I’m genuinely curious if there are historic examples where censorship, book burning (and banning, as Amazon is now doing too, BOO!) and snitching was “good.” I doubt it, but I am willing to listen…
Carla Gericke
Wow, a baker’s dozen (and a hat trick)! This memory popped up in my FB feed this morning, so I wanted to share. I started working with the Free State Project in 2008 as a volunteer producer of the Porcupine Freedom Festival, and started serving as President to the Board in 2011. I now serve as Chairman of the Free State Project board, and have personally organized PorcFest three times.
I have been arrested for my activism, won a landmark 1st Amendment case affirming the right to film police encounters, written op-eds and LTEs to persuade my neighbors to give liberty a chance, testified on bills, organized scores of rallies against endless wars, against police militarization, against our slow and steady slide into enslavement.
I have been called names and vilified by the progressive left, even though we share many concerns, and I have been marginalized by the obedient NHGOP establishment. Despite this, I have now run for NH Senate three times because no one else is willing to go up against the self-proclaimed “lion of the senate.” In 2020, I got 45% against this 82 year old, 12-term incumbent dude, which, considering there’s an investigation pending on a local 6% election fraud spread, means my time will come…
My time will come because I am supported by tens of thousands of liberty-loving, liberty-LIVING friends and fellow Free Staters. Tick-tock, ladies and gentlemen to a real FREE STATE, tick-tock…
The 2021 Netflix documentary film, Crack: Cocaine, Corruption and Conspiracy [trailer], explores the complex history of the 1980’s crack epidemic and the devastating legacy it left behind, including the largest prison population in the world.
The story you’ve heard before as depicted in pop culture: “Cocaine,” the cool “Wall Street” party drug used mostly by White people on weekends. vs. “Crack,” the super addictive “ghetto rock” used mostly by Black folks all day long, turning mothers into dick-sucking whores and teenagers into slingers and gang bangers. And don’t forget, the crack babies! (We’ll get to that Big Lie in a bit.)
By the time Tip o’Neal, four weeks before the 1986 election, rushes through the Anti-Drug Abuse Act that introduces mandatory minimum sentences, this disparity between “cocaine” and “crack” is written into the law: 5 grams of crack is treated as the equivalent of 500 grams of cocaine.
Due to harsh policing in America’s inner cities, despite the fact that two-thirds of crack users at the time are White, tens of thousands of predominantly Black people are sent to prison for long, long periods of time, decimating communities and tearing families apart, more so than the drugs themselves.
Face it, when the government tries to “fix something,” it generally makes things worse.
If drugs are bad–and many are, but, you know, maaaaaaaybe if we told THE TRUTH about different drugs instead of spouting the standard bullshit that “they are all equally bad” (they are not; some actually expand consciousness and heal trauma if used therapeutically) then THE GOVERNMENT’S RESPONSE TO DRUGS IS A GAZILLION TIMES WORSE.
Know what’s worse than a cracked-out mom? A cracked-out mom you never get to see again. Destroying families in the name of “saving” them is exactly what is wrong with the criminal “justice” system.
Government will always suck because it negates individualism and cannot accommodate any form of forgiveness into its system. The government judges you at your lowest, weakest moment, and then harshly punishes you for unjust periods of time for that moment.
I was struck how many of the interviewed women said they had turned to drugs to deal with previous traumas, and then unwittingly became addicted only to thereafter be further traumatized by being treated like criminals. Instead of being given help, instead of being compassionately treated like patients in need of medical intervention, they were treated like scum.
Crack, it’s one helluva addictive drug. Know what else is one helluva addictive drug that no one wants to talk about? The government’s growing addiction to controlling every single aspect of our lives…
Agents of the state, bureaucrats and politicians, never want to talk about their own destructive addiction to power and control. They don’t want to talk about their claimed superiority and elitism. They don’t want to talk about needing their fix by forcing you to follow their ever-increasing “laws.”
This desire to control is a disease that is manifesting in a sick, dependent underclass, which is, sadly, accelerating under the “Everything Will Be Free But Me” generation.
In the film, it strikes me as ironic that the Control Freaks think they are “helping” and that they think by “expressing their intolerance,” (btw, laws aren’t “expressions” or “suggestions”; they backed by people with guns) they would be able to rid America of “the scourge” of crack at the exact same time their brethren in the CIA are shipping these drugs into the country on planes coming back from illegal weapon drops with the Sandinistas.
This is, of course, a prime example of the left and right hand of the state not knowing what they’re doing (hidden under the cloak of “national security,” where so many illegal activities are parked) but one thing is certain: the folks in the middle always get screwed.
But back to them “crack babies.” Turns out even that story was mostly made up by a Dr. Ira Chasnoff, who has now done a two-year follow-up study that disavows his original mythological “crack baby” findings. Today he says, “Their average developmental functioning level is normal. They are no different from other children growing up. They are not the retarded imbeciles people talk about.”
