Vote for CARLA GERICKE in Manchester on November 5th (Wards 1, 3, 10, 11, 12).
Guess this is as good a way as any to announce I am running for office again!
Per the Manchester Republican Committee’s direct orders from Brian Cole, working in cahoots with the NHGOP and Chris Ager, instead of running for Senate in District 20, where Lou d’Allensandro has finally retired after more than 50 years in office, and where I have spent countless hours of time and treasure since 2016 building my name recognition and vote tally, reaching within 5 points in 2020, I am running in District 40 (Manchester Wards 1, 3, 10, 11, 12).
Yeah, I know. You tell me.
You tell me why the Establishment would be so threatened by an independent-minded candidate who promises this one thing: To always put New Hampshire first.
I am excited about this race. I will talk about the issues you most care about: crime, the economy, education, inflation, endless wars, and chronic disease. Most of these issues are exacerbated by the federal government, and I believe the solutions for Granite Staters lie in more localism, more helping our own neighbors–not people in foreign countries before our own veterans, say–more independence from the corrupt and bankrupt federal government.
But, to be candid, I’m not interested in running a typical political campaign. I want to have fun, and life is short, so I am going to approach this race more as an art project, or I suppose, I am simply going to reflect my life, and leave it up to you to decide whether I am a decent human being who should have a shot at writing laws to govern over you.
Lemme be clear: I don’t really want that responsibility. I believe we are writing way too many laws, and by doing so, we are making the world worse, not better. Why? Because every time you codify something, you are encouraging loopholes. Meaning every time you try to plug a hole, you create a whole new host of problems. I believe whatever government comes up with as a solution is usually worse than what we would get it we allowed a true free market to flourish.
I lead a high-energy, holistic life, so at all times, I am trying to put my best foot forward. Politics is pretty much the opposite of that. So, in order for me to participate in a System I so fundamentally disapprove of (and really want no part of, but I acknowledge it is one helluva cudgel in the fight for liberty), I need to do it on my own terms.
So… politics as an art project is where I have landed.
Hence, the launching of the “I LOVE NH” series, which I’ll be sharing frequently on my social media platforms (see my Insta scroll at the bottom of this site). I am using photos I have taken across the great Granite State over the 16+ years I have lived here (plus a few taken of me doing Important Stuff as An Important Person). Here are a few examples:

The Free State of New Hampshire, despite national Democrats attempts to marginalize, is still in business for the First in the Nation Primary next week. With Vivek dropping out and Nikki destroying an entire forest in paid-for junk mailers, and of course, Trump and DeSantis, no one seems to know what is about to happen. Join Tammy and Carla for their takes on what’s coming up on Tuesday!
In what Democrats are calling a “stunning upset,” for the first time in 34 years, Manchester has a Republican Mayor, Jay Ruias, AND a majority on the Board of Mayor and Alderman. This is fantastic news, a backlash against the Democrats disastrous mismanagement of New Hampshire’s largest city, where we have seen rising crime and homelessness for years under former mayor and now gubernatorial candidate, Joyce Craig.
Our new mayor, Jay Ruias, has his work cut out for him because of Democrats mismanagement over many years. But, he will have support on the BOMA for the first time in more than 3 decades, giving limited-government types a massive opportunity to introduce market-driven solutions to problems.

Congrats to Norm Vincent in Ward 11, and all the other Republicans who won in their wards. Thank you to AFP-NH and all the other grassroots organizations who helped make this success happen. Let’s make sure we maximize on this opportunity, and show Granite State voters that smaller government that lets you keep more of your money to spend as you see fit, is the best way to govern.
My heartfelt and sincere thanks to the 8,675 voters of Goffstown and Manchester (Wards 3, 4, 10 and 11) for their support yesterday.
Running against a now 10 term incumbent was always going to be an uphill slog. I didn’t win, but I ran a clean campaign and stuck to my principles. I am proud of my 40% showing, and will continue to spread the message of individual liberty to Granite Staters.
To my donors and volunteers, thank you! I couldn’t have done it without you. From signwaves to lit drops to providing moral support, having you by my side made it all worthwhile.
The future for liberty in New Hampshire looks bright. Many liberty friends and colleagues did win. The Libertarian Party received 4% of the vote, allowing it to automatically qualify for ballot access next time.
For the first time in too long, we have a Republican governor at the helm. I encourage the party to embrace its platform and institute policies that support "free people, free markets and free enterprise".
Congratulations to all who won in the name of liberty! A special shout out to state representative John Burt, who provided guidance and good cheer to me throughout my campaign. Keep up the tremendous work you do!
In conclusion, I leave you with T.S. Eliot (Little Gidding):
"For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning."
A letter to the editor from a supporter in yesterday’s Sunday Union Leader.
"There are local races where your vote that still matter. Carla Gericke is running for state Senate in District 20 (Manchester 3, 4, 10, 11 and Goffstown). She is a fresh, rational, analytical voice who supports limited, constitutional government, unlike her nine term, 78-year-old opponent who votes to grow government to the detriment of taxpayers and to the benefit of special interests…
… Edmund Burke said: ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’ Other candidates pay lip service to ‘fighting for your rights,’ but none of them have the track record Carla possesses. Carla is a good woman. Put Carla Gericke in the Senate."