What’s my secret?
I take care of myself like I’m really important to myself!
This means I choose to:
* Nourish myself with whole foods, locally sourced and cooked by me in good fats (avo, ghee, bacon fat, olive oil, NO SEED OILS).
* No alcohol, which is a neurotoxin.
* Prioritize sleep.
* Daily exercise, including at least 4 walks in the woods per week (forest bathing has many known health benefits).
* Stop giving toxic people and cycles attention.
* Volunteer for things you love!
I’m 52.5 (yes, fifty-two-and-a-half, like I’m seven!) and it took me until I was 45 to decide I needed to put myself and my health FIRST. All else follows from that…
Oh, and COLD SHOWERS!!! I end all my showers with a blast of cold while I say the Lord’s Prayer. <—this happened on accident… it is one of the few things I know by heart, and I have kept the ritual going.
The cold gives you a long-lasting dopamine hit that is said to have anti-aging benefits.
The prayer reminds me to be grateful and forgive on a daily basis. Usually, I’m just forgiving myself for taking a bloody cold shower! lol

I’ve never done Botox, but have many friends that do. In the end, I think aging gracefully is a mindset…
You have to accept it is going to happen, that there is nothing you can do about it beyond taking care of yourself naturally [or artificially (like, literally, pick your poisons lol)]…
It’s an internally driven choice, which starts with deciding that external forces have no sway in how you are going to think about aging.
I accept the things I cannot change, and I’m not willing to do poisonous fake shit so that society “judges me less” <—is that even a real thing or is it just a mind control trick?
Here’s the truth, though… being healthy takes habitual work, and many people just want the plastic version because they THINK it’s easier. But the reality is: fake shit doesn’t make your MIND healthy, and a healthy mind = healthy body = healthy you.