Tom Woods and Carla Gericke catch up on goings-on in the Free State. They discuss the recent attempt by a real-life Karen to disqualify from election candidates running for office because she didn’t like the bill they introduced (CACR 32), states’ rights and National Divorce, Carla’s race for House of Representatives [DONATE NOW!], and more!
Kidding, not kidding! Did you know years ago, I was arrested, handcuffed to a pole for hours, physically threatened behind the Weare PD station by three burly cops, charged with felony wiretapping carrying a 7-year sentence, all for filming cops during a late night traffic stop? I fought them all the way to the First Circuit and prevailed in a landmark First Amendment suit that equally and positively affects the rights of ALL thirteen MILLION people of the First Circuit. Police also no longer have the claim of qualified immunity in filming cops cases, meaning they can be held personally liable as well because it is super egregious to take your camera or footage. You can read the decision, Carla Gericke vs. Begin et al, HERE.
This week, we open with a voicemail some idiot left Carla. Not for sensitive listeners! We also discuss woke churches, and the lies politicians and their cronies tell.
Remember, the primary is in 2 weeks on Tuesday, September 13. VOTE for Michael Yakubovich!
Ep. 30 The Carla Gericke Show Wraps Up Recent Developments in the Free State
This episode is pretty great! I was being trailed by NBC Boston, who had their cameras set up in my studio too, and they asked if I could do a quick wrap up of recent developments in the Free State, and this is what they got. They were pretty impressed that I was able to do this entire episode on the fly. I explained it’s my super-power… if you’re never as prepared as you should be, you learn to be good on your feet! Enjoy!
Ep. 29 The Carla Gericke Show Deep Dives on the Mark Stebbin Center Controversy
Controversial backroom deal to declare a public park with a robust community garden “surplus” in order to sell this green space to a private developer without telling the people living in the neighborhood? Say it isn’t so! This week, I discuss my recent op-ed in the Union Leader regarding the unethical mess happening at Parkside Park. Get involved!
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Next meeting: 8/16 5-7PM at Parkside Middle. YOUR voice counts if YOU show up!