Carla Gericke
This post is from 7 years ago. I’d embed it, but for some reason, the embed code isn’t working, but here you go:
This made my day! You never know whose life you might touch, and change for the better with the message of liberty. I turned an MFA student from City College in NYC, Lou Perez. Methinks that’s triple points!
“Hey, Carla:I heard your interview on the Tom Woods show and I just wanted to reach out and say hi. I was reminded of the writers retreat we went on years back with Dean Reynolds, particularly the one night when we sat in the living room (I don’t know what else you’d call it) and the conversation turned to politics/government/etc. I kinda sat on the outside and watched you defend yourself in a room full of statists. At the time I had never heard of libertarians (aside from an offhand remark a kid I knew had made when I was an undergrad) and I had definitely never thought about voluntarism. I was really impressed with you that night. I ended up at Porc Fest a summer or two later–remember I was trying to write something about Anarchy and Christianity? That article never made it out of my head, but the ideals you continued to speak of as Queen Quill did.Some of my friends call me the “Libertarian” and poke fun at me for having principles. I once took on a room of four or five of them–not unlike the scene in Archer City. (Some of those guys are no longer friends because of it. Hehe) I tried to describe myself as philosophically an anarchist who sees libertarianism as a practical step in the direction of liberty. Voluntarist has a nice sound to it–and without all the baggage of the other labels. Plus it helps me say I’m more like my friend Carla, the South African gal with the greatest laugh and a hell of a way with words. Thanks, Carla. I hope you and Louie are loving life back east. The more I see you doing interviews and kicking the State’s ass on its own turf, the more I think we’re winning. Veterans Day is coming up and you’re definitely one of my fucking heroes! Much love and respect, Lou”