Today’s Obi’s birthday! Since it’s May the 4th, I thought, as a lark, I would try to generate some cute AI art. Well, lemme tell you, methinks our Robot Overlords are a ways off.
I know I should be more patient, but FFS, you can clearly see the hobbling of the hive mind when interacting with ChatGPT and DALLE.
Every time I use it, I walk away frustrated. Either it can’t do something because of copyright worries and IP bullshit, or PC-ness, or some other nonsense that makes these tools almost… dumb.
HOW, as fucking humanity, are we turning potentially endlessly useful tools DUMBER bc of bureaucratic red tape? Grr. What junk!
As I was working, I started to *feel* how addictive this tool can be. Getting sucked into tweaking the inputs, but also wondering why it is getting the answers so wrong…
Then I started to wonder… IS IT GETTING IT WRONG ON PURPOSE? Is it designed this way? Is it supposed to feel like a slot machine? Keep putting in the “imagination quarters,” spin the wheel, let’s see what comes out!
Because of all the addiction-reversal work I have done, I am very aware when something captures my attention in a way that tees up *those feelings*. I’m definitely going to keep an eye on this, and if you are a frequent AI user, you probably should too.
I’m fascinated by who is behind the AIs. Imagine all the human intelligence being gathered based on what people are asking questions about. Knowing what people are most curious about seems like valuable information to me.
But knowing how to steal people’s attention? Now THAT’s the most valuable asset of all… Because a distracted mind is a controllable mind.
What is showing up in your feeds? Who controls your mind? Where are you focusing your attention? Hopefully, this weekend, you are focusing some of your human action on something positive in the Free State!
Here’s some of the stuff going on:
There are several park clean ups in Manchester (see We Heart West or Friends of Piscataquog River Park) and the Merrimack Valley Porcupines is at the Q starting at 11:30AM with lunch provided to meeting attendees by AFP-NH. I believe there’s a debate tonight at the Prickle, and probably a bunch of other things.
If you see this post and want people to know about what you are up to, add a comment below. Also, you can always consult the FSP calendar to see what Free Staters and liberty lovers are doing across the state.