We discuss the results of City elections, and the good news of a new incoming Republican Mayor.
Carla from Porcupine Real Estate and Brittany of Ledgeview Commercial take a closer look at a few of the properties in our investment newsletter this week, including a turnkey multi-family property in Manchester and a 76 acre campground with lots of options for short-term rentals. Sign up for the list to see all our investment property picks HERE NOW.
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Carla from Porcupine Real Estate and Brittany of Ledgeview Commercial take a closer look at a few of the properties in our investment newsletter this week, including a multi-family property in low-tax Croydon and a potential short-term rental that is off-grid on 5 acres. Sign up for the list to see all our investment property picks HERE.
In 2020, I gave a talk on the main stage at Anarchapulco in Mexico. I didn’t know the video came out until I was looking for this essay, and randomly ran across it (the talk is based on the essay). I don’t typically like re-watching my talks, but I knuckled down and watched it yesterday, and something remarkable transpired… I didn’t hate it. I didn’t cringe. I didn’t get a minor panic attack, especially at the part at the start where my slides weren’t working correctly. I watched my talk and thought, Good job.
Me thinking ‘Good job’ about anything related to public speaking is… massive progress! This is only possible because, for the past five years, I have chosen to stick to the incremental improvements I’ve introduced into my life, while slowly adding more.
When you take care of yourself, through lifestyle changes like nourishing yourself with whole foods cooked in high good fats, getting enough sleep, hydrating, and socializing with people who fill your cup, you feel better… and when you feel better… you do better!
What are you working on in your life to make those small changes that add up? Are you journaling regularly? Are you making sure you’re drinking plenty–and I mean PLENTY–of water? Are you aware when you’re doom scrolling on your phone, and can you put it down?
As I say in the talk… how you spend your time equals you life. Spend it wisely!
Brittany Ping of Ledgeview Commercial and I take a closer look at a few of the properties in our investment newsletter this week, including a multi-family property in Laconia and a potential short-term rental that was once a lumberjack boarding house and can sleep 16 people. Sign up for the list to see all our investment property picks HERE.
If We Don’t Defend Our Neighbors from DC’s War Machine, Who Will Defend Us? (Manch Talk 10/18/23)
We discuss recent developments regarding Defend the Guard (HB 229), which came out of committee with 10:10 tie, and now on to a floor fight. We cover progress on Right-to-Know and open government issues, and laud Laurie Ortolano for her work on the issue. If you want to attend the upcoming Nackey Loeb First Amendment Award, where Laurie will be honored, get your annual fundraiser tix HERE. We also talk about the looming World War 3, war criminals, and government (but I repeat myself).
Carla from Porcupine Real Estate and Brittany of Ledgeview Commercial take a closer look at a few of the properties in our investment newsletter this week, including a multi-family property in Hanover that is perfect for renting to Dartmouth students and faculty and a potential short-term rental that was once a train depot for the Boston to Maine train line and provides lots of unique opportunities. Sign up for the list to see all our investment property picks here.