LISTEN NOW… As human societies have grown and changed, values and moral reasoning have shifted along with the characteristics and beliefs of their people. But in broad strokes, there have been three orientations – honor cultures, dignity cultures, and victimhood cultures. The growth of dignity cultures in the 19th and 20th centuries has left some longing for the vigor and energy of an honor culture, while the slings and arrows of modern society have created enclaves of victimhood cultures around the world. Which way should we be going? Find out with your hosts on this week’s episode of Told You So! LISTEN NOW…
Carla Gericke
When a former Manchester alderman calls for gun confiscation in the state’s largest newspaper for the state’s largest city, I pay attention.
When that former alderman is Bill Cashin, who called the cops on me a few years ago when he didn’t like my 100% legal and protected First Amendment actions outside “his” Senior Center on Douglas Street (I was protesting against Chris Herbert after he suggested that the elderly of Manchester should be thrown out of their homes in order to be replaced with residents who can pay more in taxes), I pay attention because I know people who think this way are more dangerous than any firearm.
Why? Because anyone who thinks “we need MANDATORY gun buybacks” is a menace to society, liberty, and human dignity.
Let’s break it down:
1. Government is FORCE. What does this mean? It means that for every law we enact, the police are “authorized” to show up and use their guns to make you do whatever it is the piece of paper (the law) says. Sometimes–oftentimes, these days–these black-clad, balaclava wearing men and women, are not all that concerned about the morality of what they are doing, they’re just “doing it.” When confronted, they’ll simply say, “We’re just following orders.”
Of course, you know who else used that argument. Click through for more on “How the Nazis defense of ‘just following orders’ plays out in the mind,” but this is salient:
“If people acting under orders really do feel reduced responsibility, this seems important to understand. For a start, people who give orders should perhaps be held more responsible for the actions and outcomes of those they coerce.”
2. “Mandatory” literally means “required by a law or rule: OBLIGATORY.” So when Cashin uses the word “mandatory” in the context of a gun buyback, the question begs to be asked: What happens when people do not line up to hand over their firearms?
3. Would YOU voluntarily hand over your guns to a group of people who:
a. Are actively trying to disarm you because *they don’t like the things you like*;
b. Treat you, their law abiding neighbors, like criminals even when you have committed no crimes;
c. Are so irrational as to conflate a tool like a gun, with bad actions, like harming or killing someone. If you follow their logic, I’ll get on board when we have mandatory fork buybacks to save people from obesity.
New Hampshire has some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country, and we are one of the safest states. These two things are not coincidental, but rather go hand in hand. I find it utterly shocking, as should you, that a former alderman and veteran would call for mandatory gun confiscation. Back in 2018, several Democrats I was cultivating when I ran for NH Senate said: “Carla, we don’t want to take your guns, and if you keep saying that we do, we can’t vote for you.” Whatcha saying now?
From the Brian Nichol’s Show page:
Want to really “live free”? Well, guess what. Today’s your lucky day.
Today I’m joined by Carla Gericke from the Free State Project, which is a historic mass migration of more than 20,000 people who have pledged to move to New Hampshire for liberty.
Today I wanted to have Carla join the show to talk more about the Free State Project, the work they’ve been doing, and how the prospects of liberty look for New Hampshire. We also dig into Carla’s personal path to liberty, her activism, and her candidacy for NH Senate.”
Find the FSP and JOIN the Free State Project for your chance at Liberty in Our Lifetime!
From fentanyl and vaping related deaths to worries over synthetic cannabinoids, America has prohibition on the brain. But trying the same old policies only harder hasn’t helped – is there a better way to approach our burgeoning drug abuse problem? Join your hosts on an exploration of how fentanyl was introduced to the US market, how Chinese companies have made a mint exporting an alphabet soup of new chemical compounds, and how America can take a new approach to drug policy. LISTEN NOW…
Mentioned in this podcast:
I love the “Memories” feature on Facebook, especially when it reminds me of something positive I totally forgot about, like this podcast from 2012 with Jack Spirko of the Survival Podcast. If you’re not listening to Jack’s show (and mine!), you are missing out!
Even better, was receiving this fan mail afterwards:
“Hello Carla, My Significant Man and I enjoy the Survival Podcast. Your interview with Jack Spirko was full of sustenance and had a palpable resonance. It is refreshing and easier for me- and wonder if not for most women- to embrace a message that is focused on what can be done to effect a change, steps to take, and finding some joy in it. Even during the account of your unjust arrest you were rational, practical, and even charming.
Passionate, articulates a clear message, has a keen mind and an eye on the prize all the while coming across as self-effacing, happy, and funny… please host a podcast! [EDIT: I now do!] There is plenty to rant about and so it is appropriate to have people ranting, but it was refreshing to listen to a joyous, encouraging, and- I must admit- woman’s voice of reason.”
LISTEN NOW… As the climate change debate heats up on the global stage, is there still room for rationality in the discussion? Most of the arguments rely on either radically restructuring global society or totally ignoring the possibility of human-caused climate change – but there are more than two options when it comes to dealing with such a nebulous problem. Join your hosts for an in depth discussion on the evidence for climate change, the madness of the public discourse about it, and what a sane policy approach might look like. LISTEN NOW…
Open Letter to NH Senators: Please, please, please vote for compassion today
Dear Senators,
I’m reaching out to implore you to do the right thing this morning, and vote to override the Governor’s misplaced veto on HB 364, and support homegrown cannabis for qualifying patients. With your experience in the Senate, having heard testimony on this issue over the years, I have to believe that you now know that allowing patients to grow medicine for their personal use is the most compassionate approach we can take. Patients, not criminals!
You have a historic opportunity to change the lives of patients for the better, including for a dear friend of mine, a paraplegic who needs daily MJ for pain, and cannot always afford what the dispensaries charge. Cannabis treatments from dispensaries remain cost prohibitive for many patients (more than $400 per ounce!!!), so allowing patients to grow a plant/herb that gives them relief should, of course, be allowed in a free society.
Sadly, the Governor is wrong on this issue and I hope you will do the right thing and stand with patients and the majority of Granite Staters, including the House of Representatives who yesterday overturned the Governor’s veto by more than the 2/3 majority required. It is clear: Granite Staters want this madness to end.
If you are a Republican, I understand it is difficult to stand against our party and our Governor, but I trust you know in your heart of hearts, it is the right thing to do. If you are a Democrat, today’s veto override vote should be a no-brainer. I know that, personally, I will be watching Democrat Lou D’Allesandro’s vote ever-so-closely. If he votes against this bill, against compassion, and against patients, as he has done on MJ issues in the past, I hope voters of District 20 will finally give him the boot in 2020 in favor of my candidacy.
You all have an important decision to make, but I believe this is why you are there to serve. I hope you will stand with the will of the people, patients, and freedom, and vote to override the Governor’s veto on HB 364.
Yours sincerely,
Carla Gericke