LISTEN NOW… Take the red pill and travel down the rabbit hole with your hosts as they explore conspiratorial thinking, some of the more popular conspiracy theories, and a few examples of “conspiracy theories” that turned out to be absolutely true. And stick around to hear a pretty decent Alex Jones impression! LISTEN NOW…
Carla Gericke
LISTEN NOW… It’s been 18 years since the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, and since then our world has changed in immeasurably massive ways. But when George W. Bush claimed that the attacks happened because “they hate us for our freedom,” he was only telling a tiny part of the story. Join your hosts for some personal stories about the attack, an exploration of the changes it delivered to our politics and culture, and an attempt to understand the morality that can make people do the unthinkable on this week’s episode of Told You So! LISTEN NOW…
It was an honor to once again participate in the 6th Annual FreeCoast Festival. I gave a presentation about “How to Renegade Right” at the Praxeum in Dover on Saturday, and on Sunday, spent a charming afternoon hanging out with dedicated liberty lovers at a special edition of Market Day. Good times, great to see everyone, and meet newbies. Welcome to the prickle!
LISTEN NOW… Across cultures, people seem to be growing more and more fragile – are we capable of toughening up? Author Nassim Taleb takes a big departure from mainstream wisdom and suggests that we should work to be antifragile – which is much more than simple resilience. Join your hosts to explore the concept of antifragility, and how it can help you be a stronger person. LISTEN NOW…
Governor Sununu needs to start listening to the will of the people over other entrenched special interests (like police unions who are only supposed to “enforce the law” NOT lobby). A vast majority of Granite Staters support the legalization of cannabis for recreational purposes, and yet, here we are, still muddling through our pathetic, terrible, uneconomical and largely useless medical marijuana laws. While I agree with the Gov on many issues that promote and enhance the #NHAdvantage, he is wrong on cannabis, and I hope his vetoes on MJ reform and homegrown are overturned when the legislature goes back into session later this month.
Bipartisan “Letter to the Editor” in today’s Union Leader from Sen. Jay Kahn of Keene (Senate District 10) and Sen. John Reagan of Deerfield, who represents Senate District 17 (read full LTE here):
“Our state government has made it too difficult and too expensive for many New Hampshire residents to access therapeutic cannabis products. Two fixes passed by the Legislature are immediately available. We ask you to contact your state legislators and urge them to override the governor’s vetoes of SB 88 and SB 145 and lower the barriers for accessing therapeutic marijuana.”
“We must do better for Granite Staters who receive physician-authorized permission to use therapeutic marijuana. Residents can’t simply obtain their physician’s permission and go to the local pharmacy. By statute, a patient must wait 90 days, while they fill out a state form and submit a photo on a CD-ROM so they can receive a state ID card. The process is awful, which makes us think Governor Sununu was poorly advised when he vetoed legislation to fix it.”
For those interested in learning more about the medicinal qualities of marijuana, I recommend watching the documentary, Weed the People (watch trailer): “Cannabis has been off-limits to doctors and researchers in the US for the past 80 years, but recently scientists have discovered its anti-cancer properties. Armed with only these laboratory studies, desperate parents obtain cannabis oil from underground sources to save their children from childhood cancers. ‘Weed the People’ follows these families through uncharted waters as they take their children’s survival into their own hands. Some of their miraculous outcomes beget the unsettling question at the heart of the film: If weed is truly saving lives, why doesn’t the government want people to access it?”
Why, indeed… Could it be because the government, represented by special interest like police unions, correctional unions, and the like, BENEFIT from prohibition? Did you know who the top 5 lobbyists against marijuana legalization are? Let me help you:
Police unions
Private prisons
Prison guard unions
Alcohol companies
Big Pharma
Can you figure out why? 🙂
LISTEN NOW… While most people say they’re committed to free speech, an alarming (and growing) number of Americans seem to be souring on the principle. Do they have good reason to abandon the country’s tradition of toleration and free expression? Find out with your hosts on this week’s episode of Told You So!
Tammy Simmons is chairperson of the Manchester Republican Committee, and last evening, she, together with her partner, Dan Garthwaite, threw quite the p-a-r-t-a-y in honor of Victoria Sullivan, candidate for mayor of Manchester.
Approximately 80-100 people gathered on their front lawn on Varney Street to meet and mingle with candidates running for local elections. Even the Governor made an appearance, giving a great speech, and graciously staying for several rounds of pics.
I am running for local school charter commission this Fall, and it was a pleasure to meet Ward 10 and 11 voters. Two real conversations: “I voted for you last time, but it’s great to finally put a face to a name,” and “I *didn’t* vote for you last time, but now that I’ve met you, I definitely will!” I look forward to meeting more constituents in the coming months, and remember, I’ll be back in 2020 for my Senate seat!