This week, we discuss how people are trained to appeal to authority, how you can change and take command of your life, the upcoming sold out PorcFest XVIII, and more!
Have you ever stopped to wonder where the “free stuff” the government “gives you” comes from? Do you know what inflation is? Hint: it’s an invisible tax on YOU. When the prices on everything rise this year because of the $6 TRILLION in new printing, on top of the unsustainable trillions in America’s national debt, not to mention (because no one does anymore) the unfunded pension and social security liabilities that are coming up, please remember the people, LIBERTARIANS, who have warned and warned you. If you are not hedging against a dollar collapse with metals and crypto, START! If you don’t live in NH yet, MOVE. It’s going to get worse before it gets better, and there’s no safer space for visionaries and thought leaders who actually understand the issues and have the solutions than right here, right now. Come be legendary! #LiveFreeAndThrive
Basically, this is a curried minced beef dish with apple and dates topped with an egg custard. You are welcome.
Preheat the oven to 350F. Heat lard in cast iron skillet over medium heat. Sautee onions and garlic, add and brown the ground beef breaking into small crumbles. Remove some of the grease, if necessary. Add the apple and dates. Stir. Add the spices and cook until meat is cooked and dish is fragrant. Remove from the heat. Cover in loose tinfoil and place in oven. Cook for 30 minutes at 350F. A few minutes before the dish is ready, mix the cream and 5 eggs, season with salt and pepper, and beat until frothy. Remove meat from oven, pour over the eggs, add the bay leaves, and return to oven. Bake for 7-10 minutes, until the egg custard on top is cooked through. I serve this with toasted coconut flakes, Mrs. Balls chutney, and sometimes, if I'm cheating, sliced fresh bananas with mayo/yogurt mix with parsley. Traditionally, bobotie is also served with "borrie rys" which is turmeric infused rice. I find it doesn't need the carbs to be a freedomnomnom bomb!Paleo Bobotie with Apple and Dates
I’m working hard at “just shipping it,” as Seth Godin suggests. So, even when I could tinker to make something better, I don’t, I just “ship it,” because I promised myself I would. This leads to me I producing more stuff, and this FEELS GREAT!
There are some steps between feeling great and shipping it, though. Mostly me yelling at the computer about things I am struggling with, like learning how to use waaaaaaaaay too sophisticated video editing software, or trying to synch video captions, or designing an opening slide, or adding A SUBSCRIPTION BUTTON (finally!).
Video production is a skill that I still need to learn and everything takes waaaaaaaaay longer than it should. Since I value my time, I find this frustrating, but then I remind myself, the state of flow comes from routine and passion combined. Patience, my pretty. And, while I’m s-l-o-w-l-y learning new frustrating things, I am also s-l-o-w-l-y building out an actual video production studio at home, and I’m getting to play around in my keto kitchen, and I’m growing. How cool is that?!?
Other things I learned this week, related to filming and editing a cooking show at home:
1. Don’t multitask! Making two recipes at once, while functional when you have 20 guests coming for dinner is grand, but it makes editing for one recipe a nightmare!
2. Pause between situations if you plan to edit later.
3. Consider going back to one camera and one take?
Do you have a passion project you’re dying to launch? What’s holding you back? How do you spend your time now? If you could change one thing to help yourself kick off this project, what would it be? What if I told you, maybe focussing on your health is where you should start…
I mention health, because good health is the gift of natural stamina, and this is what you need in order to complete the things YOU want to do! I would not have been able to successfully add these personal projects to my plate a couple of years ago. I would not have stuck to the timeline, gotten discouraged, and given up.
Now, I know better. I know, for me:
1. It is crucial to stick to a production schedule. JUST SHIP IT! (Even when it is not perfect!)
2. I had to develop this skill and teach myself that routines for my personal projects matter just as much as my professional obligations (if not more).
3. This means prioritizing myself, and saying “no” to other things because producing my creative projects matters to me, and that’s enough!