Much like other propaganda operations run through a clueless or complicit media, like the “incubator babies” used to lie Americans into a war against Iraq, the “Satanic metalhead kids” supposedly murdering their fellow schoolmates, or, even SIDS babies (are you starting to see the manipulative theme here?), the myth of crack babies, and mothers who would do this to their own offspring, fueled even harsher cruelty against people who needed compassion and help.
Bring in the Clintons, and you know things aren’t going to get better. Bill says he’s going to get even “tougher,” and under him, police are militarized into soldiers smashing down doors in midnight raids. Spending on the “War on Drugs” increases 40%.
The movie unfortunately glosses over much of the history about the CIA running cocaine into America’s inner cities. It touches on the investigation, but doesn’t delve heavily into it. There are other movies and Youtubes that you can consult to learn more about this fascinating indictment of the Deep State. I’d start with Gary Webb, the San Jose reporter who mysteriously “committed suicide” years before #JeffreyEpsteinDidn’tKillHimself. His own words here or watch Kill the Messenger (2014).
For me, the movie spends a bit too long emphasizing the negative impacts of crack and cocaine, but this was clearly an editorial choice to help build empathy–the “save the cat” screenwriting technique. I’ll also admit it was cool to see Freeway Rick Ross, who I met briefly at Anarchapulco in 2020, in the movie, and the song “Sound da Police” by KRS-One, who I invited to PorcFest in 2010 and he almost came, is on the soundtrack.
I was more interested in the government’s involvement and the “conspiracies” portion of the movie, and it felt a bit like they ran out of time to cover all of this, but all in all, Crack: Cocaine, Corruption and Conspiracy is a solid offering in the “Government Malfeasance: War on Drugs” category of documentary filmmaking.
[3.5 Porcs (out of 5)]Watching the documentary Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains, and Future of the Internet yesterday, I saw so many familiar faces, people I have interacted with and/or invited to speak at Free State events over the years–Roger Ver, Tone Vays, Vitalik Buterin, Andreas Andreopoulos, and more–I was reminded of how long I’ve been flirt-skirting the crypto community. A quick online search brought up a past coverage in Bitcoin Magazine, so I thought I’d share a couple.
“A Chat with The Quill Queen a.k.a. Carla Gericke,” Bitcoin Magazine (2014):
“I come from a long lineage of people who don’t take crap, and who moved time and time again for more freedom. My forefathers left Europe for more freedom in Africa. They then left the Cape in the Great Trek to get away from the British. I left South Africa for the promise of a brighter future in America. I left California for New York for more opportunity. I left NYC for New Hampshire to pursue Liberty in Our Lifetime. MY lifetime. Before signing up for the FSP, I researched other options–moving back to South Africa, going to Belize, Uruguay, Argentina, the informed know the drill–but ultimately I decided I wanted to make a stand. I wanted to held build a community of like-minded people to see if we can keep one little slice of America free. We are turning the tide, we picked the right state, and now all we need is more…”
Bitcoin At Porcfest, Part 0: Exploring Boston And New Hampshire (2013):
But what is this Free State Project that has let Bitcoin consume it to such a great extent? The underlying objective is simple. In 2001, a number of libertarian activists, disappointed with their failures to get anyone elected inside the United States’ Republican and Democrat-dominated federal government, decided to try a different strategy: find a state that is (i) already very free in both personal and economic matters, and (ii) has a low population, allowing for smaller groups to achieve significant change, and convince 20,000 people to move to that state to actively influence local politics in a libertarian direction. New Hampshire proved to be the perfect candidate; its current population is only 1.3 million, allowing 20,000 movers to have significant control over state politics simply by playing the dominant and evenly matched Republicans and Democrats against each other, and as far as freedom is concerned one must only look as far as the state’s motto: “Live Free or Die”.
The libertarian appeal of New Hampshire can be seen from the moment one drives in; on one highway leading into the state, on the border there is a sign stating that wearing seatbelts is mandatory for those under 18 – that is, unlike every other state, only for those under 18. Read more from Vitalik Buterin on his first PorcFest experience…
Buy YOUR PorcFest Tix today! Prices will go up April 1st, and it will never be cheaper!
I’m excited to announce we’ll be putting together an “FSP Museum and Welcome Center,” upstairs in the Media Room at PorcFest XVIII. I want YOU to help me make the showing SHINY!
Have a favorite photo, whether it’s a community gathering or a protest, let me know! Have a favorite memory, like that time we were banned from NASCAR, to that time we got bumped from CNN, to having Edward Snowden speak at Liberty Forum, let me know!
I’ll be setting up a Google folder where we can gather the intel, and then hopefully a few folks will volunteer to help me put together a great showing. Please and thanks.
My sign from two years ago today says: “Why protect bad apples?!?” Why, indeed…
Two years ago, I attended the Superior Court hearing about making PUBLIC the “Laurie’s List,” a secret list of bad cops. The NH AG’s office, headed by Gordon MacDonald, who was recently appointed as Chief Justice of the NH Supreme Court (read my testimony against his appointment here), was arguing that there is NO PUBLIC INTEREST in knowing which NH law enforcement officers have been found by their own police chief after a 20-page procedure to be so untrustworthy that they cannot testify in court.
