Wonderful to see a new mover settle in! This beautiful A-frame country living life in the Free State could be YOURS for the low, low price of LIBEEEEERTY! Babies optional.
Seriously though, when I look back and realize the life I wanted to build when I moved to NH in 2008 is manifesting, it fills me with joy.
Things like: Being able to bring cut flowers from my own yard to a party! After a lifetime of moving, HAVING MY OWN BACKYARD!! That half those flowers were herbs (chives & sage) and that the salad I took also contained my own spearmint (and I just remembered I forgot the dill! lol).

I only became a homeowner in my mid-40s. I believe finally having a home-base allowed me the “safe space” I needed to unpack my shit, deal with bad habits I’d developed to cope with my shit, and to heal, grow, and now thrive.
If you’re struggling with something, may I offer the following wisdom: NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO, THERE YOU ARE.
Here’s your permission slip: It’s okay to stand still and gaze at your navel. BUT, if you want to get better and become the best version of yourself that you can be, it starts with restoring YOUR HEALTH.
HEAL THY SELF = heal(thy) self
I cannot overstate the importance of instilling good habits in your life. Good habits are ROUTINES that make you healthier. Yes, literally doing the same things over and over until it’s… ROUTINE–like brushing your teeth!
Things like:
The food you choose to fuel your body with (I choose whole foods that are low-carb, medium protein, high good fats, no alcohol or seed oils, and I avoid sugar but love dark chocolate)
How you fill your time (your time is your life… how are you spending your LIFE?)
Sunlight on your beautiful face
These are a few of our favorite things! How lucky are we to be alive? Choose to thrive!