Carla Gericke
You have to ask yourself… if nothing sinister is going on with the government’s response to COVID-19, WHY are they censoring alternative or questioning voices? How, in a free society, is there now only allowed to be “one narrative”? This obvious “tell” should make you extra skeptical before you decide to take a Corona vaccine.
In order for YOU to make accurate medical decisions for yourself, you need:
1. Informed consent (understand what the repercussions will be);
2. Medical choice (you cannot be forced to take a medical intervention you do not want and must be presented with your options); and
3. Body autonomy (you own yourself, aka “your body, your choice”).
This is being stripped from us as the government colludes with Big Pharma to push insufficiently tested vaccines on us.
You need to ask yourself if you are willing to be a guinea pig in a worldwide experiment of a brand new “RNA technology” that NO ONE is willing to insure or stand behind (vaccine makers are exempt from product liability, meaning is something bad happens to you after you get this vaccine, you will be SOL).
This “RNA tech” will introduce synthetic DNA into the human race for the very first time in human history. Since 2002, when they first started trying to develop a corona-vaccine, experiments on animals, including ferrets who have similar immune responses to humans in clinical trails, have had severe negative effects on the subjects’ immune systems.
On top of that, experts are sounding the alarm that these RNA vaccines may caused mass sterilization. I haven’t looked into this yet to see how credible this is, but I will be on the lookout for more data to gain a better understanding of the risks.
The real epidemic that is being spread is fear and hysteria for a somewhat novel Corona virus, with a death-rate similar to previous seasonal flus. The only thing that has changed is how governments worldwide have responded. The time has come to ask WHY? What is going on, and as always, cui bono? Who benefits?
PS: I grant that a few things mentioned sound a little “whoo!” or downright strange. That’s OK. In a robust, peer reviewed world where debate is allowed, we will be able to sift through these positions to come to the right conclusions. Also, before someone says it, I am not categorically anti-vax, I am pro-informed-choice.
A typical progressive position about masks that I run into when expressing my view that in a free society, each individual gets to decide according to their individual risk and health profiles whether to wear a mask or not:
Totally down with personal freedoms if a choice to wear or not wear a mask only affected the mask (non) wearer. But someone else not wearing a mask *does* impinge on my own personal freedom. They can give me a motherfucking virus that we don’t yet have a widely available vaccine for.
Online progressive
My response:
First, the likelihood that bodily fluid from a known carrier lands on you and infects you without YOU being somewhere and having done something (like touched your mask) is almost impossible. By leaving your house, you have always consented to the possibility of infection… or how did flus spread before?
What changed this season? Politicians and the media overreacted, then colluded to scare you out of your mind for a somewhat novel flu with a 99.6% survival rate.
My not wearing a mask does nothing to impinge your freedom. Wearing a mask may create a placebo affect, sure. It may affect how scared/”safe” you FEEL, but you don’t have a right to freedom from fear. Think of it this way, driving a car can be deadly but we don’t call every driver every day a potential murderer. And if you believe that non-maskers are infringing on your right, what “right” is that?
Look, we live in entirely different places, too, and masks certainly aren’t warranted in NH. If there were dead people in the streets, I’d reevaluate what I need to do for me to stay/feel healthy, but given the reality vs. the “pandemic story arc,” as a healthy, free human, I’m making the best choice for me, and you should do the same for you.
My body, my choice, right? Or, are you actually arguing, my body YOUR choice, ‘cos that’s a bitterly steep and dark path. And THAT’S why I am speaking up.
Alcohol prohibition ended on December 5, 1933. Now imagine if we ended the prohibition of drugs, as we sensibly did with alcohol.
Imagine if we told people the truth about how harmful each substance is based on science, not peoples’ “feelings” or indoctrinations.
Pot and heroin? Not the same at all. Alcohol? Like, super bad for you even though it’s legal. If you want to improve your health, you should quit using this neurotoxin regularly. I quit alcohol entirely on December 26, 2017. The improvements in my life are remarkable. Try it, you might like it!
We can #LiveFreeAndThrive as long as we are free to make informed decisions about our own bodies. Prohibition doesn’t work, leads to more harm than good, and rewards bad actors. Let’s get the government out of the way, and let the free market reign!
On Monday, I attended a couple of Manchester events regarding COVID. At the first, hosted by Respect NH event, several business leaders lamented the terrible situation they find themselves in: permanently shuttered parts of their businesses, disloyal employees who chose the dole over work, having to act as the “mask police” even when they 100% don’t want to, etc. The second event, hosted by ReBuild NH, was a deep dive into NH’s COVID numbers and some interesting data points from doctors, healthcare professionals, and OSHA certified specialists (who, in case you are wondering, recommend against people being forced to wear masks to prevent the spread of this virus). This led me to today’s mask mandate musings:
1. Are members of Rage Against the Machine wearing masks?
2. How quaint does “Employees must wash hands before returning to work” sound now?
3. Thanks to Governor Chris Sununu’s mask mandate, I’m going to have to close my UPS Store account where I have been a loyal customer for years and years. I asked if they would be willing to bring packages to the car if I called from outside, and they said no, and that they were unwilling to have “philosophical debates about masks. It’s mandated, that’s that!” This is what happens when you force private businesses to become agents of the state, and since they are, I will treat them accordingly.
4. Laundry detergents contain known carcinogens that should not be inhaled. What are you washing your mask with?
5. Wearing masks generate billions of bacteria in and around your mouth and nostrils. Our environments are now being over-sterilized, like hospitals. Know what else hospitals have? Staph-resistant bacteria. Know what that is? Things that don’t respond to antibiotics.
6. 99.6% survival rate for the seasonal flu.
