A couple of weeks ago, I sat down with a constituent from Ward 11 in my Senate District (20, which is Goffstown, and Manchester Wards 3, 4, 10 & 11).…
Yesterday was a big outreach day for me. The morning started with a Right to Know NH board meeting, where we discussed proposed bills to improve government transparency, and thus…
Especially Republicans, but lots of Independents and Democrats, too. According to this recent BIA study, "optimism among Granite Staters about the NH economy is at an all-time high. More than…
Yesterday, the pictured Letter to the Editor appeared in the Union Leader. I hope to earn YOUR vote on November 6th! "New Hampshire is a unique state. Our representatives are…
On Tuesday, candidates and supporters gathered at Manchester City Hall for our first Town Square: Come hear ye, hear ye! The goal of these recurring monthly events is: "Candidates, bring…
Thrilled to announce I have been endorsed by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, the premiere Granite State organization that works to restore and enhance your freedoms. You can check out…