Are you tired of all this politics, politics, politics? Can’t wait for Election Day on November 6th to be over? Me too! 🙂 In order for me to win against…
Last week was super busy, and I’m playing catch up on informing you about my race. First, and most awesomely, my billboard on South Willow went up! 😀 Last Wednesday,…
The following op-ed appeared on Manchester Ink Link: Did you know there will be two Constitutional amendments on the Nov. 6th ballot? Since political TV ads are spilling over from…
I was invited by School Choice for NH to share my views on school choice. Every child is a unique individual and “one size” does not fit all when it…
The following op-ed appeared as part of "Granite State Debates" in the print version of today’s Union Leader: I am the Republican nominee for state Senate in District 20, running…
May I ask you why? I understand Lou D’Allesandro used to be a Republican, but he switched parties to become a Democrat a long time ago. Lou usually votes Democratic…