This week we again end up discussing the virus, the role of masks, how YOU can make certain lifestyle choices, including reducing your social media and TV news time, to improve your own overall health, and more!
Last Thursday, after my bedtime (by which I mean, after 8:30PM, when I stop functioning well because I get up at the crack of dawn), I joined the Libertarian Party of Massachusetts on their new show, Libertarian Nuts and Bolts with Lauren Cahillane.
Take a gander on their Facebook page (my segment starts around 35m) if you want to learn more about my theory of what sort of “planet” New Hampshire would resemble in a sci-fi movie–hint: it’s the cool spot where everyone goes to trade, have their ship fixed, meet business partners on neutral ground, and stock up on stuff, i.e. a FREE MARKET PLACE, and why I think we should always “Keep NH Open for Business,” no matter what everyone around us is doing, and always put New Hampshire First! (Which means Granite Staters are free to live their lives without intrusion by government into our homes, our health choices, and how we conduct our businesses.)
This week we lean into some ideas for police reform,and we discuss the Mayor’s tie-breaking vote to deny lower income neighborhoods pool time this summer while still allowing her own children to swim in the private North End pools. That’s not how germs work, amirite?