If YOU haven’t watch this video, do eeeeeeet!!! Yes, it’s two years old, but it’s by far the most personally meaningful video I’ve made, touching on all my core issues: liberty > security; privacy and transparency; police accountability and resisting an authoritarian police state; vices are not crimes; and keeping NH awesome!
The issues are fresh af, and after 2020, I think civil libertarians agree, we WILL NOT give up our rights to scared, conditioned, passively obedient, non-thinking people. Sorry.
In this clip, near the end after I ask the genuine question, “When you watch The Matrix, who do you root for? Because in real life, too many people are rooting for Agent Smith!”, I talk about the evolution of signs I have personally made in my dozen+ years of liberty activism in the Free State of NH:
Don’t taze me, bro
Don’t tax me, bro
Don’t lock me down, bro
Don’t spy on me, bro
Don’t teargas me, bro
Now, sadly, I’ll have to add these:
Never miss another awesome post by subscribing to my RSS feed at The Art of Independence, my blog: https://www.carlagericke.com/feed/
Subscribe to my new censor-proof channel (not loading here, so I used the YT version): https://odysee.com/@CarlaGericke:c
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarlaGericke
Buy my book, The Ecstatic Pessimist: https://www.amazon.com/Ecstatic-Pessimist…/dp/B087XWGSFN
Carla Gericke
Nothing screams INTEGRITY like Sununu’s proposed appointment of a judge, Patricia Conway, who in 2015 was involved in having her husband removed from the Laurie’s List, followed by a firing of the whistleblower who made that public, which then lead to a $80,000 settlement that taxpayers had to foot. But it seems entirely plausible, that, as they claimed at the time, the removal of her husband from the secret list of bad cops was like, totes, “an error.”
But y’all keep believing this cabal in 2021 when they say, “So we must avoid an approach that is primarily punitive in nature, but rather is supportive and transparent with clear consequences for bad actors. No good officer wants to work with a bad officer, not one.” (From today’s Union Leader op-ed, “We are all in this together” by Charlie Dennis, Mark Morrison, and Marc Beaudoin.)
If ya’ll are “good cops,” trying to “put your best foot forward,” why HAS NO ONE LEAKED THE LAURIE’S LIST? Why do you always testify AGAINST ANY REFORM measures? Y’all are, if you’ll pardon my French: Full. Of. Shit.
Over the course of the past six years, various “police accountability/we’ll do better, we promise, just don’t change anything” commissions, including the most recent 2020 LEACT Commission, made recommendations, none of which actually go anywhere.
And, if you don’t think there’s a problem in NH, did you know in 2017, 25% OF ALL HOMICIDES WERE COPS KILLING CITIZENS? I haven’t run the numbers for 2020 yet, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to be another bumper “justified killing” year! Justified, even when shooting fleeing people in the back.
In the meanwhile, two court decisions including one from the NH Supreme Court last year, have said to release the FULL Laurie’s List, without the redactions that shocked thousands of Granite Staters when it was printed in the Union Leader a few weeks ago. WHERE IS THE LIST, SO-CALLED “GOOD COPS” AND PROSECUTORS?
What can we do?
The best defense citizens have at this stage is to END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY, which is basically a cop’s personal “get out of jail free” card. Know how you’re told “ignorance of the law is no excuse,” well, get this, for the enforcers of the law, IT IS AN ABSOLUTE DEFENSE. Yup, they are held to a LOWER standard than the rest of us. No kidding!
Your legislators will be voting on HB 111 to END qualified immunity sometime over the next 3 days. I’ve heard due to support from liberty folks and Democrats, it will pass the House. We then need to keep the pressure on the Senate. Stay tuned!
Carla Gericke joins the show once again to talk all about the latest goings-on in the Free State of New Hampshire! CLICK HERE TO LISTEN NOW!
She previews this year’s PorcFest, planned to be the biggest one yet, coronavirus be damned…get your tickets now! She also discusses a couple of serious topics, namely the targeting of two separate, New Hampshire-based cryptocurrency projects by the government: the longtime owners of some BTM machines who have been targeted by the ATF & FBI for alleged money laundering & wire fraud, and the SEC’s targeting of LBRY and its video streaming service Odyssey that could destroy the service. Plus, Carla chats with Tatiana about police misconduct, COVID restrictions, the vaccine passport, and her new book The Ecstatic Pessimist!