4. And, thanks to the lifestyle changes I have made, I have the stamina and energy to push through and make the things I want to make happen, happen.
Learn how I became a healthier me by making slow and steady changes. If I can do it, so can YOU!
Attended the Hillsborough County Republicans big fundraising dinner last night. Delighted to run into my friend and mayoral candidate, Victoria Sullivan. You can read about the event, and Vice President Pence’s speech here. Watch a recent Manch Talk episode with Manchester’s next mayor, Victoria Sullivan here.
When the time comes, I hope y’all remember the people like me who were RIGHT about the lab origin of the virus and the inefficacy of masks, whose refusal to wear one was PERFECTLY REASONABLE, who REFUSED TO BE SILENCED even when receiving death threats and being shadow-banned, and who have the SOLUTIONS to the insanity of your government’s overreach. (Psst, it starts with you acknowledging the government and its unchecked lackeys are your abusers, not saviors!)
I’m also heartened that these disclosures came from Freedom of Information requests, which is the federal equivalent of RSA 91-A, New Hampshire’s Right-to-Know laws. It is through forcing the government to reveal their secrets to us that we will prevail. You cannot hold a secret government operating without checks and balances accountable if you don’t know what they are up to… BUT I know this, they’re never up to anything other than lining their own pockets. Expect the expected: corruption, immorality, greed, name calling, oppressive, and abusive behavior. While telling you the exact opposite! Like… gaslighting!
Ask yourself, who benefits from calling you a victim and oppressed?
I hate leveling up. Ok, that’s incorrect. I love leveling up, I just hate the process of getting there. That mofo *journey,* man.
I realized today when I taught myself for the first time how to use the YT creator suite to edit a video, write and correctly time subtitles, and put in a card at the end THAT INVITES YOU TO SUBSCRIBE, that I understand pattern recognition well enough, that, if I can’t see it the first time, I get frustrated AF. Then I realized I should cut myself some slack, and allow myself more than one try to identify a *pattern.* LOL
I set out to create a quick clip from the most recent episode of Manch Talk with Tammy Simmons. I’m hopeful I can grow my audience in order to help get the word out about this best kept secret that is the Free State of New Hampshire! (Turn on the captions, and let ‘er rip! Let me know what you think, and PLEASE, subscribe. It’s a click away!)
If you’re serious about life in NH, you should 100% be following me on social! I co-host a weekly local cable access show, ManchTalk, I have a new weekly cooking show called #Freedomnomnom (check out years of posts using that tag), I’m president emeritus of the Free State Project, won a landmark 1A case, am the author of The Ecstatic Pessimist, I blog regularly on my website The Art of Independence, and I’m creating solid content that I hope will help you learn more about living in liberty in NH.
I’m starting a Free Stater specific show in the Fall, where I will interview Free Staters about their passions and learn their stories. In order to get some backing, I need to build up my social media audiences, which are shockingly pitiful, tbh. I hope y’all will help me. Click the SUBSCRIBE button on this video (with captions)!
The Art of Independence:
Thank you!
Imagine if the CDC and the legacy media had spent the past year actually trying to make people well. A friend responded with, “There’s never any profit in a ‘Cure’ only the treatments.
My response: “My supplement and farm stall expenses belie that statement! ? Actually, in a truly the free market, this problem wouldn’t exist because the best solutions would be able to rise to the top. Instead, we have cronyism between the legacy media and Big Pharma. I don’t watch those junk channels anymore, but if I catch them when traveling, I’m amazed at the pharma ads touting all kinds of crap.
You can heal many, many ailments by:
1. changing your diet (high good fats, medium protein, low carb and eliminating processed food),
2. being mindful about your choices, and
3. sticking to a routine that keeps you on track.
Sadly, people have been conditioned to think there’s an “easy fix” instead of understanding the journey of keeping your corpus healthy IS PART OF LIVING RIGHT.”