One day, unbeknownst to us, the police detonated smoke bombs in our school to simulate a terror attack. We girls truly believed we were under fire. I was eleven or …
When contemplating how I would like to “reward” myself after the race, I ran down a litany of “naughty food,” (poison) and realized, burger? nope, pizza? nope, cupcake? nope, mac …
Police have gotten more and more involved in people’s everyday lives – whether it’s tackling high schoolers for vaping or taking on the mantle of Halloween Commissar, stories about police …
I was not one of the 9 out of 37 people elected to the Manchester School Charter Commission, but THANK YOU to everyone who voted for me!
Watch this week’s episode to learn more about the violence being condoned in your schools.
BREAKING NEWS: School Charter Commission Legal Dramas for Nov 5th Manchester Ballot (It’s on again!)
Tomorrow, at the polls, you were supposed to receive two ballots, one for general city stuff like voting for Victoria Sullivan for Mayor, and a special ballot for the 9-person…