About the Guest
Carla Gericke (JD, MFA) is an advocate of liberty specializing in localized voluntarism, self-determination, and how responsible human action can lead to peace and prosperity. She is president emeritus of the Free State Project, and lives in New Hampshire with thousands of fellow freedom fighters. In 2014, Carla won a landmark court case affirming the 1st Amendment right to film police encounters. She has appeared on WMUR, CNN, and Fox News, been featured in GQ and Playboy, been quoted in The Economist, and has discussed libertarianism on the BBC. She has visited more than 40 countries, hiked to the base camp of the 10th highest mountain in the world, lost a shoe in a taxi more than once, had her passport stolen in Goa, got kidnapped in Vietnam, and has noshed on more “mystery meat” street food than she cares to admit. Carla once spent an entire summer while working as in-house counsel at Logitech eating tuna fish sandwiches with Doug Engelbart (the Mother Of All Demos dude), she worked on Apple’s acquisition of Steve Job’s NeXT, and bought her first Bitcoin for $6. Carla co-hosts the Told You So podcast, and co-chairs Manch Talk TV (catch episodes on Odysee). She serves on several non-profit boards, follows a Keto lifestyle (read about her transformation), practices yoga and shooting, and plays a mean game of Scrabble. Carla enjoys cooking, gardening, painting, reading, and watching documentary films. She has twice run for New Hampshire Senate, garnering 42% of the vote in 2018 against an 11-term incumbent, and over 44% in 2020!
Carla’s first book, The Ecstatic Pessimist, a collection of award-winning short stories, flashes, speeches, and essays is available now!
The Ecstatic Pessimist – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087XWGSFN/?tag=tatianashow-20
PorcFest – http://porcfest.com/
Free State Project – https://www.fsp.org/
Carla for NH Senate – https://www.carla4nhsenate.com/
TatianaMoroz.com – https://www.tatianamoroz.com/
Friends and Sponsors of the Show:
Proof of Love – http://proofoflovecast.com/
Crypto Media Hub – https://www.cryptomediahub.com/
Global Crypto Advisors – http://globalcryptoadvisors.com
*You have been listening to the Tatiana Show. This show may contain adult content, language, and humor and is intended for mature audiences. If that’s not you, please stop listening. Nothing you hear on The Tatiana Show is intended as financial advice, legal advice, or really, anything other than entertainment. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Oh, and if you’re hearing us on an affiliate network, the ideas and views expressed on this show, are not necessarily those of the network you are listening on, or of any sponsors or any affiliate products you may hear about on the show.
Click HERE to listen now!
This week, we welcome back Tammy, discuss how anti-innovation government is, how egregious the clampdown against Manchester-based crypto-leader LBRY is, how a local coach got fired for refusing to force his students to wear masks while exercising, and more!
Today, during my yin practice downstairs, I nailed my malasana for the first time ever without reaching for support or toppling over towards the end. In yin, you work meridian lines, and you have to hold poses for longer than in the more active and sweaty yang. Don’t ask for how long. I’m not sure. I said 3 minutes, Louis says one. Louis is obvi wrong! ? I’m grateful that my health has improved to where I can do these things again!
Learn more about steps YOU can take to improve your general health and wellbeing. It starts with the DECISION THAT ONLY YOU CAN MAKE. That decision, choice, is TO CHANGE.
Yes, it takes work. Yes, it’s challenging at first to prioritize yourself. Yes, cooking from scratch is an adjustment if you are used to eating junk and carbs. Yes, excuses are all around you. But know what??? YOU ARE AMAZING! YOU ARE WORTH IT. YOU CAN DO IT! YOU just have to do one simple thing: Choose YOU.
Forget about anything beyond your direct control. Forget about sad stories from lands far away. Forget about the things you cannot change. Newsflash! There’s only one thing within your direct control… and that’s how you treat YOURSELF first and foremost. Your duty to society is to be well and free of self-inflicted chronic diseases. That’s the only equitable social contract.
Here are 10 steps I personally implemented in my life to improve my wellbeing. Try it… I’m certain over time you will like it! Join me on this journey to your very own betterment. Don’t you want to live your life fully, happily, and healthy? You know you do. If I can do it, so can YOU! 😀
Free State Crypto Entrepreneurs are Political Dissidents Being Targeted by Corrupt Federal Agencies
The government’s paid shill, NHPR, manages to conflate all. the. things. incorrectly. here. [Go figure.]
Some initial thoughts on the targeting by the Deep State of #bitcoin and #crypto activists in the Free State:
The SEC’s case against LBRY and the FBI’s case against Keene Bitcoin ATM operators have nothing to do with each other, other than the undeniable fact that Big Gov is now shamelessly targeting peaceful political dissidents who are participants of the Free State Project, where I serve on the board. You can read more about how you can #HelpLBRYSaveCrypto HERE.
Free Staters subscribe to the ethical stance of the “nonaggression principle,” applied equally to all human interactions (i.e. “the government” doesn’t get a free pass to bully you against your will). Free Staters are determined to lead the way to a better future by dismantling corrupt and immoral crony structures through entrepreneurial human action.
