Team Conspiracy Theorists! Check this out: Last week, NIH quietly redefined “gain of function” replacing this term with “enhanced potential pandemic pathogen” or “ePPP”–you know, the sound you make when you’ve been caught out in a big lie but are unwilling to admit it.
For you still coming over to the Informed Consent side of things, let me remind you… we have seen Big Brother do this before. Yes! You guessed it, during the fabricated-WMD Iraq War when they rebranded “torture” as “enhanced interrogation techniques,” which includes authorization from the U.S. Justice department to put human beings in boxes with insects–for realz!
ICYMI: “Gain of Function” is when mad scientists take a virus and make it more lethal. In 2012, Fauci said that even though this is a very dangerous practice, the “benefits outweigh the risks.” I don’t know about you, but I disagree. I don’t think ushering in global communism under the guise of “safety” is worth it.
You can read more about the Fauci Cover-Up here. Fauci also apparently funded horrific experiments on dogs.
For those that don’t know – this is how the @NIH defined “gain-of-function” on their website until at least October 19th, 2021. Just 3 days ago.
— Jeremy Redfern (@JeremyRedfernFL) October 22, 2021
It looks like this section was deleted, and the page was edited, within the last 2-3 days. @R_H_Ebright @RandPaul
If you disregard the fact that I briefly had a podcast called Told You So, I don’t generally like to gloat. No, actually, when I am right… I do enjoy a little victory jive.
And I’m right again: Yesterday, the NIH admitted they DID indeed fund Gain-of-Function research at Wuhan. At some stage, it will become undeniable that this was a lab-leak, and when it does, I want to remind you that in 2012, Fauci said, “the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks,” and he recently again denied in sworn testimony before Congress, after being given an opportunity by Rand Paul to retract his previous lie, that he/NIH had funded Gain-of-Function research.
So far, me and my ilk on the “conspiracy theory” side of things are batting strong. Perhaps if you start to think of what we do as “investigative reporting,” instead of just listening to the people spoon-feeding you one-sided propaganda, you too will start to see the bigger picture.
Which is: Basically, a mad scientist’s latest batty experiment (haha) escaped the lab and spread around the world. Instead of coming clean, he lied, and continues to lie while raking in millions of dollars for pushing the vaccines, while people around the globe have suffered massive intrusions into our freedoms and natural rights.
It’s difficult to discern the truth because our Overlords are lying and censoring information, but this week, I ran across the following:
A tiktok vid of a pharmacist quitting bc “I’ve seen people dying here from this [jab]”;
A CA middle school nurse who quit bc 3 boys collapsed on the playground with heart issues;
A resignation letter by a 20 year emergency room doctor who says her concerns about incoming patients with vaccine harm are being ignored;
OSHA has instructed employers to NOT record any vax adverse effects for the next 6 months;
Japan, Nordic countries, and parts of EU have halted use of vax for children;
And this [see pic] out of the UK where they have recently started vaxing kids…
For some high risk groups, perhaps this injection makes sense, but I believe it is a crime against humanity to give children who bear no statistical risk of dying from Covid this experimental treatment for which NO LONG TERM STUDIES IN HUMANS EXIST…
Ep. 3 Three F-Words: Pfizer, Fauci, and Fasting (The Carla Gericke Show 10/20/21)
This week, I get into the corporatism we are seeing with regard to Pfizer and the legacy news, whether it rises to the level of fascism yet, and how fasting can make you feel great and when you are working to enhance your health, who cares about medical tyranny?!? (I do!)
TCGS Iterations and Improvements:
- I designed a brief intro on Canva, using photos I designed with Prima, set to some background musak. I like the intro design enough that I will work to improve upon it, but I don’t like the music and will need to figure out something new there going forward.
- A volunteer came to help me improve the quality of my Facebook Livestream. Something went wrong. The audio was totally awful, as one comment asked: “Are you speaking from inside a hurricane???” I’m not sure what went wrong, but here are a few takeaways: a. Still do your own ghetto recording in portrait that everyone complains about because… it’s better than nothing!
b. Several of you are watching and rooting me on, so THANK YOU! and c. We are all still learning, things will go wrong, and that’s OK. Next time will be better! Hopefully!
- The same volunteer–thank you, Chris Silk!–mentioned how not great Joe Rogan’s original podcasts were. It is important to remember, we all start somewhere! Onwards and upwards!
- I posted this on Facebook when I shared Ep. 3: “This makes me happy for many reasons, but mostly because everything in this frame looks like the “picture in my head”–including me! When I was young, I was… a… handful. If you think I have a lot of bubbly energy now that I’m approaching 50, imagine tweeny-Carla. Yeah. I don’t recall who it was, but I was definitely shut down often enough as a child with remarks like: “Pipe down! What? Do you think you’re starring in The Carla Gericke Show?” Well, yes, Dream Crusher, f-you, I damn-well *AM*. And YOU, my friend, are playing the starring role in YOUR LIFE! Make it what you want it. It’s literally up to YOU. Many hours went into reclaiming my health and retooling my life to take the leap to finally start this show. Candidly, TCGS is still very much an amateur train-wreck waiting to become something FANTABULOUS, but here is what I do know: You can’t get from here to there if you don’t know where you are going, and once you do, you still need all the baby steps in-between. Big goals are only accomplished by breaking them down into smaller chunks and then doing the work. Whether it is dropping that first or last pound, or going an extra hour on a fast, or deciding surely someone, somewhere wants to hear libertarian lifestyle news from an African-American immigrant refugee seeking political asylum in the Free State of New Hampshire–/surely/–you need to relish all the small wins along the way that lead YOU to YOUR Big Picture. Identify ONE goal that YOU want to accomplish before the end of the year. What is ONE step you can take TODAY to put you on the path to getting there? What are two more you can do this week or before the end of the month? Whether you want to be more present with the people you love, or maybe you want to tackle a home-keep project, whatever it is, find something YOU KNOW you will be happier for having accomplished, and then… DO IT! It really is as simple as one step at a time… After all, my book The Ecstatic Pessimist was written one word at a time! Feel free to share a goal you are working on in the comments below… And, saying you want to be a future guest on The Carla Gericke Show is 100% totes allowed!”
Why is New Hampshire Becoming a Sanctuary for Liberty? In short, it’s because of people like today’s guest and the rest of her team at the Free State Project!
Carla Gericke returns to the program outlining the recent wins the FSP has experience, plus we discuss Carla’s brand new program, “The Carla Gericke Show”.