If ya’ll are “good cops,” trying to “put your best foot forward,” why HAS NO ONE LEAKED THE LAURIE’S LIST? Why do you always testify AGAINST ANY REFORM measures? Y’all …
Crypto, cops, and Covid… And… of course, PorcFest XVIII!
Now coaches who refuse to force exercising children to wear masks are losing their jobs?!? This, and more!
Learn more about steps YOU can take to improve your general health and wellbeing. It starts with the DECISION THAT ONLY YOU CAN MAKE. That decision, choice, is TO CHANGE.
Free State Crypto Entrepreneurs are Political Dissidents Being Targeted by Corrupt Federal Agencies
Learn more about the recent government overreach against peaceful dissidents in the crypto space…
What do you call it when a mayor is getting special tax treatment in the same city that is ARRESTING people for asking questions about property tax abatements?