Watch this VIDEO to see “the farm that freedom built. Where the pigs are fat and the libertarians are happy.”
This video is five years old and, as I said on Facebook when I re-shared it recently:
Wow! This is actually extremely p.a.i.n.f.u.l for me to watch from a “Holy hell, I was not well, AKA ‘what the fatty fat???'” perspective, but the principles of liberty and freedom I express are still spot on.
The reality is: If you don’t like something about yourself, CHANGE. It is UP TO YOU. No one else can do it for you. Only YOU are responsible for your health and wellbeing. (That realization is Step #1.)
I was unhealthy and anxious, and several years ago, I decided to do something about it. I changed my diet (ancestral/keto/low carb), quit alcohol, reintroduced my yoga practice, made sleeping a priority, started fasting, and through meditation and mindful journaling, learned how to evolve past an unmoored childhood to become someone *I* like and respect. I wanted to return to the person I was: healthy, sporty, ambitious, effective, and happy (with a little “wild and beautiful” thrown in for good measure!). So I did.
You can read about my journey here, but watch this clip to learn more about what Free Staters are trying to accomplish in NH. Our message is even more important NOW–as medical tyranny arises around us–than it was 5 years ago!
Join thousands of libertarians in New Hampshire: Where liberty lives! Learn more at the Free State Project. #LiveFreeAndThrive