7. Mark my words: The trade-offs aren’t going to be worth it, and we’re going to be paying for this government overreach for generations to come. For shame!
Hong Kong freedom activist Joshua Wong has plead guilty under British Common law to charges stemming from the freedom movement’s protests and activities in the island city over the past year. The charge carries a maximum 5 year prison sentence, but according to the journalist in the clip below, it seems unlikely that he will receive the full term. It is believed these activists plead guilty in order to avoid being charged under Communist China’s new security powers which includes secret court proceedings.
In the clip below, a defiant Wong states:
“No arbitrary power will stop us from activism… We are explaining to the world about freedom through compassion, which we love so much so that we are willing to sacrifice the freedom of our own… May God Bless Hong Kong and we will continue to fight for freedom and now is not the time to kowtow to Beijing, and to surrender.”
Joshua Wong, Hong Kong Freedom Fighter
Wong sprung to prominence after his freedom activism was covered in the acclaimed film, Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower, which documented what happens when the Chinese Communist Party backtracked on its promise of autonomy to Hong Kong, and teenager Joshua Wong decided to save his city. Rallying thousands of kids to skip school and occupy the streets, Joshua became an unlikely leader in Hong Kong and one of China’s most lauded dissidents.
You can read my take on past Hong Kong freedom activism here.
If you are looking for more pro-freedom documentaries, start here with 7 Documentaries to Make You Go Hmm.
Since the New Hampshire Union Leader is incapable of discerning the difference between being “anti-mask” and anti-MANDATE and pro-freedom, and said this in its editorial today, “But the good news with these anti-maskers is the positive effect they will have on the vaccine supply when it arrives in New Hampshire. Surely none of these flat-earthers will be signing up for a shot,” I will no longer do this “newspaper” the courtesy of linking to its articles. I will copy and paste and post them wholesale on my media channels as I see fit. I encourage others to stop linking to Union Leader articles and also just cut, paste, post, and share.
Here is a very good Letter to the Editor from an intelligent writer who actually understands the issue, being: IF WE LIVE IN A FREE SOCIETY, YOU DO NOT OWN ME AND CANNOT MANDATE DECISIONS AGAINST MY WILL OVER MY BODY (aka “my body, my choice”):
“Emergency shouldn’t trump our freedoms
To the Editor: I am writing on behalf of the many constituents who disagree with Governor Chris Sununu’s new mask mandate. We are not inconsiderate murderers who want people to die. We are reasonable citizens, who want to live in a voluntary state where we are free to make medical decisions for ourselves. We should not be forced to give up that right because an emergency is declared.
I’m not debating the efficacy of such mandates or the severity of coronavirus. I’m also aware of CDC and Health Department guidelines, but do not believe their recommendations should be turned into mandates. These entities were not elected to govern us, no matter how many credentials they may have or how grave a crisis may be.
The precedent for restricting freedom has been set and I fear this will go beyond forcing masks on our faces. I’m urging the governor to return to our voluntary system, where heath status remains private, medical decisions are personal, and we maintain our inherent bodily sovereignty.
Let us wear masks as we individually see fit. Let us be responsible for taking care of ourselves and protecting the vulnerable, like we’ve done in pandemics past. This is fair for everyone and will prevent one group of people from forcing their will upon another. This trend will only get worse if mandates continue.
We don’t look to leaders to save us from viruses, but we expect them to defend our civil liberties, even when it is not politically expedient to do so.
Yesterday, Chris Sununu betrayed his base, and the overwhelming support given to him by the taxpaying voters of New Hampshire mere weeks ago, ignored a conclusive Danish report finding there is no difference to infections rates amongst mask or non-mask wearers, and, apparently after a call with Biden in which a national mask mandate was discussed, instituted an anti-LFOD, anti-Granite State mask mandate.
Today, as I walked around Dorrs Pond with Nellie, where, for what it’s worth, it felt like business as usual, the majority of people weren’t wearing masks, and a few were, these musing kept me company:
1. The two young men jogging around the pond should NOT have been wearing masks. This notion of forcing healthy people into unhealthy behavior for other people’s fear paradigms needs to stop. There is no hard data to prove masks work, and, in fact, this week’s Danish study found that “face masks may only offer the wearer limited protection against COVID-19 infection. Researchers found there was no statistically significant difference in the number of people who contacted the virus in a group wearing masks in public compared to a group that did not do so.”
2. Other things that don’t seem all that healthy for $100!: According to the CDC, the prevalence of American obesity was 42.4% in 2017~2018. Now there’s a mask mandate that says you can only uncover your mouth in order to stuff it. What could possibly go wrong? Imagine if we had spent the past year trying to actually improve people’s health instead of creating neural brain damage through mass fear-mongering.
3. If masks are effective, and I choose not to wear one, wouldn’t I be at higher risk to die, and given the numerous death wishes I have already received for believing “my body, my choice,” shouldn’t the Control Freaks actually be encouraging me to not wear a mask?
4. Fear is subjective. Nothing *I* do can make *YOU* feel safe. There is no such thing as freedom from fear. How would that even work? Whose fear? What level? Do we legislate for the scaredyest person on Earth (let’s call that Greta-level), or, me? Somewhere in the middle? If everyone wore a mask 100%, would the Control Freaks now suddenly, magically “feel safe”? Or would they just come up with something new, like they have with every other reason for this totalitarian crap? Remember back at the start of the year, “Two weeks for the hospitals not to get overwhelmed”?
5. What is in this year’s flu shot?
Repeat after me: If you want to wear a mask, wear one, if you don’t, don’t. This is how decisions are made in a free society. Each person decides individually what is best for him or her or them.