We are entering a new phase on this road to totalitarianism. A massive red flag is when people who deserve untold amounts of JUSTIFIED CRITICISM for illegal, unconstitutional, and immoral behavior, start saying you’re not allowed to criticize them.
Add to this trend, the lopsided censorship being instituted by Big Tech obo Big Gov working in cahoots with Big Pharma, and you have a recipe for disaster for liberty, freedom, and global human rights. Your duty now is to SPEAK UP DOUBLY HARD.
Yesterday, Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum globalist who wears a cape with massive shoulder pads and is only missing a hairless cat to stroke, called for AI to start censoring online “misinformation.” What could possibly go wrong?
NEW – Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum proposes to automate censorship of “hate speech” and “disinformation” with AI fed by “subject matter experts.”
— (@disclosetv) August 11, 2022
Then Twitter got in on the action.
This means we’ll take action against misleading claims about the voting process, misleading content intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in the election, or misleading claims that may undermine public confidence in elections outcomes.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) August 11, 2022
They want to stop this type of propaganda from being too obvious (search on Youtube, there are many examples of this rote repetition of talking points the Regime wants you to support):
The reason they crave censorship is the narrative is hard to control otherwise & the manipulation is blatantly obvi…
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 12, 2022
It’s genuinely interesting to me to try to figure out what posts/topics are being shadow-banned/censored on what platforms.
I can tell you, tagging the FBI in snotty Tweets like below, will level you up on the “no one can see you” scale. How can I tell? For certain posts, a double screen opens on my end for a moment, and then usually the post doesn’t get a single additional reaction after that.
Dear @FBI
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 11, 2022
Violent rhetoric > Actual violence.
The children of Waco
In other news, this Tweet is gold, and I’m both spelling it out below and embedding it, because it definitely was immediately shadow-banned, only getting one reaction and then nada. Weird what they find threatening. Words, definitions, which form the basis of arguments to persuade people. Without the ability to agree on what words mean, they know, the battle is much harder for the good guys. (How do I know I’m a good guy, you ask? Because in the history of the world the bad guys have always been the ones censoring, name-calling, controlling and lying. And I’m not doing any of that. I am telling the truth and trying to warn you before it is too late.)
Let’s play Dictionary!
Opposite of “radical” =
Yes-Men, sorry, Yes-Human
Any questions?
Let’s play Dictionary!
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 12, 2022
Opposite of “radical” =
Yes-Men, sorry, Yes-Human
Any questions?
These photos from one year apart came up in my memories & I wanted to post them because they serve as a good, motivating reminder of the changes I’ve CHOSEN… If you are anything like me, seeing people succeed when they put their minds to it, is motivating!
From quitting alcohol to prioritizing my health through mindful lifestyle choices like #keto#meditation#sleep, I am grateful that I’ve chosen to #LiveFreeAndThrive!
If YOU want to make changes, know YOU can! I’m here to help! Check out my website for lots of content about my journey.
Know this: the more you choose healthy stuff, the easier it becomes!
I’ve lost and kept off more than 50+ lbs and I’m super proud!
Let’s Unpack Info About the City’s Sweetheart Backroom Mark Stebbins Center Deal
In a recent op-ed, Kathy Sullivan accused me of making unfounded accusations about the proposed Mark Stebbins Center. You can read her inaccurate statements HERE.
Let’s unpack “unfounded accusations,” shall we?
1. It will NOT be paid for “entirely with charitable donations.” There is federal ARP grant money, which they admitted ON VIDEO at the abridged meeting that they cut short when they realized their unethical approach to “community building”–you know, ripping out an actual existing community garden–was backfiring.
2. “Built on land purchased by the City.” NO RFP was requested or required, which is standard operating procedure. Therefore, this deviated from the norm, therefore, it is “special treatment.” This land was designated “surplus” without any criteria being stated or met. Many boilerplate letters were submitted with NO EVIDENCE; again, because the ACTUAL FACTS ARE the land IS BEING USED BY THE COMMUNITY ALREADY.
3. “When the board of mayor and alderman supported”: 14 residents spoke AGAINST the decision. 8–ALL AFFILIATED with the city or project spoke in “favor” (i.e. they should be “discounted” because they have a conflict of interest). To Sally Stebbins’ credit, she did say the project will not proceed without community support. This is also captured on video, and I hope we can believe her.
4. The community partners listed include health services for juveniles that provide, amongst other things, transgender reassignment services and chemical abortions. (Amoskeag Health, where Maggie Hassan had a little presser yesterday, hum.) The other community partners listed include: Easterseals, Waypoint, Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester & Granite United Way. I encourage people to go look at what the areas around some of these places look like on the East Side, and ask yourself if this is what we want next to a middle school?
