I have been remiss in my #freedomnomnom postings, as some friends recently reminded me!
This isn’t because I’m not cooking, but rather, because I am in the process of kicking my real estate career into gear, and frankly, I’m a bit overwhelmed.
Add winter to the mix, starting the year with the cooties, and you’ve got a recipe for potential backsliding…
It’s true, I did, for a hot second, stop doing some of the good habits I’ve adopted, and then I remembered what I’ve learned over the past few years, which is: leverage your good base habits, NO BACKSLIDING!
Good habits are actions so deeply ingrained, they make your life better automatically.
Which means, knowing and reminding yourself you MUST TAKE TIME to:
- Get into Nature daily
- Hydrate
- Nourish with whole foods cooked from scratch (I regard this as “medicine”, which is why I cook)
- Meditate/journal/reflect
- Exercise & lift heavy things
- Play!
A growth mindset is vital to success in life. But perfectionists–or maybe it’s just me?–struggle when they’re not great at something from the onset.
But here’s the reality: you can’t get better if you don’t try.
Every small failure is a step on the path of greater achievements, but you’ve got to keep trucking!
I only learned to cook in my late 20s. As a high school student, I actually got banned from my Home Ec class for burning my brownies so badly the class had to be evacuated.
I decided cooking was not a skill a future professional like me needed to know. I took pride in only being able to subsist on Marmite toast and popcorn during law school. (And two packs a day.)
Both my parents were decent cooks, but I learned to cook from a Dotcom era “chef box” delivered twice a week to my doorstep in San Francisco.
“Flaky halibut with lemon sauce and crisp asparagus.” The magic was in the box: Self-contained meals with easy instructions on the proper cooking techniques.
Someone recently told me most 20-somethings don’t know how to cook.
Is this true?
If YOU don’t know how to cook, do you want to learn to make food like this?
Are there steps you can start to take so long? Have you checked out my “Freedomnomnom” Playlist on YouTube?

Much like I resisted learning to cook when I was younger, I’ve resisted focusing on my cooking beyond trying to inspire you through my own actions.
But if there’s interest and demand for more, let me know in the comments and maybe, maaaaybe we can get a cooking class… cooking?!?!