The government’s paid shill, NHPR, manages to conflate all. the. things. incorrectly. here. [Go figure.]
Some initial thoughts on the targeting by the Deep State of #bitcoin and #crypto activists in the Free State:
The SEC’s case against LBRY and the FBI’s case against Keene Bitcoin ATM operators have nothing to do with each other, other than the undeniable fact that Big Gov is now shamelessly targeting peaceful political dissidents who are participants of the Free State Project, where I serve on the board. You can read more about how you can #HelpLBRYSaveCrypto HERE.
Free Staters subscribe to the ethical stance of the “nonaggression principle,” applied equally to all human interactions (i.e. “the government” doesn’t get a free pass to bully you against your will). Free Staters are determined to lead the way to a better future by dismantling corrupt and immoral crony structures through entrepreneurial human action.
We have a big PR battle ahead of us, and it is going to be all hands on deck to make sure our friends and neighbors in the Free State understand the following:
In NH, just as numerous states have nullified cannabis laws over the past decade, crypto transactions are exempt from federal money transmitters laws. See:…/new-hampshire-exempts…/
In NH, based on my current understanding of past similar situations, either the local NH law enforcement was not authorized to act with federal agents, or the entire case must be done in NH courts. (See:…/federal-immigration-officials…)
Bitcoin and other crypto currencies were designed in part to hedge against inflation caused by flagrant monetary expansion. If you don’t understand this sentence, you cannot be a juror on these cases. Jury nullification, thanks to past work by free staters, is alive and well in NH.
LBRY’s Odysee is a censor-proof platform. This must terrify our actively censoring Big (Bad) Bros and provides an unseemly motivation for their actions.
Ian Freeman and I don’t always see eye-to-eye but he is a peaceful man, and it is an insult to say he is a “danger to the community.” I’m glad to hear the bail refusal will be appealed. Side note: When did “innocent until proven guilty” go away? How can it be lawful to add things like “no alcohol” or “no phones” to bail conditions? We have so much stuff to fix, grr!
In order for these cases to have any legs, you’d need to apply the same “logic” to other institutions. Has a US bank or Paypal or Facebook never been used for a “romance scam” before? How is it the responsibility of the ATM operator to manage that? Doesn’t every US dollar note have traces of cocaine of it? Can we lock the Fed Gov up for that?
Clearly, this targeted federal government overreach is directed against leaders in the crypto industry because #crypto offers the most significant option to peacefully replace the most corrupt structures in the world in favor of decentralized power… in the hands of the people, for realz!
And it starts with what happens with these cases in the Free State of NH. Stay tuned…