We have a big PR battle ahead of us, and it is going to be all hands on deck to make sure our friends and neighbors in the Free State understand the following:
In NH, just as numerous states have nullified cannabis laws over the past decade, crypto transactions are exempt from federal money transmitters laws. See: https://www.jdsupra.com/…/new-hampshire-exempts…/
In NH, based on my current understanding of past similar situations, either the local NH law enforcement was not authorized to act with federal agents, or the entire case must be done in NH courts. (See: https://www.aclu.org/…/federal-immigration-officials…)
Bitcoin and other crypto currencies were designed in part to hedge against inflation caused by flagrant monetary expansion. If you don’t understand this sentence, you cannot be a juror on these cases. Jury nullification, thanks to past work by free staters, is alive and well in NH.
LBRY’s Odysee is a censor-proof platform. This must terrify our actively censoring Big (Bad) Bros and provides an unseemly motivation for their actions.
Ian Freeman and I don’t always see eye-to-eye but he is a peaceful man, and it is an insult to say he is a “danger to the community.” I’m glad to hear the bail refusal will be appealed. Side note: When did “innocent until proven guilty” go away? How can it be lawful to add things like “no alcohol” or “no phones” to bail conditions? We have so much stuff to fix, grr!
In order for these cases to have any legs, you’d need to apply the same “logic” to other institutions. Has a US bank or Paypal or Facebook never been used for a “romance scam” before? How is it the responsibility of the ATM operator to manage that? Doesn’t every US dollar note have traces of cocaine of it? Can we lock the Fed Gov up for that?
Clearly, this targeted federal government overreach is directed against leaders in the crypto industry because #crypto offers the most significant option to peacefully replace the most corrupt structures in the world in favor of decentralized power… in the hands of the people, for realz!
And it starts with what happens with these cases in the Free State of NH. Stay tuned…
You CAN Fight City Hall and Laurie Is Proof Positive! (Manch Talk 03/30/21)
This week on Manch Talk, I am joined by Right-to-Know open government activist, Laurie Ortolano from Nashua. Laurie takes us through an in-depth look at her case to make sure Nashua City Hall and the tax assessors office are functioning properly in an open, accessible, accountable and responsive way. (Psst: Guess what? They’re not, and she and other activists have been arrested to prove it!) (Double psst: What do you call it when the Mayor in a town gets special tax treatment?)
I’ve been pretty testy about the Executive Orders issued by Chris Sununu over the past year, but legislators I work with assured me that these orders would end by March. Then I was told, it would be the end of March. And yet, here we are, March 26, 2021, and Sununu has once again extended his “Emergency Orders”.
More than a year has passed since the NH Superior Court said that “because the Court finds that Governor Sununu has the authority to suspend or limit fundamental rights during a state of emergency, and because EO #2 constitutes a reasonable time, place and manner restriction” meaning that the “emergency order” needed to be SHORT and LIMITED in scope to pass Constitutional muster. One year is NOT short and limited in scope.
Last year today, I jokingly suggested we should consider a tax revolt, meaning that “nonessential” Granite State taxpayers should consider whether they think they’ve been treated in a way that makes them amenable to continuing to pay their property taxes at the full rate.
When you consider most of our property taxes go to support government-run schools, which have been closed for most of the past year (private schools have been open the whole time without negative health outcomes), and that teachers have been staging what amounts to “sick-outs,” and that our own Governor destroyed the economy, put thousands of people out of work, destroyed businesses, and implemented an unnecessary mask mandate, perhaps the time has come reconsider whether we’re getting what we bargained for with regard to our property taxes… I mean, they clearly, unambiguously told us they thought we were NONESSENTIAL. Perhaps it’s time to show them how “nonessential” we are!
One year ago today, the rule of law died in New Hampshire.
Facts matter:
* The “Emergency Orders” are still standing today
* The “Emergency” involved large hospitals like CMC treating, on average, less than TWO PATIENTS PER DAY
* The NH DHHS’s own data shows there is NO “emergency” in terms of excess all-cause mortality in NH
And yet, one year ago today, a judge claimed the governor has the right to SUSPEND the US and NH Constitutions… And now King Chris Sununu is demanding our legislature should not try to curb these emergency powers? Huh. So many history lessons here…
Read the rule of law destroying court order signed by Judge Kissinger HERE.
What Will It Take to Break Kids Free from One-Size-Fits-All Education? (Manch Talk 03/23/21)
Did you know in NH public schools since 1994:
# Teachers has INCREASED by 23%
All other staff has INCREASED by 80%
Spending per pupil has INCREASED 66%
And yet… enrollment is DOWN 9%???
The public school sector is straight-up LYING TO YOU. The pupil to staff ratio is now 10:1. Support school choice… it’s the only way to break the education monopoly to ensure each Granite Stater child gets the education they choose at a price point taxpayers can afford! [SOURCE: Josiah Bartlett Center]