This week, I am joined by Brian Chicoine, who is running for NH State Representative in Ward 11, which is part of Senate District 20 where I am running. Brian tells us more about his background and why he is running for office. Also, I won my primary! Now I need YOUR support on Nov. 3rd. Let’s Live Free and Thrive!
I won! Thank you to all my supporters and the organizations that endorsed me! Since I didn’t see my primary opponent, Jack Kenny, do anything, I was surprised at how close it was there for a hot second, but, in the end, I won 52% to 48%. Thanks to everyone who voted for me, stood at the polls for me, offered lawn sign placements, and more. Let’s do this!
Now on to the general against 11-term Lou D’Allesandro (82), who is the only Senator rated a “Constitutional Threat” by the NHLA. It’s time for new leadership!
Read more about my positions at Manchester Ink Link.
Sadly, as is the case in 2018, my signs are being stolen from private properties across District 20 (Goffstown and Manchester Wards 3, 4, 10 and 11).
I’m planning to win, regardless of the jerks who don’t play by the rules–you know, the people who cheat for their own gain. For shame!
You can’t keep a good woman down, so look forward to seeing YOU tomorrow at the polls!
Together, we can #LiveFreeAndThrive! Learn more:
Small businesses like yours have been unnecessarily negatively affected over the past 6 months. Let’s put ourselves back in charge!
My name is CARLA GERICKE and I am running for State Senate against Democrat Lou D’Allesandro (83), who has now served 11-terms in the NH Senate, meaning he has spent the past 22 years reducing your liberties and increasing your taxes.
It’s time for a fresh start!
Together, let’s restore the NH Advantage and return to our “open for business” roots. With YOUR support, I can win. Lou is the past. I am the future. Why wait?
- In 2016, as a relatively unknown Republican, I received 40% in Goffstown and Manchester (3, 4, 10, 11).
- In 2018, I ran as a Republican/Libertarian fusion candidate and got 42%, going UP two points even though District 20 swung 12-15% left in the “Blue Wave.”
- In 2020, I CAN crush my opponent but YOU have to PICK me, CARLA GERICKE.

Learn more about CARLA GERICKE:
- Check out my 25+ years of mad, mad skills as a Fortune 500 lawyer and successful nonprofit executive
- Learn more about my background as an author, activist, and attorney
- I blog regularly at The Art of Independence where I write about my interests, including Ancestral living (keto/mindfulness), cooking, food freedom, self-empowerment, liberty issues, and the “good life”
- Watch “Why Me in Under Three (Mins)”
- Read this short essay to understand why I’m Your Gal…
Hit the reply button with a “Hell Yes!” (OK, a simple “yes” will do, too :P) if you would like your name to appear on the forthcoming “Small Business Owners for Carla Gericke” page on my website.
Interested in supporting my candidacy? DONATE today and together, let’s Live Free and Thrive!
You can reach me at 603.865.7140 or with any questions and concerns.
I, CARLA GERICKE, ask for your vote as the Republican candidate on September 8th in the primary, and again on November 3rd.
Let’s end 2020 on a positive note… with CARLA GERICKE in the Senate! Thanks for your time!
Small businesses like yours have been unnecessarily negatively affected over the past 6 months. Let’s put ourselves back in charge!
My name is CARLA GERICKE and I am running for State Senate against Democrat Lou D’Allesandro (83), who has now served 11-terms in the NH Senate, meaning he has spent the past 22 years reducing your liberties and increasing your taxes. It’s time for a fresh start!
Together, let’s restore the NH Advantage and return to our “open for business” roots. With YOUR support, I can win. Lou is the past. I am the future. Why wait?
- In 2016, as a relatively unknown Republican, I received 40% in Goffstown and Manchester (3, 4, 10, 11).
- In 2018, I ran as a Republican/Libertarian fusion candidate and got 42%, going UP two points even though District 20 swung 12-15% left in the “Blue Wave.”
- In 2020, I CAN crush my opponent but YOU have to PICK me, CARLA GERICKE.

Learn more about CARLA GERICKE:
- Check out my 25+ years of mad, mad skills as a Fortune 500 lawyer and successful nonprofit executive
- Learn more about my background as an author, activist, and attorney
- I blog regularly at The Art of Independence where I write about my interests, including Ancestral living (keto/mindfulness), cooking, food freedom, self-empowerment, liberty issues, and the “good life”
- Watch “Why Me in Under Three (Mins)”
- Read this short essay to understand why I’m Your Gal…
Hit the reply button with a “Hell Yes!” (OK, a simple “yes” will do, too :P) if you would like your name to appear on the forthcoming “Small Business Owners for Carla Gericke” page on my website.
