Back in January, I was honored to sit down with former Maine Senator Eric Brakey on his show Free America Now. In this hour-long discussion cut into 2 parts, we chat about what makes the Free State of New Hampshire so wonderful and special. This is Part 1.
Carla Gericke
Back from a week off and raring to go! Fans of the show know that arm gesture means we’re talking about failing public schools again. The more they spend, the worse it gets, so maybe, just maybe, stop? Also, is it possible that all homicides in NH in the past 6 months have been police shooting civilians? [NOTE: the murder rate in NH is VERY LOW to start with, but still…]
This week, I discuss the Oscar-worthy performances of Will Smith and Chris Rock after ‘The Slap,” how this was a violation of the Non-Aggression Principle, and maaaaybe I throw in a new Big Pharma conspiracy prediction for good measure! I also cover what’s up with the son of the Top Dog’s super shady laptop… Did the New York Times admit that Hunter Biden’s laptop is authentic, contains extremely damning evidence, and yet… crickets? Tune in to find out!
This week, I am joined by Rachel Goldsmith from the New Hampshire Chapter of Mom’s for Liberty. We talk about teachers’ unions, literacy rates, and other ways schools are failing their students. Rachel tells us about some upcoming events and ways to get involved to improve the lives of all our students!
Got this FABULOUS bracelet at Revolution on Sunday after I stopped in White River Junction on the way back from Barre, VT where I delivered the keynote of the VT LP Convention. Normally, I’m one of those drivers that just likes to get where I’m going, but I am trying to listen better to the voice in my head when it suggests indulgences like side-quests.
Before I got canceled from the NH Writer’s Project, I organized several NH Literary Festivals across the state. One of these was held in WRJ, even though it is technically in VT. I had to go to bat for holding the festival there, and since then, WRJ has held a special place in my heart.
I was delighted to see the tiny coffeehouse, Tuckerbox, has grown into a thriving, huuuuge restaurant. Even happier to learn Kim Souza, owner of Revolution, is now serving as selectman. Glad I listened to the voice reminding me it is actually both the destination and the journey that matter, and that trying to achieve balance in all things leads to happiness and success! (And beautiful bracelets!)
Man, today was crazy! This Laconia Sun article came out, and other than them spelling my name wrong… twice!… it’s not too biased: Who are the free staters? I also did an interview with Tom Woods that will drop tomorrow. We’re planning to make it a quarterly thing: Dispatches from The Woods, maybe?!? And also, it is the 12th year anniversary of my arrest for filming cops in public. I prevailed, four years later.
1/Today, 12 years ago, I was arrested & charged with felony wiretapping w/7 yr sentence. I warned them I'd sue their pants off & I did, winning a First Circuit lawsuit affirming the #FreeSpeech right to film police officers in public & eliminating the claim of qualified immunity.
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) March 24, 2022
It was a light cooking week in my rustic, #freedomnomnom #keto kitchen since I fasted from last Sunday night to Friday at 6pm, FIVE DAYS. (I’m working on a piece about the fasting that I will share this week.)Those who follow along–THANK YOU!– may have noticed I skipped a few weeks. I had other priorities, and something had to give and the time I spend on this on Sundays was it. But, instead of continuing to slack, here I am reporting for duty! Not to anyone. Not to people please. For ME. This habit informs many other positives in my life. It makes me cherish and guard my Sundays. It makes me chose healthy, locally-sourced foods. Cooking gives me flow, and this makes me appreciate what makes me unique in the kitchen. In short, it keeps me healthy. And, health is wealth, as Andy Warhol used to say. I just watched the 6 part series on Netflix. Learned a lot & was inspired to create more art, whatever that means. Or maybe just create more, period. The act of creating demands having command of your own attention span, your own mind. Anyway, enjoy this week’s meals, and let me know or drop a pic of what’s cooking in your kitchen in the comments below!
Ep. 17 The Carla Gericke Show Sits Down with PBS’s “The State We’re In” to Discuss Open Government for Sunshine Week
FROM PBS: “It’s Sunshine Week, the annual initiative spearheaded by the News Leaders Association to educate the public on open government and the dangers of excessive secrecy. This week on The State We’re In, we discuss New Hampshire’s Right-to-Know Law, how it’s applied, and how it can be improved. Guests include Right-to-Know New Hampshire’s Carla Gericke and Concord Monitor reporter Cassidy Jensen.”
Honored to have participated in this PBS interview to highlight how important open and transparent government is to keeping society in balance. Click the link below to learn more about my landmark #freespeech 1st Circuit win! #SunshineWeek #SunshineWeek2022
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) March 18, 2022