Last week was super busy, and I’m playing catch up on informing you about my race. First, and most awesomely, my billboard on South Willow went up! 😀 Last Wednesday,…
The following op-ed appeared on Manchester Ink Link: Did you know there will be two Constitutional amendments on the Nov. 6th ballot? Since political TV ads are spilling over from…
I was invited by School Choice for NH to share my views on school choice. Every child is a unique individual and “one size” does not fit all when it…
The following op-ed appeared as part of "Granite State Debates" in the print version of today’s Union Leader: I am the Republican nominee for state Senate in District 20, running…
May I ask you why? I understand Lou D’Allesandro used to be a Republican, but he switched parties to become a Democrat a long time ago. Lou usually votes Democratic…
BlogElection 2018
Your vote is crucial on Nov. 6, and the choice in District 20 is clear: Carla Gericke
Following is the script for my Manchester TV campaign ad: Greetings Goffstown and Manchester Wards 3, 4, 10 and 11. My name is Carla Gericke, and I want to be…