If you listen to people like me back then, where would you be right now?
In New Hampshire.
With a thousands-strong community of like-minded people who believe in self-ownership.
Probably owning some property or saving to buy some soon.
If you switched to Ancestral living like I have, your health would be vastly improved.
If you’d bought $100 worth of Bitcoin on Porcupine Day, February 3, 2016, you would now have more than $8,000.
Maybe you should stop listening to people who tell you you are weak and a victim and that only they can save you, and start listening to the people who embody their principles, who live fulfilled and healthy lives, and who think YOU can be and do whatever YOU set your mind to. Come over to the growth mindset! It’s awesome over here!
From a Facebook post in 2019: A friend asked for more details about my weight loss journey, and since I wrote a long-ish response to her, thought I’d share it here too.
1. Alcohol: I quit drinking in Dec 2017, and for me, that was a big part of the success story, but mostly bc I was drinking a lot of wine daily, and those calories added up… Also, wasn’t making the best food/life decisions when sauced up.
2. Eating out: I don’t eat out much anymore, and when I do, I usually just get a salad with some kind of protein. Not eating out is mostly bc my home cooked meals are better than 99% of local restaurants, and I’ve gotten REALLY fussy about where my food is sourced. So that’s mostly a personal choice, but I know people who can balance the eating out and keto quite successfully, but you have to be willing to be particular when you place your order (and that’s OK).
3. What’s in the house/microwaving: We did a serious PURGE of our pantry when we switched. Threw out/donated anything that is not supposed to cross our lips. This is an important step. Trust me… My parents came to visit, and my dad put some Pringles in the pantry, and for me, it was like having crack in the house and I ended up eating IT ALL, LOL, and then reminding myself that I can’t have stuff like that around… So my pantry has a million types of NUTS instead.
The crux of my journey–everyone’s is different–but mine was about getting unhealthy ADDICTIONS out of my life. Ones I wasn’t even willing to admit to myself were addictions: Sugar, carbs, alcohol, negative/nihilistic people–I’m working on digital minimalism now (less screen time)…
So to answer your question about “a normal life,” you have to ask yourself what is “normal”? Is society’s definition of “normal” what YOU want, or is what society accepts as “OK” really unhealthy/less than optimal/possibly not what you want or need to be your best YOU?
I no longer take my cues from what’s “normal” but rather from: What do **I** want? I want to be healthy long-term and have an excellent quality of living, which means **I** have to WORK AT IT BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE CAN DO IT FOR ME. I want to look my best for my age. I want to EMBODY a life free of as much statism as I can muster, which means eliminating the toxic stuff that is regarded as “normal” in our lives, but that isn’t normal, acceptable, or good for us… Like the Standard American Diet (SAD!) and the entire middle part of a grocery store…
The other major change I made is getting enough sleep–we read in bed and are asleep by 10pm, and up around 5am.
Three books I found inspiring: This Naked Mind; Girl, Wash Your Face; and Bright Line Eating.
I’ll tell you the secret of my success: STICKING TO THE PROGRAM. When I stopped making exceptions, and stopped “negotiating” with myself (which created a lot of cyclical/negative mind-talk) and just DID THE RIGHT THINGS, it became EASY.
THAT’S how you form new and better habits. (I even stopped biting my nails–after 45 years!)
Now, getting to a place where you can do that, isn’t so easy, but those three books will lead you in the right direction. The other thing is once you get your hormones/sugar levels in balance and are eating right, you genuinely don’t get hungry/cravings anymore, and it all gets pretty awesome, easy and ends up simply being how you live and are.
In other words: *YOU* CONTROL HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE AND IT IS A DAILY CHOICE, SO CHOOSE WISELY. Keep me posted and GOOD LUCK! I’m proof positive it works!
If you need a primer to crystallize what promoters of free markets, personal choice, individual liberties, self-ownership, and the dignity of human freedom are up against, I give you the manipulation of search results by Google as Exhibit A. (I did this experiment myself.)
The top image is the prompt Google fills in for you when you start typing the words, “How many people died under c…”. The bottom image shows that you have to type the full sentence with no prompts in order to research how many people died under communism. Clearly, you are being manipulated into thinking capitalism, which has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system, is bad.
