make our natural rights subject to “the common good.” In case you don’t understand why this is a bad idea, let me ask you this: Who decides what the “common good” is? Would the “common good” depend on who is in power at the time? Would it change every 2-4 years? Is there a magical definition? Of course not. Who deserves such power over another human? No one, that’s who.
Freedom means being free from someone else’s notion of what the “common good” is, because it is as unknowable as the billions and billions of humans on Earth. These illogical and irrational “thinkers” are again coming with their mumbo-jumbo nonsense to try to usher in an “equitable” (communist) future.
Fight this assault on our individual rights (our freedom) with every fibre of your uncommon being! Please and thank you.
This Facebook capture is from “This Day” in 2016, when it was being reported that conservative media was being censored by Facebook. For those who know me, I don’t have a particular skin in the game as to whether it is conservative or progressive voices (or anyone in between) being silenced… I have an issue with censorship per se. So, by the way, regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, should YOU.
A reminder on this Saturday morning: #LiveFreeAndThrive!
YOU are the master of your destiny and YOUR CHOICES matter.
If you’re dissatisfied with an aspect of your life, be honest with yourself. Write it down and then jot down 3 things you could immediately start to do to change.
For example: say you want to eliminate unnecessary carbs from your life. Three things you could do is:
1. Purge your pantry: Get rid of those snackies that don’t serve your health. Eliminating the temptation is huge.
2. Buy an assortment of nuts (NOT PEANUTS, that’s a legume) for hand-to-mouth cravings.
3. Substitute a salad or, less ideal but still better, sweet potato fries instead of spuds at restaurants.
Suddenly, changing doesn’t seem insurmountable.
For the next week, implement your three steps for the change you are working on. Then find another change you want to implement and repeat!
Keep adding, don’t backslide on forward momentum, and soon, you will look at your life and say, “Wow! Putting your mind to something, breaking it down into smaller steps, and then just doing ‘the little things,’ WORKS!”
Feel free to share if you’re working on something and how you’re going about it. We can all learn from each other and help hold each other accountable. Galt speed on your journey to your best YOU!
Will the Legacy News Even Investigate the SCOTUS Leak? (Manch Talk 05/03/22)
An overnight leak of an unreleased SCOTUS decision appears to overturn Roe v. Wade, pushing the issue to the states. With abortion-talk on the table, Carla gets some thoughts off her chest. We also discuss In-Town Manchester’s demise, and how the City hampers new development even when they’re “helping.”
Johnny-Come-Latelys Pretend But Some of Us Can Prove We Were Right From the Start
Remember the people, like me, who were REALLY out there fighting for our rights from the very start!
Lots of Johnny-Come-Latelys fronting that they were on the side of freedom and against the government’s response from the start… but I say: PROVE IT.
I can:
FYI, I received numerous death wishes after this rally, crazy Karens threatened to call CPS on parents who brought their children, I was suspended from FB for a while, etc…
Place your trust in Free Staters like me who are trying to guide you through this changing landscape. We either choose LIVE FREE OR DIE (and by default then we will #LiveFreeAndThrive), or you choose subjugation from a government that said YOU ARE NONESSENTIAL. Never forget that!