My Living Experiment
Day 25 of My Living Xperiment: an experiment inside and experiment! AKA #Freedomnomnom
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) January 25, 2025
Have YOU bought your tickets for Porcupine Day IX yet? Use code PRE30 for Porcupine Real Estate’s limited time 30% off. Yes, my broker is making cheaper for you, but remember, if you can afford it, this is a fundraiser for the Free State Project, so be generous if you can!
Day 23 of My Living Xperiment: Do YOU have your Porcupine Day tix yet?
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) January 23, 2025
Enter PRE30 for 30% off. Limited time offer!
Day 21 of My Living Xperiment: Ross Ulbricht will soon walk free, thanks, in part, to the crypto-libertarian Free Stater community in New Hampshire.
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) January 21, 2025
Day 21 of My Living Xperiment: Ross Ulbricht will soon walk free, thanks, in part, to the crypto-libertarian Free Stater community in New Hampshire.
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) January 21, 2025
Day 20 of My Living Xperiment: What's up with winters in New Hampshire?
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) January 20, 2025
Still warmer than Mars!
A bit of a cheat day for me, but I showed a $1,200,000 horse farm right before this, and was beat. Also, Ian Underwood of the Bardo crew and Croydon school showdown (see this NBC docuseries), is always worth listening to. You don’t have to agree with every word someone says; you do need to consider things for yourself. Restore common sense!
Day 19 of My Living Xperiment with @BareMinimumBks author Ian Underwood talking about the "Pay-and-Pray" model of school funding in NH
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) January 19, 2025
Day 18 of My Living Xperiment: What's up with Right-to-Know bills in the @FreeStateNH?
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) January 18, 2025
Day 17 of My Living Xperiment: 420 stream of consciousness wrap!
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) January 17, 2025
An Appeal to President Trump to Free Crypto Political Prisoners: Ian Freeman, Ross Ulbricht, and Roger Ver
Join me now for Day 16 of My Living Xperiment: Press Conference for crypto political prisoners Ian Freeman, Ross Ulbricht, and Roger Ver.
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) January 16, 2025
My full speech:
Ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you for gathering here today. I stand before you to discuss the grave injustices of three crypto-pioneers: Ian Freeman, Ross Ulbricht, and Roger Ver.
Their cases exemplify how the state can deploy false narratives—the “Big Lie”—to tarnish reputations and suppress dissent.
These cases also highlight systemic problems in the federal justice system such as overcharging, over-sentencing, inconsistent enforcement, legal uncertainty, and the stifling of innovation—these LAWFARE tactics undermine the very principles upon which this great nation was founded.
Let’s talk briefly about the power of the Big Lie
Throughout history, we’ve witnessed the state’s use of falsehoods to manipulate public perception. Consider the unfounded claims of weapons of mass destruction that led to the Iraq War, resulting in immense loss, death, destruction, and geopolitical instability.
More recently, we saw the dismissal by the media of the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the initial branding of the highly plausible COVID-19 lab leak theory as a “conspiracy”–showing how easily and quickly narratives can be constructed, dare I say MANUFACTURED, to serve particular agendas.
For example, in Ian Freeman’s case, the state dropped a press release right after his conviction labeling him a “fraudster” even though he was not convicted of this charge. This is purposeful, manufactured misinformation which the media then dutifully spreads simply because the government told you to…
Everyone knows Ian Freeman is a dedicated advocate for individual and financial freedom. Calling him a “fraudster” is a deliberate character assassination aimed to delegitimize his decades long efforts to promote individual empowerment, including financial freedom through crypto-currencies.
The state’s actions against him, and Ross and Roger, reflect a broader strategy to stifle innovation and maintain control over all financial technologies.
Here’s the reality: If they can control your money, they can control you.
Now luckily, President Trump has already promised to pardon Ross Ulbricht, but he too was subject to the Big Lie…
Ross, we all know by now, was “Dread Pirate Roberts,” the creator of Silk Road. Back when he was arrested in 2011, they immediately accused him of heinous crimes, including murder-for-hire—charges that were never substantiated or formally brought. Yet, these unproven allegations were instrumental in securing a double life sentence without parole, just like the “lonely hearts testimony” in Ian’s case was used to garner an 8 year sentence–unheard of for the charges he was convicted for!
Overcharging in order to blackmail defendants into taking a plea deal destroys lives but it also sets a dangerous precedent and creates a silencing effect for future activists. That, of course, is the point.