5. How do we define “underserved”? Manchester isn’t a big city, and you can WALK from the West to East side in 15 minutes, let alone drive from the proposed building site to the current Boys and Girls club in about 5 minutes (it’s less than 2 miles away!).
6. There are several other sites more suitable than a park hosting a thriving community garden on 5 dead end streets where the speed limit is 10 mph. I guess the reason this was picked is because the City thought they could railroad us?
The next meeting is scheduled for 8/16 at 5PM at Parkside Middle. PLEASE plan to attend.
The next meeting is scheduled for 8/16 at Parkside Middle 5-7PM.
Join our mailing list where you can stay up to date on developments at
Here’s some media coverage:
Proposal for West Side community center clears first hurdle…
WHAT DEFINES a community? Is it a location, a value system, a bit of both? Should something be called a “community center” when the people who live there don’t want it? Can you claim to be building “community” when you don’t inform abutters, the residents who would be most impacted?
The Manchester Board of Alderman and Mayor Joyce Craig voted to sell 4.2 acres of public parkland next to Parkside Middle in West Manchester for $600,000 to a private entity called the “Mark Stebbins Community Center.”
Fourteen individuals spoke against the center at this location. Eight spoke in favor, all affiliated with the city or project. The week before, the project facilitator, Jeanine Tousignant, shut down an informational session when it became clear the approximately hundred attendees were aggrieved.
Abutters were not informed until after the letter of intent for the sale had been signed; i.e., neighborhood homeowners were not told about the plans until the “deal was done.”
Joe Kelly Levasseaur voted against the “surplus” recommendation without abutter consent. Ed Sapienza stated that an RFP process should have been followed. At Tousignant’s abridged meeting, we were told, “We aren’t legally required to inform abutters.” My neighbor responded, “We all know what’s ‘legal,’ isn’t always what’s ‘right.’”
Do you think the government should change the nature of your neighborhood without your consent? Do you think it is right for one group of special interests (the Mayor’s friends pushing this, Group A) to “help” another group of special interests (the beneficiaries of the largess, Group B) without telling the people who bear the brunt of these actions (Group C)?
Is this good governance? No; it is exactly what’s wrong with the government– everyone thinks it’s OK to bleed Group C, the taxpaying property owners. We are tired of this.
The park is next to Parkside Middle, situated on five dead-end streets. The speed limit is 10 mph. A robust community garden exists called Manchester Grows. Forty percent of the property is on a steep hillside, not suitable for building. They are proposing a 40,000 sf building plus parking.
To declare the site “surplus,” Parks and Rec must demonstrate the land is not being used for any purpose and that the sale is in the “public interest.” Based on my Right-to-Know requests, the boilerplate letters submitted simply state the land is “surplus” and that taking it will be in the “public interest” without explaining why. One might even ask, who is “the public”? Apparently no-one in Group C.
What about our community garden and green space where children play? Only the president of Manchester Grows supports relocating. Other gardeners do not. One asked why the notices weren’t put on the fence to inform them? Good question. Perhaps the claimed efforts to involve the community is not the whole truth?
What about other sites? West High, Second Street, and the Housing Authority plot near Rock Rimmon that seems more suitable? Erin George Kelly (Ward 12) cited a conflict of interest during the surplus vote; what was it?
Everyone is committed to doing good for the children of the West Side, but let me be clear. We cannot start with objectionable, unethical behavior and expect good to follow. The city and the Mayor’s friends need to apologize for the railroading, and let’s regroup together.
If this is such a good idea, they should be able to persuade the majority of abutters. Or do they realize as I do, that this rushed decision will depress our property values by 10 to 30%, downshift to us the costs of services provided to this “tax free” property, and invite increased crime and homelessness into our safe neighborhood.
Perhaps the reason they failed to inform us is because they know exactly what they are doing and don’t want to confront our rightful outrage.
We can debate the best solutions to solve society’s problems, but I know when you harm one group to benefit another you are not doing good, despite what you tell yourself. Deciding who must make sacrifices for “the greater good” should be done with the advice and consent of the people doing the sacrificing.
I hope we can figure something out, not only for the connected and the people who will receive services, but also those of us who live next to the park, grow our vegetables there, and pay our property taxes for our still safe streets.
The next MSCC meeting is scheduled for August 15 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Parkside Middle School. Learn more at
Carla Gericke lives in West Manchester. She is the Republican candidate for the House of Representatives in Ward 11.
