March 1, 2022 means Big Pharma is supposed to drop safety and efficacy data today. Is that why everyone is spoiling for WWIII? Reminders! Special election coming up in Ward 9 on March 15. Our pick is Victoria Sullivan for Manchester.
Carla Gericke
Another Piece of the Totalitarian Takeover Puzzle: Your Employer is Going to be Left Holding the Bag if You’re Harmed
For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out the reason why the government kept pushing private employers to institute vaccine mandates. I argued the government was creating a workaround, making private employers do their dirty unconstitutional work for them… and well, not only was it that, it also appears I have figured out a missing piece of the Bio-Fascist Totalitarian Takeover of the Globe… AKA The Great Reset…
Because of the Emergency Authorization under which vaccines are being produced and injected, no vaccine maker can be sued if something goes wrong. Since it became clear that Big Pharma bore no legal responsibility (and thus have 0% incentive to be an honest broker) I’ve been trying to figure out the play…
The government is supposed to be the insurer of last resort for claims that arise, but since they’ve paid out around 1% or less of previous claims for vaccine harm over the past 30 years, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Then, I ran across this insurance blog, and ding, ding, ding, now the incredible push to force companies to do the government’s dirty work makes sense! Big Pharma and Big Gov have colluded to make business owners and their insurance carriers liable for claims… I’m willing to bet insurance companies will be asking for bailouts in the next year or two.
No matter how you slice it, those who should be held culpable, will not be. And, no doubt, those who were harmed, will never be made whole.
“But it’s for your own good.” C. S. Lewis on tyranny
Original link, h/t Curt Howland.
“I was having a productive day until a friend of mine sent me the following famous quote from C. S. Lewis in God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics, which appeared today (11/1) in the Wall Street Journal on page A17. Now I’m all riled up and I won’t get any more work done.
My contention is that good men (not bad men) consistently acting upon that position [imposing “the good”] would act as cruelly and unjustly as the greatest tyrants. They might in some respects act even worse. Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under of robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber barons cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some points be satiated; but those who torment us for their own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to heaven yet at the same time likely to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on the level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.
Abuse of power in Christian contexts justified on the basis of “it’s for your own good” is uncomfortably common. As “tyrannical” as this may be when even “good men” (as Lewis says) engage in such behavior, it is all the worse when guardians herd the masses toward the “right” conclusions under some sort of explicit or veiled threat, claiming “it’s nothing personal,” but only in service of the greater “good.”
I hope it goes without saying that leaders do indeed have the responsibility to lead, and there is often a fine line between leading and coercion. But I am reflecting here, as is Lewis, on the dehumanizing abuse of power that crosses far past that fine line and is, at least as I see it, more common than it should be in the church.
I’m sure many of you can fill in the blanks from your own experience.”
This week, we discuss the shooting death by NH law enforcement in Walpole of the VP of Cheshire Medical Center after a domestic disturbance call. We talk about the various ways police are treated differently to regular folk during these homicide investigations.
Cops killed someone in Walpole this weekend. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any details to share. $100 it gets ruled a “justified shooting,” after a kid glove investigation, but on the plus side, the AG’s office is creating expansive definitions of what is legally regarded as “self-defense” under NH law. I’m partial to that one where you can justifiably shoot and kill a person fleeing in a car from behind like they ruled in Weare back in the day.*
* Everyone knows I am an agent of peace. Just pointing out the vast hypocrisy applied to “the law” depending on who is doing the shooting… In the De Jesus case I am referring to, even retired cops were like, WTAF, yo? The AG simply didn’t decide AT ALL, whether that shooting was justified… Like, oops, we can’t figure this out, and we just like, don’t want to deal, m’kay???
Another shooting occurred in Walpole back in December 2021. Read AG’s announcement. What does this mean? Do we even know if it’s the same officers? Where’s the final report? Any accountability?
UPDATE 11:15AM: “Per protocol, the trooper involved is being withheld until a formal interview is conducted.There were no body or cruiser cameras at the scene.” You don’t say… isn’t it AMAZING that we’re paying millions of dollars for body cams, and yet?!?
News links to yesterday’s shooting:…/walpole-new-hampshire…/
I turn 50 today! This seems like… a lot, but honestly, I feel like I’m just getting started! I told Louis the other day that I believe I will live until 150, and that I am DEFINITELY going to space. Maybe nothing beyond the equivalent of getting high enough (hah!) to float in Zero Gravity like a once-in-a-lifetime rollercoaster ride, but I’m going to make it happen. Now y’all know why I want Elon Musk to be my bestie.