Take Roger Ver’s case…
Roger, who, com’on, is so clean cut and nice he is known as “Bitcoin Jesus,” has faced relentless legal challenges and was labeled a “tax evader” years after he renounced his US citizenship but just two weeks after he published his book Hijacking Bitcoin, which exposes state corruption and interference in the Bitcoin market. The timing of his persecution is not an accident. They want to silence “Bitcoin Jesus.” Guess he must be onto something!?
We all know overcharging and over-sentencing are totalitarian tools of suppression, but the dirty tactics don’t stop there–Did you know that the IRS raided Ver’s tax lawyers’ offices? No more “attorney-client privilege” for some defendants??? This is the type of thing you’d hear happening in a Communist country…
In all three cases, the DOJ overcharging the defendants, together with each’s manufactured Big Lie, resulted in ultimate over-sentencing, which is how the state punished defendants for daring to take the case to trial rather than pleading out.
Talk about crazy sentences: Ian Freeman got 8 years for “conspiracy to money launder,” Ross Ulbricht received two life sentences without the chance of parole for building a website, and Roger Ver is facing more than a hundred years if convicted.
Again, this reveals a disturbing pattern:
The State lies, then piles on excessive charges and seeks disproportionately harsh penalties. They do this to intimidate and silence the people challenging their unConstitutional actions.
Remember what they did to Aaron Schwartz, who created RSS feeds and co-founded Reddit? They overcharged him so much, he was facing 35 years, that, at the age of 26, he committed suicide, 12 years ago this month.
This tactic of overcharging in order to over-sentence in order to force defendants to take a plea, not only destroys individual lives it also serves as a chilling effect on others, as a warning not to challenge the status quo.
And, this lawfare gets even worse when you consider the inconsistent enforcement we see… the DOJ isn’t hauling the CEO of eBay in for questioning or putting the head of TD Bank in Super Max, instead, the state targets popular “outside the box” thinkers, individuals whose messages of peace and prosperity resonate with large audiences… those of us who recognize the state’s corruption and core rottenness, and call it out…
How can you accuse Ian Freeman of “conspiracy to commit money laundering” for running a BTC kiosk/atm, but no bank managers are being similarly accused and harassed? This type of selective enforcement is just another corrupt lawfare tactic that erodes public trust and undermines the rule of law.
And, on top of that, the actions of the DOJ is killing innovation in the crypto space because…
The lack of clear regulatory guidelines creates an impossible environment for innovation…. Legal uncertainty deters entrepreneurs from pursuing innovative ventures and by targeting people like Ian, Ross, and Roger, the state is stifling innovation across the entire crypto industry—a practice that runs counter to the American spirit of entrepreneurship and progress.
America was built on the ideals of freedom and innovation, and suppressing these qualities threatens the very foundation of our society. (That’s why NH should secede from the federal government and forge our own future–but that’s a different press conference!)
Mr. President, I stand here today to call for clemency
You have personally experienced the weaponization of the legal system—lawfare—used to undermine and discredit.
The parallels between your experiences and those of Ian Freeman, Ross Ulbricht and Roger Ver are striking. Each has faced disproportionate legal actions fueled by political motivations rather than genuine justice.
In light of these injustices, I urge you to exercise your presidential pardon power to rectify these wrongs.
You have already promised to pardon Ross Ulbricht, and I know Free Staters and libertarians across the world are watching very closely to see that you keep your word. I know you will.
In addition, granting presidential clemency and pardoning Free Stater Ian Freeman, and “Bitcoin Jesus,” Roger Ver would not only restore their lives and return them to their communities, but it would also send a resounding message to those in our government who misuse their power to persecute thought leaders, innovators, and dissenters.
In conclusion
The cases of Ian Freeman, Ross Ulbricht, and Roger Ver are not isolated incidents but part of a broader pattern where the state employs false narratives, overcharging, over-sentencing, inconsistent enforcement, and legal uncertainty to suppress anyone who challenges its authority.
All three these men have stated how cryptocurrencies can help end wars and restore peace and prosperity to the world.
Who wants to stop this from happening? Those who get rich from wars, from printing and lending money, those who, in the end, choose to prosecute the brave heroes who stand against such exploitative practices.
We here today stand for truth, justice, transparency, free speech, innovation and the principles upon which our nation was founded.
President Trump, please do the right thing and pardon all three these crypto-pioneers: Ian Freeman, Ross Ulbricht and Roger Ver on Day One.
To sign the petition for Ian Freeman, please go to FREEIANNOW.ORG.
Thank you for your time.