Now, further consider, communism and its ugly baby sister, socialism, have killed magnitudes greater amounts by HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS than capitalism has, and then ask yourself… Who benefits if these facts are distorted and/or memory-holed?
Control Freaks, statists, socialists, and communists benefit. Big corporations, who collude with Big Gov, of course, also benefit. Everyone needs to use the internet in a lockdown, eh?
Who loses? We do. Ordinary, good, decent, hardworking folk. The ones who pay our bills. Who try to save a little. Who maintain our health. We are being squeezed between the mob of “useful idiots” and the oligarchy.
The issue of self-ownership is not a left/right issue. It is “us” against “forceful global powers that want to control every aspect of your life” issue. They claim this control will benefit us all in the name of “safety” but they are lying to you. They are manipulating you. They are gaslighting you. They are abusing you.
Now, you may end up “feeling safe” for a little while, but you will not be safe. You will be a slave. A cog in the system. You will no longer be free, and what is the point of living if not the joyous, somewhat dangerous pursuit of happiness?
None of us get out alive, so we may as well enjoy the ride!
Liberty, freedom, consent, mutual cooperation and voluntary exchange are being presented to you as bad things, but we all know deep within our core this is untrue. Nothing is more rewarding than being the steward of your own life, and this right is being exterminated.
If we lose our inalienable right to body autonomy and the right to say NO to forced medical interventions based on our own consciences, we will not regain these rights without much suffering. I don’t want more suffering, I want less.
More freedom = less suffering.
THIS is the battle. Standing together NOW and saying, NO MORE! Please, please, please, join the fight! Say NO to any more government mandates, vaccine passports, or lockdowns. If you are told you must get the bio-injection, file for medical or religious exceptions. If you are rejected, force your employer to fire you. Then sue.
Together, we CAN reverse this terrible trend. Maybe not everywhere, but definitely, 100% we can, and WILL, stay free in the Free State of New Hampshire! Who is with me!?!
I was reminded out on a trail today that Nature is about decay and rebirth, but that it’s never too late to start down a new path!
Four years ago, at the age of 46, I was overweight, exhausted, and unwell.
I decided to reclaim my health, and I did! [Read more.]
Today, my gut biome is greatly healed, I’ve lost and kept off more than 50 lbs following an Ancestral low-carb lifestyle, I restarted my yoga and meditation practice, and I feel in balance with the world!
If you need inspiration, have questions, or want to learn more about The Art of Independence, follow me on social [INSTA, TWITTER, FACEBOOK] and find fresh content here at
This 79.6% “YES” to independence is from an online poll hosted by New Hampshire’s largest newspaper, the Union Leader on 9/15/21. Although entirely unscientific, it shows that Granite Staters appear to be fed up with the feds!
If the idea of independence is shocking or upsetting to you, remember, ideas need to be explored and then discarded or embraced. Nothing about NH independence is written in stone, and Granite Staters will have plenty of opportunities to weigh in on the process, starting with a bill that has been introduced this session to amend the NH Constitution to allow NH to peacefully leave.
The language submitted asks that a bill be filed to ask the legislature whether the following language should be placed on the ballot for the people to vote on:
“[Art.] 7-a. [Independent Nation.] New Hampshire peaceably declares
independence from the United States and immediately proceeds as a
sovereign nation. All other references to the United States in this
constitution, state statutes, and regulations are nullified.”
The way I think about the issue is as follows: The federal government is no longer constrained by the US Constitution. They steal our money and break their promises. Right now, the Biden administration is trying to force unconstitutional health mandates on us, thereby denying us our most basic inalienable rights to self-ownership, body autonomy, and following our own consciences.
The federal government routinely oversteps its Constitutional bounds, regardless of which party is in power, and nothing we the people try to do to reform it, helps. The debt is unsustainable. The promised benefits are entirely unfunded and run into trillions upon trillions of dollars. The country is broke. The value of the dollar has been reduced almost 100% since 1913. Inflation is running rampant, and is likely to get worse.
Face it, New Hampshire: we are in an abusive relationship with the federal government. What do we recommend people do when they are in an abusive relationship?