You have to lie, cheat, steal or beat people up to get on the list. At that time, the “Laurie’s List” had about 270 officers on the list. I believe that’s about 10% of the full-time NH force.
Judge Temple rightly sided with Granite Staters, and in April 2019, issued an order saying the list must be released, stating there was a COMPELLING PUBLIC INTEREST for us to know who these law enforcement officers are. Doh!
The NH AG APPEALED this decision (yes, the same guy who is now in charge of the NH SC), making NH taxpayers again PAY to support an argument that the list should be kept secret from us. Rude!
I remind you the NH Constitution says: “All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them. Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive. To that end, the public’s right of access to governmental proceedings and records shall not be unreasonably restricted. The public also has a right to an orderly, lawful, and accountable government.”
You’d have to be a statist to think keeping a secret list of bad cops hidden from the public they purport to serve is in any way OK.
The matter ended up in the Supreme Court last summer, where the Court finally overturned the wrongly-decided Fenniman decision from the Nineties, finding that, after almost 30 years, state agents cannot claim information placing officers on the “Laurie’s List” falls under “confidential personnel matters.” Doh!
In the meantime, cities across America burned with people protesting the profound lack of police accountability nationwide. Even here in NH, we saw marches and confrontations.
Sununu cleverly convened a “Look! We’re Doing Something!” task force called the LEACT, stacked with… you guessed it, 50% law enforcement. The commission made a few good recommendations, most of which, if I have to bet money, won’t be implemented. But, “Look! It Looks Like We’re Doing Something!”
At the start of the 2021 legislative session, along comes Senator Carson, who gallingly introduces SB39, which basically aims to REVERSE the transparency and accountability progress that took us TWENTY SEVEN YEARS TO FIX.
This horrendous bill did not have any other co-sponsors when it was introduced, but, after pro-transparency and pro-accountability activists testified to stop SB39 (me, RTKNH, ACLU-NH, etc.) several law enforcement officers jumped on the Zoom call to give, let me be polite here, very conflicting testimony about whether this bill would implement any of the LEACT Commission’s recommendations. (It doesn’t).
This bill must die if transparency is to live.
Granite Staters have the right-to-know what our government is doing in our names. Granite Staters have a right-to-know who the bad cops are. Granite Staters have a right-to-know everything and anything about our government, because if we don’t, then who do they serve and work for if it is not us?
You can follow my RTK work and other open government issues on my blog, The Art of Independence:
Look at that headline! Could they have made the words “DEATH” any bigger? This is your local paper exploiting your fears, created mostly by them and their cohorts in the mainstream media, in order to sell you another damn copy of a DYING paper. (See? Two can play that game, lamestream!)
Now that the Covid-19 death narrative is on the wane, now that Americans are reaching their fill and are getting fed up, it’s time for… a new old bogeyman…
This Sunday, we give you a steadfast, regular, go-to culprit… MEXICAN CARTELS! This time, for METH, because, I guess now that marijuana is medicine, it isn’t sufficiently scary anymore, and they have pretty much exhausted the opium/heroin/fentanyl angle (for now, anyway), so let’s give you, Dear Reader, something familiar, and also new, and also DEADLY, DEADLY, DEADLY… let’s give you… meth-death-porn…
Are YOU terrified yet? If not, what are you waiting for? You know what to do! You need to consume more news!!! Or, yanno… you could follow my advice…
Sometimes, I just need to lean into my literary side. In case you’re not familiar with the original poem by TS Eliot, The Hollow Men, here’s a quick primer. The lines I worked off are his most quoted, referring to the death and destruction wrought by the H-Bomb. My reference is that as the world slides inexorably towards socialism, and the undisputed death, disease ,and malaise it spreads, voices promoting health, critical thinking, and individualism will simply be drowned out. And by “drowned out,” I mean silenced.
If YOU are someone promoting internet censorship and cancel culture, I implore you to STOP. You are the modern equivalent of a book burner and snitch. If that offends you, it should. What you are doing is wrong, and if you have a shred of decency, you will understand that silencing people you disagree with is authoritarian and tyrannical. Beat me with better arguments…
Thank you to the hundreds of friends who wished me “Happy Birthday” on my 49th yesterday! I feel much loved and appreciated!
2021 is again going to be a year of growth for me. The words I chose to guide my actions are “sthira and sukha,” which mean, “effort and ease.” I will continue to strive for this balance in all my endeavors, from my health goals and yoga practice to my activism and art.
I desire to create a consent-based society in the #LiveFreeAndThrive state where we acknowledge every single person is unique and where we respect each others’ body autonomy and right of self-ownership.
Also, these birthday flowers from Louis are real purdy! Happy Friday, y’all!