We discuss the results of City elections, and the good news of a new incoming Republican Mayor.
Manch Talk
If We Don’t Defend Our Neighbors from DC’s War Machine, Who Will Defend Us? (Manch Talk 10/18/23)
We discuss recent developments regarding Defend the Guard (HB 229), which came out of committee with 10:10 tie, and now on to a floor fight. We cover progress on Right-to-Know and open government issues, and laud Laurie Ortolano for her work on the issue. If you want to attend the upcoming Nackey Loeb First Amendment Award, where Laurie will be honored, get your annual fundraiser tix HERE. We also talk about the looming World War 3, war criminals, and government (but I repeat myself).
Tammy does a deep dive into the history of the decision to stop trash services to 1,500 buildings in Manchester. In today’s Union Leader, “City aldermen postpone plan to end trash pickup at multi-family properties.”
Is the Term “Vagrant” Offensive Now? Who Gets to Decide What Words Are OK? (Manch Talk 09/20/23)
This week we discuss the importance of calling things by their proper names. We cover yesterday’s City elections, with our pick, Jay Ruias, coming in first for mayor, followed by Kevin Cavanaugh, the union pick, who, as a sitting alderman is responsible for the past 8 years of decline in Manchester. Only fools would put Cavanaugh in the Mayor’s office.
Turns Out Free Staters Were Right About Gunstock, and More! (Manch Talk 09/13/23)
This week we cover the AG’s cease-and-desist letter pertaining to illegal electioneering done by Gunstock’s management team. We also discuss our picks for next week’s Manchester Primary elections, and more!
Giving Homeless People Fines Is… Government At Its Finest (i.e. Not Fine) (Manch Talk 08/02/23)
This week we do a deep dive on the proposed amendments to city ordinances to help deal with the homeless problem. We delve into the role of technology as a tool of possible enslavement or enlightenment. Finally, a quick shout out to RTKNH’s Laurie Ortolano for getting attorney’s fees assigned in her Nashua Right-to-Know case!