Think about it as a divorce. It can be amicable. If not, or if the feds say, as people sometimes do, that “the issue has been decided and you can’t leave,” ask yourself, do abusers get to tell the abused they are not allowed to get divorced? Of course not!
So, follow along on this journey with me! Nothing will happen without the consent of the majority, but instead of a knee-jerk “NO WAY,” consider…
YOU and your family would be richer
YOU and your family would be healthier
YOU and your family would have better schools
YOU and your family would have a greater say in your nation’s future… And much, much more!
Yes, you have questions! So do I. That’s why I’m starting this conversation!
Read another take at Liberty Block.
Yesterday, about 500 Granite Staters gathered at the State House in Concord to protest Biden’s federal mandate of vaccines for unfavored classes of people (companies with more than 100 employees). Of course, Congress is EXEMPT from the vaccine mandate, and also from the mask mandate. Some are more equal, what what.
The NH legacy news weighed in, mostly focusing on the moment where people loudly expressed their frustration with Sununu, leadership, and a failure to take more definitive steps to curtail Biden’s overreach.
Read their coverage, but take it with a grain of salt since they seem incapable of discerning between “anti-mandate” and “anti-vax.”
My comment on a social media fight:
Brian Miller can I ask you why THIS virus, THIS time, is supposed to change the way society has worked forever? Before, people did not have this notion that *I* somehow have **an obligation** to KEEP YOU SAFE WHEN YOU LEAVE YOUR HOUSE. If you are concerned about contracting this virus (but not somehow terrified of the myriad of other communicable diseases out there–why?!?–legacy news and propaganda, but that’s another conversation), please take every precaution you deem necessary, including self-quarantining. Never before have we expected the healthy to sacrifice their lives and livelihoods for the sake of “society.” This notion is on its face socialism and unacceptable in a free society. If we sacrifice the idea of “MY BODY MY CHOICE” to “my body YOUR/government’s choice,” WE NO LONGER LIVE IN A FREE SOCIETY. Either we own ourselves and have agency and autonomy over our bodies, or, well, the dark days are truly here… If we concede this point, there will never be an end to it. The government, and its boot, will own you forever… I will resist this as long as I breathe and will continue to fight to keep us ALL free.
This week, we look at the devastating property re-evaluations that will result in property tax hikes under Joyce Craig (vote for Victoria Sullivan in the primary on 9/21!). Tammy analyzes actual hospitalization rates in NH and finds–huge surprise!–they’re nowhere near full, they’re not even at 20%. Also: watch this episode to see the best joke Carla has told on air!
Sneaky Back Door Vaccine “Opt Out” Registry Hearing Postponed After Overwhelming Public Outcry
Check out the real-time video below, and here are some first hand accounts from health freedom activists who attended.
“There is power in numbers, and we saw that in Concord today!
The NH DHHS had scheduled a hearing for public comments regarding proposed changes to the [vaccine] registry.
They didn’t expect us to show up like we did, you guys. We filled every seat in the auditorium and there was an overflow of people in the hallways.
They told us that the room was “at capacity” and that no one else would be allowed in. There were individuals standing in the room, and they were told they would need to leave. There were two officers present.
They tried to bargain with us and said that they would hold a second meeting another day for those who couldn’t come inside this afternoon.
People took off work, people got childcare, people drove 30, 60, 90 minutes to show up for this. We weren’t going to just leave those people in the hallway, or tell them to come back. We demanded a bigger room so that all in attendance could be included! We demanded public access for all!
We chanted, we sang, we pledged allegiance to the flag. We were not going anywhere and we were not backing down. We would not submit or comply. We’ve seen where that gets us, haven’t we? Enough is enough. The people in the hallway began to file in and fill the room.
And what happened next? The meeting was canceled! Was it a waste of time? No, not at all. Without the public hearing, they cannot vote on the proposed changes. This buys us more time.
They said they will be rescheduling, and it will be held in a bigger venue next time – as requested! We all need to show up (and bring a friend) when that date and time is announced! Stay tuned.
Everybody who was there today, thank you and well done. I am so proud to stand with all of you. Let’s show up again, and make our voices heard! #PowertothePeople”
HERE is coverage from legacy news.