Given the government’s COVID-reaction, our rights are at risk. Before law enforcement knocks on your door, wouldn’t you like to know who to trust?
People should be considerate, not be jerks, and do everything reasonably necessary to mitigate risks, but it should not be ILLEGAL to go about your life. Free people move freely.
While COVID-19 concerns run rampant, the world is hunkering down – but could there be a few silver linings around this cloud of bad news?
Freedom comes from the inside! Join us this week as we discuss self-actualization and self-determination, property rights, dog parks, and, of course, the gorgeous Spring weather!
LISTEN NOW… We’re back! Join your hosts for an exploration of the education landscape in New Hampshire – and look out every Sunday for a new episode of Told You…
This week, we discuss the two firetruck’s that crashed that is going to cost the City millions, the difference in how us regular folks are treated by the government as…