Man, I’m exhausted! This has been an insane time here in the Free State!
GroktoberFest kicked off with a bang! This celebration of independent media in New Hampshire featured several Free State speakers who also write for Granite Grok, like Ian Underwood, author of the Bare Minimum Books series. The Free State Project had a table, manned by the Honorable Mark Warden and I. Mark stayed on to the end, and I departed early for a 45-minute drive to go welcome new movers at their move-in party. It is always rewarding to meet the pioneers making the life-changing choice to come build the freest place on earth with us. This growing family moved from Maine because they understand the value proposition of concentrating freedom lovers together in one state, where we CAN and ARE making a difference. NH consistently ranks as the freest state and has some of the best quality of living in the world.

Political season is heating up and the candidates are vying for attention. There are nonstop meet ‘n greets, breakfasts, town halls, dinners, and more. I met Marjorie Taylor Greene at the Federation of Republican Women Breakfast and heard her speak again the same evening at the Grafton County Republican Lincoln Reagan Dinner in Thornton. She mentioned National Divorce in her evening speech, and panned Biden for the insane and unsustainable amounts of money being wasted on foreign wars while not securing the Southern border. Here I am with Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Sabourin dit Choinière, Chairman of the NH Independence PAC.

I also recently attended a Health Freedom rally with Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo and presidential candidate, Ron De Santis. The focus of this event was Health Freedom, which, if you followed my activism during Covidmania, you know is a topic near and dear to my non-jabbed heart. Free Stater and House Majority Leader Jason Osborne gave the opening remarks, welcoming Ladapo to the stage. Sadly, I had to leave early to go record Manch Talk, but I was impressed by Ladapo’s statements.

I had so many Halloween engagements this year, I ran out of costumes! (I’m filing that under “good problems” and can’t wait to augment my coffers.) There was a party at The Shell. We HEART West hosted a neighborhood Trunk or Treat at St. Mary’s Bank on the West Side. Tons of parents and kids came! Constance Spencer, the lead organizer of PorcFest 2024 (get your tix TODAY) threw a spooktacular neighborhood party on Halloween with scores of kiddoes and grownups with great costumes stopping by for candy and to compliment her excellently scary decorations. And… after all this, Bardo’s annual Zombie Apocalypse is still coming up this weekend.