A friend recently shared the following public post, in which she lamented how “society” treats you differently depending on certain factors. Here was my response…
May I suggest that there is no “how society perceives X” but only how YOU perceive X in relation to YOU.
Hear me out: I was half-watching a YouTube and heard this guru say, “There are no irritating ppl.” I threw down my dish towel, well, irritated. I rewound and listened again. “There are no irritating people because irritation is something you do to yourself.”
It was a huge “aha!” moment for me, which is why I am sharing.
I doubt “society” or anyone you are coming into contact is actually thinking about you or your appearance in any meaningful way.
But it is something that is bothering YOU. You are generating these feelings, understandably, and then projecting them externally.
What would happen if you flipped how YOU feel, which I understand is hard but it sounds like you are already doing that. More self-acceptance and self-love, less “other people are making me feel X”?
Idk if my observation is valuable to you but if I’ve irritated you with my response, whose “fault” is that?
When People Claim One Atrocity Prevented Worse Future Ones… Should You Believe Them?
War is awful, and I have been antiwar since I was young after I read Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen.
On Aug. 6, 1945, the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima — becoming the only country to ever use nuclear weapons during wartime.
One commenter said: “Japan never would of surrendered if we did not . Millions more would of died fighting as the war dragged on for months , even years longer.”
I find this type of rationalization troubling.
People who defend atrocious behavior often justify it with “but this worse thing woulda happened in the future if we didn’t.”
How do we know? Are you a time traveler? A soothsayer? Or, are you repeating a line you were fed?
This is the tactic of evil people (using government as collective cover): justifying despicable actions by saying it’s “good because otherwise this worse thing would happen, or more suffering would occur, or, or, or…”
How do I know? You must judge THE ACTION THEY’RE DEFENDING. Like murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent people with an atomic bomb.
A helpful mindfulness trick to apply is the following: If we stopped the “film of life” right now, would this ACTION (a choice to behave in a certain fashion) be good or bad in this very moment? That’s it.
The president has Covid again. The song “Killing me softly” springs to mind.
I am also struck by how we now seem to live in different realities.
[Group A] Natural immunity peeps: Yeah, I had it way back. Like a medium flu, felt fine a few days later. No thanks to vax. No recurring infections bc not immuno-compromised with spike <—Person thinks Group C is being manipulated by evil doers, and the mounting evidence makes it seem that something fishy is going on with ppl getting boosted; relieved about choice to reject[Group B] Vaxxed but refused boosters: Ppl who had some kind of negative reaction personally or of someone they know; rejecting any additional ones <— relieved they stopped, good idea![Group C] Vaxxed and boosted: C19 is so lethal and dangerous, it keeps infecting me! Grateful I have been jabbed bc my symptoms are mild, and otherwise I’d probably be dead bc it must, must be super dangerous if I keep getting reinfected. <—-Person thinks everything Big Gov & Big Pharma is doing is right plan; relieved about choice (? <—are they? Or starting to question?)What Is “un-American” About Secession? (Psst: It’s Literally How America Was Made)
In response to Chris Sununu saying: “They wanted to secede from the United States of America, completely un-American. They don’t believe in democracy.”
Leaving aside the fact that Sununu is trying to divert attention away from his cover-up of a blatantly illegal political election campaign contribution, and one must assume there’s still other financial malfeasance that’s going to be coming out given how hard they’re all trying to avoid this audit being finalized… Let’s deal with the facts of his”secession and democracy” quote for people following along:
FOR THE RECORD, CACR 32 was THE MOST DEMOCRATIC BILL ever introduced at the state house bc ALL it did was put the question of independence TO GRANITE STATE VOTERS.
The Establishment lies and lies and lies to suit their needs while suppressing our freedoms & refusing to let our fellow Granite Staters and neighbors decide for themselves if they want to continue under the yoke of DC.
Of course, politicians like Sununu receive benefits from DC, but the average “NONESSENTIAL” voter is only being made poorer–just look at your energy and gas bills!
Also, don’t forget YOUR GOVERNOR CALLED YOU “NONESSENTIAL,” and shut down YOUR business while not furloughing ONE government employee… But, please, continue to trust him why dont’cha!
A Constitutional amendment has an incredibly high bar to pass–again, REAL DEMOCRACY–so it’s interesting to me to see the misinformation being spread.
Then again, a recent USA Survey poll said 53% of registered Republicans in NH support secession NOW, so perhaps that’s why Sununu is so afraid of true representative democracy?
Socialism, not secession, is “un-American,” especially considering this country was, in fact, borne from secession and is A REPUBLIC.
Let’s stick to the FACTS and stop with the lies, please.
SOURCE for Sununu quote:…/