A couple of years ago, I set the goal of learning to surf by 50. Then Covid happened, the world turned stupid, and we all suffered. I did go to an indoor surf class once, and I stuck the ride, much to the surprise of the college kid who was helping me. Then I stuck it again. And again. Then I fell… hard–ah, so THAT’S what the helmet and knee pads are for! I did recently get a RevBalance board, and do use that in my home gym, so I’m chalking this one up to “tried, failed to meet the deadline, but I’m still working towards the goal.” Maybe when I’m 60? Until then, Hang Ten, yo!
I had delusions of grandeur about throwing a Fancy Pants Soiree at The Currier Museum. Then Covid happened, people got stupid, and I refuse to support any place enforcing a vax pass, so… yeah. Then, for a hot sec, I considered renting a house in Mexico or Malta, and inviting all my friends from across the world meet me, but then Covid was still a thing, governments were still being stupid, and… yeah.
Fortunately, I live an intentional life in a large community of awesome people, so when I threw a Big Party to celebrate a past community success two weeks ago, my friends surprised me with a heartfelt rendition of Happy Birthday, my own cupcake, and a giant Porcupine cake. Thank you!
I had only one other goal for today, and that was to fit in this Little Black Dress… I’m healthier at 50 than I have been since my 20s. I am definitely healthier than I was when I turned 40, and that is an accomplishment that I am super proud of! After making a commitment to prioritize myself, I decided to deal with my shit, and become more of the person *I*–not society, other people, or anyone else living rent-free in my head–want to be.
While I’m still figuring out who that is, while I am still learning, evolving, growing, failing and getting back up–something I will always do because I believe this is the recipe for happiness in life–I know she looks smashing in that dress!
To Future Me, to the next 50, to 2072 when I will be 100, I say, keep at it, find all the big and little things to love, and then LOVE the world with all you got, grrrl!
Read about the steps I took to change my life.
Read about how I learned to love myself.
PS: The best gift I was given this year was Obi, our new puppy who will keep me on my toes for the next decade and more!
ICYMI: Yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security, a federal department libertarians vehemently warned against when it was formed post-9/11, went full Orwell and declared that, “(1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions;” is now “domestic extremism.”
Don’t be intimidated! Keep speaking out. Keep telling the truth. They want to scare YOU, the Thinking People, into silence so that they don’t have to explain what is going on.
What IS going on is getting harder and harder to discern with all the misinformation “fact checkers” are spreading in the name of the Bio-Fascist Global Elite and their Control Freak Minions, but I do know this much… you can always trust their own “tells.”
What do I mean by that? I mean they will accidentally reveal parts of the truth as they try to cover their destructive tracks. Much like claiming to handily find intact passports of the terrorists responsible for 9-11 in the rubble of the Flight 93 crash site and at the collapsed Twin Towers (a lie so BIG you have to believe it <—an actual textbook propaganda tactic), they are inadvertently showing their hand by making ridiculous claims about things that now can give you heart attacks.
Myocarditis is a serious vaccine side effect, which is making soccer players collapse faster and at an alarmingly higher rate than normal (while the Ministry of Troothiness tells you this is a “coincidence”). According to this Israeli study, myocarditis is now harming more children than Covid (which has a 99.8% survival rate for kids). I recommend you watch this interview with footballer Matt Le Tissier, who I think gets a lot right about what is going on.
So these people are now on a quest to persuade you that heart attacks are so common place, they occur among children, are caused by climate change, weed, making your bed, and more! How stupid do they think you are?
Then today, this happened…
To which I made this handy chart of the Ministry of Troothiness’ work over the past 2 years…
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” ~ William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987
— Carla Gericke, Future President of NH (@CarlaGericke) February 10, 2022
Me: There is nothing more dangerous than a government that believes its own lies…
Super excited for tonight’s celebration of our Sixth Annual Porcupine Day! I posted this on Facebook on the actual “official” day on 2/3:
Happy “official” Porcupine Day! While our celebration party is Saturday evening, today, six years ago, we Triggered the Move and called thousands of libertarians home to the Free State. (And “triggered” the enemies of liberty in NH. lol) Getting 20K signers was the culmination of a ton of work by a bunch of incredible people, all of whom should be proud of their efforts! On a personal note, it is hard for me to watch the press conference video because I can see how unwell and out-of-balance I was. Suffice to say, herding libertarian cats is a special skill, and I wasn’t fully equipped back then to deal with all the stresses, which meant I developed a pretty nifty drinking problem. But, I knew something was wrong, and I set out to change. And I did. So Porcupine Day is bittersweet for me. An end, a start, and a continued lifelong journey where only I, first, am captain, for me, but I am truly grateful for all who sail beside me! Cheers!
Here’s last year’s post…