Interested in supporting my candidacy? DONATE today and together, let’s Live Free and Thrive!
You can reach me at 603.865.7140 or with any questions and concerns.
I, CARLA GERICKE, ask for your vote as the Republican candidate on September 8th in the primary, and again on November 3rd.
Let’s end 2020 on a positive note… with CARLA GERICKE in the Senate! Thanks for your time!
EDITOR’S NOTE: This post originally appeared on my old Carla4NHSenate website in October 2018. It has since been updated to include awesome new stuff like publishing my first book! 🙂
I finished high school when I was 16 years old, and law school when I was 21. My first “job” was when I was eight-ish, when my sister, our best friend, and I would go–with our parents’ permission–to a neighborhood grocery store in Pretoria, and offer to push customers’ shopping carts and unload their bags into their cars for tips. We spent our “mad money” on Fantas and chips. In high school, I worked as a waitress at Giovanni’s Pizza, and in college, my summer jobs entailed making fibre glass bar stools by hand (ouch!) and working as an intake registrar/cashier at a local college.
Daughter of a South African diplomat, I’ve lived on 4 continents and remain an avid traveler, having visited 40 countries (and counting!). I won a green card in the Diversity Visa Lottery in 1994 and became a U.S. citizen in 2000.
I’m a writer, foodie, cook, gardener, photographer, amateur painter, hiker, Scrabble player, and documentary film buff. I practice yoga and shooting. I own a home in West Manchester with Louis Calitz, my husband since 1994, where we live with our new puppy, Obi.
I blog regularly here at Carla Gericke: The Art of Independence.
You can read more about the activism I have done to keep all Granite Staters free on Wikipedia.
On Manchester Public TV, I host The Carla Gericke Show and co-host Manch Talk TV. In the past, I co-hosted the Told You So and Free State Live podcasts, both currently on hiatus. I have appeared on C-SPAN, BBC, CNN, been quoted in the New York Times, The Economist and more, and have been a guest on a variety of news shows and podcasts.
I’m passionate about voluntary interactions, individual liberty, and am proud to call New Hampshire my chosen home. I believe all human interactions should be based on consent. My life philosophy is: Live free and thrive!
Copied below is my professional resume, which highlights my 25+ years of real-world experience and skills.
Carla Gericke
497 Hooksett Rd No.134, Manchester, NH, 03104
home: 603.865.7140 | email:
- Former attorney with 20+ years legal and executive non-profit experience
- Charismatic and visionary leader with strong community support
- Self-starter who excels at successfully completing projects
- Excellent interpersonal, written, and public speaking skills
- Strategic/creative/independent thinker: Law degree and M.F.A. in Creative Writing
- Named one of NH Magazine’s 2014 “Remarkable Women”
Candidate for NH House of Representatives (2022)
- Running as the Republican candidate in Ward 11, Manchester (Hillsborough 22).
Civic Leader (2008+) and Candidate for NH State Senate (2016, 2018, 2020)
- Won landmark 1st Amendment case affirming right to film police encounters and eliminating the claim of qualified immunity; Gericke vs. Begin is widely cited and positively affects the rights of 13 million residents of the First Circuit
- Strong, independent voice on liberty issues, including internet freedom/censorship, government accountability/transparency/overreach/privacy, and health freedom
- Ran as the Republican candidate for NH State Senate in District 20 three times, going from 39-45%. Due to redistricting, I am now running for NH House in Ward 11 of Manchester (Hillsborough 22).
