Day 67 Take Two because I apparently missed Day 65. Cut me some slack, it’s been a rough time this past few weeks!
With all this nonsense chatter about “left” and “right” libertarianism, and who is “winning” and who is the “correct side,” or more “based” (an entirely meaningless, made up word designed to prime your ego; clever), may I remind you, libertarianism is a political philosophy that TRANSCENDS the culture wars (individuals’ personal preferences).
Anyone who is selling you on one side of libertarianism over the other is an agent of state (whether they know it or not), because “left wing” and “right wing” are wings of the same bird: Statism.
I welcome all Free Staters who want to CREATE A SOCIETY based on INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS (not collectivized “based rights”, i.e. “bullshit that makes me feel good”<–propaganda) to join me in New Hampshire:
Libertarianism: A political philosophy prioritizing individual liberty, advocating minimal state interference in personal and economic life, based on self-ownership, free markets, and the non-aggression principle.
Non-Aggression Principle (NAP): A foundational tenet of libertarianism stating that initiating force, fraud, or coercion against another person or their property is inherently unjust, except in [immediate] self-defense or to protect one’s own rights. It permits voluntary interactions but prohibits aggression as a means of achieving social, political, or economic ends.