President, Free State Project (March 2011 – March 2016, volunteer since 2008)
- Managed operations: budgeting, fundraising, board and media relations, online/social media
- Drafted strategic plan with measurable outcomes and improved reporting and tracking systems
- Grew two major annual events (+50% over 3 years) and recruited iconic speakers like Edward Snowden
- Managed geographically dispersed team of 20+ volunteers and independent contractors
- Sought-after speaker at national and international conferences, podcasts, radio and television
- Quoted in The Economist, Wall Street Journal, New York Magazine, New York Times, Playboy, GQ, and elsewhere, appeared on CNN and WMUR
- Devised marketing campaigns to promote NH as an appealing destination for liberty activists
- Met organization’s overall mission of recruiting 20,000 participants 2 years ahead of schedule
- Organized the Porcupine Freedom Festival x3 times (2009, 2010, 2020)
Acting Executive Director, New Hampshire Writers’ Project at SNHU (March 2008 – Oct 2013: Acting Executive Director; 2013, Program Director 2010-2012; Program Manager 2008-2010)
- Managed daily operations including events planning and Writers’ Day, budgeting, grant writing, fundraising, and staff
- Liaised with NHWP members, board, other NH non-profit arts organizations and businesses
- Taught writing workshops and judged local writing contests
- Managed media relations, online presence, website, and social media
- Implemented CRM system to track progress and measure successes
Adjunct, City College of New York (Fall 2007)
- Taught Freshman Composition while completing M.F.A. in Creative Writing
Writing Lab Tutor, 826NYC (Dec 2004 – Sept 2006)
- Provided intensive one-on-one tutoring and mentoring to at-risk children ages 6-18
- Edited “Nine Novels by Younger Americans” with author and 826NYC founder Dave Eggers
Management Consultant, eFormation Africa (Sept 2002 – May 2003)
- Provided consulting services to South African educational non-profit
Sabbatical (December 2001– 2002)
- Backpacked with husband on $15 daily budget through India, Asia, and Southern Africa
In-House Counsel, Scient Corporation (1999 – 2001)
- Provided legal support to sales and marketing teams
- Drafted, evaluated, negotiated and executed contracts, including IP licensing
- Worked with Finance on risk management, including revenue recognition and pricing
- Implemented company-wide best practices procedures and standardized forms
- Managed paralegal and worked with team of 4 lawyers
- Lead attorney on $30M Japanese subsidiary management buyout
In-House Counsel, Logitech Inc. (1998 – 2000)
- Provided legal support to sales, marketing, and development teams
- Drafted, evaluated, negotiated and executed contracts with private and public sector
Paralegal, Borland (1997 –1998)
- Recruited by Associate General Counsel at Apple Inc. to Borland based on performance
- General contract support: NDAs, Sales/Purchasing, Sub-Contracts, Consulting, Licensing, Independent Contractor, Master and Distribution Agreements
- Corporate/SEC compliance and due diligence
Paralegal, Apple Inc. (1996 – 1997)
- Worked as paralegal while taking the California Bar Exam, passed first attempt
- Provided legal support and contract management assistance to sales/support teams
- Worked on due diligence of NeXT acquisition
Stegmanns Attorneys (1994 – 1996)
- Attorney licensed to practice in Supreme Court of South Africa
- General practice with focus on Legal Aid pro-bono work serving the underprivileged
Anti-Apartheid Activist (1989-1994)
- While completing law degree, involved in various anti-apartheid activities, including producing underground Zine called The Third “I” and writing for and acting in a banned play called Die Klein Krul Swart Haartjie
- Attended Nelson Mandela’s public inauguration at the Union Buildings in 1994
- Free State Project, President Emeritus (2011+)
- Foundation for New Hampshire Independence (President 2016-2021, now Board Member)
- Right-to-Know NH, Secretary (2017-2020) now At-Large (2020+)
- “The Ecstatic Pessimist: Stories of Hope (Mostly),” a collection of award-winning short stories, essays, and opinion pieces now available in paperback and Kindle (2020)
- “Ghost of a Dream” in Lumina (Spring 2009)
- Translation of acclaimed South African author Eben Venter’s short story “Gabriel” (Winter 2008)
- “The Ecstatic Pessimist” short story in Bonne Route No.19 (anthology, Winter 2007)
- “Father Let Me Walk With Thee” in Ep;phany (Fall 2007)
- “The Vitiation of John White Junior” at Lew Rockwell (Spring 2007)
- “Duck, Duck, Goose” at Word Riot (Winter 2007)
- “When We Talk About Words” in Dog Days (anthology, 2006), reprinted in Promethean (Fall 2007). Winner of $1,000 award for Best Student Fiction
- “The Silent House of Noble” in Inkwell (Fall 2006)
- “Blue Inked” at Rumble (Fall 2005)
- “Double Happiness” in HerStory (anthology, Fall 2005)
- “Perfect Timing” in Better Non Sequitur (anthology, Fall 2005)
- “Holding Down a Dream” at Underground Voices (Winter 2005)
- “The Devil in Her Eyes” at Pindeldyboz (Fall 2004)
- “Victor/Victorious” in Wild Strawberries (Summer 2004)
- Editor and contributor at Shire Liberty News
- Editor and contributor at
- Founding editor and contributor to The Free Stater magazine
- Essays and blogs at various online outlets
- The City College of New York, Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, 2008
- University of Pretoria, South Africa, Baccalaureus Procurationis, 1993 (J.D. equivalent)
- Pretoria High School for Girls, South Africa, 1988 (Form Prefect, Squash Captain)
This week, we discuss the extremely low infection rate in NH (under 0.002%), the difference between absentee ballots (request yours today) and mail-in balloting, the upcoming elections, and more!